Chapter 395 - Swear on your life

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 395: Swear on your life

Gu Qing Shan’s mind moved as he softly extracted the blue presence from his body.

Holding the presence in his hand, he felt a sense of indifference and coldness.

No wonder, this is the cold indifference of sword qi isn’t it?

He silently sighed.

As a sword saint, he actually failed to recognize a sword spirit as she stood in front of him.

How humiliating would that be if it was known.

Of course, this wasn’t entirely Gu Qing Shan’s fault.

This was only the first time he has met a humanoid weapon spirit.

——-not to mention she was also a particularly cold and indifferent type of girl.

Gu Qing Shan carefully infused the blue presence with his inner sight.

The presence boiled a bit, as if sensing something.

All of a sudden, a female voice came from the blue presence.

“I can see you”

Gu Qing Shan was glad and spoke: “Please come out to meet us”

“Please wait, I’m currently at the most crucial moment of recovery, I’ll be done soon”

“Very well” Gu Qing Shan answered.

No wonder she didn’t show up, her recovery was at an important point.

Now that I think about it, the three treasures she asked for could indeed help speed up the recovery of a weapon spirit.

That explains everything.

Gu Qing Shan explained what Shannu said to the weapons.

“What! It should be damaged considerably, how did she recover so fast?” the small white bird was surprised.

“She’s a manifestation of the Grand Tie Wei Mountain’s Law, so perhaps the recovery process would also be naturally quicker” the shield commented.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but asked: “How exactly did she get damaged?”

The weapons all shook their heads.

Everyone glanced over at the Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook.

“This is very strange, during that period of time, the entirety of Huang Quan itself was obscured, so I don’t know either” the Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook answered.

Gu Qing Shan silently waited in place together with the group of weapons.

A few moments later.

Some sort of blinding light was exploding in the sky that could be seen even deep down in the muddy water of the Forgetting River.

“Something seems to be happening up there” the Bone-rending Hellspawn Blade felt uneasy.

“Let’s go take a look” Gu Qing Shan spoke.

Bringing the weapons with him, he got out of the water to search for any strange happenings.

At the direction of the Grand Tie Wei Mountain, some unusual occurrences could be seen.

From the Forgetting River, they could see countless shining stars in the sky.

36 clusters of light formed a mystical pattern that connected the light, covering space above the Grand Tie Wei Mountain.

“This is the Huang Quan Great Sealing Formation, they really managed to set it up!” the small white bird exclaimed with joy”

“That’s not so, they got into a stalemate with the 7-colored spear, only now does the stalemate start to become deeper and more intricate” the Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook spoke with worry.

Suddenly, an indifferent female voice came: “They can only trap that 7-colored spear temporarily, once they run out of power, the formation will be broken by the 7-colored spear”

A blinding blue light appeared on top of the Forgetting River.

The light parted away to reveal an ancient palace maid.

Blue silk dress, a slender figure, red lips with a jade-white complexion, sharp eyes and brows with a faint expression of indifference.

The Six Paths Great Mountain Sword’s spirit, Shannu.

The weapons respectfully greeted her: “Greetings to you, Shannu”

The blue-dress girl slightly nodded.

The Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook flew up into the blue-dress girl’s hand.

“I’ll tell you everything that’s happened in the past few days” the khopesh said.

The blue-dress girl took hold of the Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook and closed her eyes.

In a few seconds, the Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook had retold her everything that had happened.

The blue-dress girl looked over at Gu Qing Shan as a small smile appeared on her cold expression.

“After the Demon Lord, you managed to defeat a Soul Devouring Arachna as well, how surprising”

“It’s nothing” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The blue-dress girl curtsied to greet him and continued: “I still have to thank you, your treasures from before allowed me to fully recover”

“I couldn’t imagine that you would be the weapon manifestation of the Grand Tie Wei Mountain” Gu Qing Shan sighed.

“That’s right, I am indeed the Six Paths Great Mountain Sword”

“The reason why I had to find you is because I need your powers to save both Huang Quan and the human realm”

“What!?” all the weapons were shocked.

Despite being very powerful, the Six Paths Great Mountain Sword shouldn’t have the ability to save two worlds.

Otherwise the demons wouldn’t have dared to invade at all in the first place.

