Chapter 388 - The Samsara worlds

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 388: The Samsara worlds

Gu Qing Shan arrived at the shore with the Bone-rending Hellspawn Blade.

He carefully crouched down behind a large rock, observing the surrounding situation.

This place was still a bit of a distance away from the Divine Armament worshiping shrine.

Gu Qing Shan suddenly remembered something.

This place is the Grand Tie Wei Mountain.

He stared down at the ground.

I’m standing on that legendary mountain right now.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help himself and tried to stab the ground with the Earth sword.

A spark came out, but it left no marks otherwise.

The small white bird asked: “What are you doing? This is the Grand Tie Wei Mountain, no force or power could do anything to it”

Gu Qing Shan looked at the greenish brown rocks at his feet and couldn’t help but ask: “Why is the rock here exactly the same as the bottom of the Forgetting River?”

“The bottom of the Forgetting River is also part of this mountain” the small white bird answered as a matter-of-fact.

Gu Qing Shan was shocked at first, then he realized.

“You mean the Forgetting River flows inside the Grand Tie Wei Mountain, and Huang Quan itself is formed from the Grand Tie Wei Mountain?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“That is correct. Nothing can ever shake the Grand Mountain, not even the wind of chaotic tribulation outside could leave a dent on the Grand Mountain!” the small white bird pridefully boasted.

Gu Qing Shan was incredibly shaken.

Who would’ve thought that the entire Huang Quan world was actually just part of a mountain.

This great mountain silently stood on top of Huang Quan, blocking the winds of chaotic tribulation for the 6 worlds of samsara.

“Alright, I understand that now, but why did weapons like you go to sleep?”

The small white bird explained: “For the last 1000 years, Huang Quan had entered the age of the industrial revolution, and since the appearance of the 88 automatic machines, everything slowly went into order. That’s why many of the ancient weapons that used to run the place slowly disappeared”

Gu Qing Shan asked: “Where did you go to?”

“Our bodies reside at this shrine, but our spirits entered a ‘retirement mode’ sort of state”

“Only when we receive a summons, or feel a crisis looming over the world will we reawaken to solve the situation”

“That is to say, very few people come to this shrine of worship?” Gu Qing Shan stared at the shrine.

“That’s right, let’s go” the small white bird flapped its wings wanted to go.

“Yes, but wait for a bit”

Gu Qing Shan laid still on the shore.

He was almost directly next to the Forgetting River, so as long as he wanted to, he could quickly jump back in to hide.

“I refuse to believe that such a crucial location would be disregarded by the demons” he muttered.

Gu Qing Shan kept staring at the Divine Armament shrine of worship, his expression became more and more grim as time passed.

Although that place was silent, he could still feel a muted hazy presence that loomed about.

On the ground surrounding the shrine, some sort of ash was scattered about, perhaps swept here by the wind.

“I’ve met quite a few demons the past few days, they mostly only know how to destroy and kill, don’t they?” the small white bird said.

“Those are only imps and demon beasts at best, not true demons, true demons are smart and terrifying monsters” Gu Qing Shan dismissed its thought.

His mind moved, summoning the Chao Yin sword from the void of space hovering next to him.

The tip of the sword silently shifted, pointing at the shrine of worship.

“Go” Gu Qing Shan silently shouted.


Turning into an afterimage, the Chao Yin sword flew past the hill.

The sword circled around the shrine once before moving really far away and out of sight.

Two breaths later.

A distortion appeared above the shrine.

This distortion quickly writhed and expanded, but after it found nothing strange, it slowly disappeared again.

“What was that?” the small white bird asked.

Gu Qing Shan scowled: “Imps don’t have such a method of hiding, I’m guessing it has to be a high-leveled demon”

“Are we going to catch it?”

Gu Qing Shan carefully refused: “No, the demons’ abilities are varied and mysterious, since we don’t know for sure how many demons are hiding in the shrine, it’s better to back off first”

About 10 minutes later.

At another silent place on the side of the mountain.

The small white bird angrily complained: “The demons are taking over the Grand Mountain, it’s hard to even find a place to hide!”

Gu Qing Shan spoke: “How about I find some way to lure the demons away while you go in and wake the Divine Armament?”

“I can’t, weapon spirits cannot use the summoning contract, you have to do it”

Saying so, the small white bird flew back into the Bone-rending Hellspawn Blade.

A pale red light came from the Blade and was absorbed into the ground below.

“What are you doing?” Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

“Summoning a few powerful dead people to help us” the Blade answered.

A few moments later.

A great grey wolf swam here from the river.

This grey wolf appeared to be about 5-person tall, extremely intimidating.

The grey wolf looked at the Bone-rending Hellspawn Blade and asked in human language: “What do you need?”

“Wolf King, reinforcement from the human world want to enter the shrine, so I called you here to help” the Bone-rending Hellspawn Blade answered.

The Wolf King evaluated Gu Qing Shan for a bit but said nothing.

A few moments later, more dead people came out from the Forgetting River.

“Where did you come from?” Gu Qing Shan asked in a low voice.

“The entrance to hell is below the mountain in the river, they came here from hell” the Blade answered.

Including Wolf King, 2 Giants, 1 Fiendkind and three humans stood across from Gu Qing Shan and the Bone-rending Hellspawn Blade.