The blue-dress girl’s expression became grim and spoke: “I have no such power, all I can do is to stop that 7-colored spear’s attacks. Although it won’t harm me, I would still be knocked away”

“There’s no need to hold it off for too long, according to my plans, we can definitely save Huang Quan”

Gu Qing Shan’s words were full of determination and confidence.

The blue-dress girl frowned a bit.

She couldn’t help but said: “The entirety of Huang Quan, all the Divinities, countless weapons, none of them managed to stop the 7-colored spear”

“To win against the Divinities of Huang Quan, the demons had sacrificed over 100 near-invincible Demon Lords, only to use that spear”

“How are you going to make it pass it to save Huang Quan? If it weren’t for the fact that you’ve helped me as well as killed the Demon Lord, it would be very reasonable for me to assume that you’re only running your mouth right now”

Saying so, her tone had become cold.

Gu Qing Shan smiled.

He explained: “The 7-colored spear is truly terrifying, the demons did nothing wrong throughout the entire war, except until the very end”

“The very end? What do you mean?” the Soul Separating Hook couldn’t help but ask.

“They shouldn’t have put the 7-colored spear on top of the Grand Tie Wei Mountain”

“The demons did that to suppress Huang Quan as a whole, do you not understand that?” the blue-dress girl glanced at him and asked.

She continued: “Having such power residing over Huang Quan, even the Heaven realm wouldn’t dare to send more Divinities down”

“Such force is too much for even the Heaven realm, are you not clear about this?”

Gu Qing Shan continued answering her: “The demons did not do everything right from start to end, they also made mistakes, and I can take advantage of these holes to overturn this entire war”

The blue-dress girl glanced down: “You? Without the Forgetting River, you couldn’t even go against a single Demon Lord”

Gu Qing Shan insisted: “If you’re willing to help me, then we can change the flow of this war, and this will be our only chance!”


“That’s right. Give me a chance, and give yourself a chance, we will change the situation of this world, together”

The blue-dress girl didn’t continue to question him.

She looked up at the flickering lights in the sky.

The lights were beginning to dim.

The 36 Huang Quan weapons were also letting out disconnected screams and cries.

They were starting to lose their grips.

A faint look of sorrow flashed through the blue-dress girl’s eyes.

She lightly waved her hand.

At the bottom of the Forgetting River, the unbreakable greyish white rocks began to part.

A slender, intricate longsword flew out.

This sword was slightly thinner and a bit longer than a normal sword.

The blade of the sword was steel blue, exceedingly sharp, but also brilliantly bright like the flow of an autumn stream, giving off a strange sense of beauty.

The sword cut through the Forgetting River water and rose up to the top, lightly hovering by the blue-dress girl.

She took hold of the sword.

Seeing that, Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

A sword spirit is holding a sword.

Could it be, she can use swords to fight just like a sword cultivator?

While Gu Qing Shan was thinking, the blue-dress girl spoke again.

“I know that you’re a sword cultivator, that’s why I’m afraid that you’re trying to fool me”

“Fool you?”

“Indeed, if I let you use me, if you use some sort of method to bring me out of Huang Quan, then you will have gotten me, but Huang Quan will keep falling to destruction”

The blue-dress girl turned around to face Gu Qing Shan.

She continued: “Please prove your intention. Prove that you really only want to use me because you want to save Huang Quan’

“How do I prove that?”

“Swear on your life. Swear that you will save Huang Quan and turn everything back the way it was, otherwise you will die a dog’s death and even your soul will fall into the deepest abyss of hell, never to receive salvation”

Hearing that, the weapons that have been listening on the side couldn’t help but speak up.

“Shannu, there’s no need to go that far, an oath in Huang Quan is one that will definitely come true” the Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook spoke up first.

“Yeah, he’s already proven his intentions many times before already” the small white bird spoke.

“I feel like Shannu’s worry is justified” the shield commented.

“Without an oath, what would we do in the small chance that the human just takes her and runs away?” a spear added.

“But this oath is too much” the Morningstar sighed.

They were heatedly discussing this among themselves.

The blue-dress girl swung the sword.

The weapons all shut up.

It was absolutely silent above the Forgetting River, only the faint sound of the light breeze could be heard.

“Swear upon what I asked, do you dare?” the blue-dress girl stared straight at Gu Qing Shan and asked in a cold voice.

Gu Qing Shan was silently.

Then he smiled: “Only something so simple?”