The Giants were bound with broken heavy chains, their faces were grim and dreadful, but their eyes appeared calm.

The Fiendkind was wrapped in a sharp golden colored light, obscuring its figure.

The humans were two male and one female.

The seven dead people stared directly at Gu Qing Shan without moving their gaze.

After a bit, they huddled together to silently discuss something.

“Seems like they’re quite the characters” Gu Qing Shan commented.

The small white bird came out from the Bone-rending Hellspawn Blade again and spoke: “After Divinities were gone, the 18 layers of hell were taken over and led by the strongest dead of each hell, and these seven are such leaders”

“They are part of the faction that wanted to save Huang Quan, using the Merit from that to atone for their sins?”


“18 leaders… which means the other 11 leaders all decided to join forces with the demons to destroy hell?”

The small white bird sighed: “Yes, the demon themselves were already powerful, but with the 11 leaders joining their side, hell itself is now full of danger”

At this point, the 7 leaders finished their discussion.

The old human man came forward to greet Gu Qing Shan.

“Greeting, compatriot” he said.

“Compatriot?” Gu Qing Shan repeated.

“That’s right, after all, I’m the only human out of the 7 leaders of hell, so it’ll be easier for me to speak as a representative” the old man explained.

Gu Qing Shan moved his gaze from him to glance at the human man and woman from before.

The old man swung his hand dismissively: “Don’t look, they are Asura, not people of our world”

Gu Qing Shan was shocked.

The man was masculine and buff, but his face seemed cruel and terrifying, a normal person would be scared stiff just by being looked at.

The woman appeared graceful and beautiful, a one-in-million beauty.

Who would’ve thought the legends were actually true, Gu Qing Shan muttered to himself.

In the old legends of humanity, Asura males were quite normal-looking, but their females were all stunning unparalleled beauties.

The world of Asura was rumored always be full of charming women.

This caused jealousy and greed from the Heaven world, thus sparked frequent invasive wars between the Heaven world and the Asura world.

From what he had seen today, this legend wasn’t just groundless rumor.

It turns out that the Huang Quan realm of the Samsara doesn’t only take in the dead people of the human realm.

“Ah, so there also exists the Hungry Ghost realm, the Heaven realm, the Asura realm and the Animal realm” Gu Qing Shan muttered.

As he said so, he noticed Wolf King’s ears perked up.

“Kiddo, you can’t say that, Animal realm isn’t easy on the ears, we all call it the Beast King realm here” the human old man hurriedly said. (1)

“Alright, Beast King realm” Gu Qing Shan quickly admitted his mistake.

The old man then calmed down.

He explained to Gu Qing Shan: “The gods of the Heaven realm would of course not stay too long in Huang Quan, the ghosts of the Hungry Ghost realm all support the destruction of hell —–in fact they’re the cruelest creatures in the Samsara, it’s more accurate to call them the Demon realm”

“Wolf King comes from the Beast King realm, the Giant, Fiendkind and I are all from the human realm, the man and woman there are from the Asura world”

“Now that we’ve introduced ourselves, it’s time for you to also introduce yourself”

The 7 leaders looked at Gu Qing Shan.

“This humble one is Gu Qing Shan, a human sword cultivator” Gu Qing Shan clasped his fist.

The old man nodded: “Gu Qing Shan, I’ll keep it brief, currently the situation in hell is very dire, although the Hellspawn Blade summoned us, we still need to confirm that you are qualified to participate in such an important matter, otherwise, everyone including myself will not waste our time for you”

“That’s understandable”

“You are a human, so you cannot revive or regenerate in hell like we do, and out of respect for the Hellspawn Blade, we’ll do our best not to hurt you ——show us your capabilities” the old man said.

He then continued in a small voice: “That group over there are prideful to the max, enough that they refuse to talk to you. So as a fellow human, I can only suggest that you show us the best that you have”

Gu Qing Shan smiled.

“Earth sword”

「 Here 」

“You’re up”

「 Very well 」

The Earth sword replied and appeared from the void of space.

It flew towards the leaders of the dead and hovered in place.

The leaders exchanged looks, not knowing what the human wants to do.

“If one of you manage to move my sword, I’ll leave right away and won’t bother you again” Gu Qing Shan spoke.

When the two Asura heard that, they were very interested.

The Asura are belligerent by nature.

They are willing to participate in any type of competition or bet.

The male Asura came up first.

The Earth sword stayed still.

Unconvinced, the male Asura chanted something before using all his strength to pull on the Earth sword.

The Earth sword stayed still.

“Don’t —–look ——-down —–on ——people” one of the Giants spoke with a thunderous voice.

He pushed the male Asura away, grabbing the Earth sword and began to use force.


The Giant roared with a blunt tone.

The Earth sword stayed still.

The Giant suddenly took out a large stone hammer from somewhere and swung it.

“Goohhh!” the Giant angrily roared.

Sweeping an intense wind current with it, the stone hammer smashed into the Earth sword.


The Giant was knocked into the air, its stone hammer broken into chunks that fell down on the ground.

The Earth sword still didn’t move a single bit.


(1) Animal realm: the original word in Chinese is “畜生”, which is usually used as a derogatory term, implying “born to be slaughtered” and “lesser than human”, which all beasts are implied to be, which is why they changed it to Beast King realm instead.