Chapter 1513 - Whereabouts of the strongest Divine Artifact

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1513: Whereabouts of the strongest Divine Artifact

As soon as the radiant life appeared, Reneedol’s killing intent vanished without a trace.

“This is the Law of Radiance… is Shroud calling you?” she asked.

“Seems so, I’ll be going first, see you later” Gu Qing Shan waved his hand.

He immediately answered the reverse summoning.

“Wait a minute, where is Shroud——”

Before Reneedol could finish her words, a flash of light appeared and took Gu Qing Shan away.

Only Reneedol remained in the divine palace of Fate.

She stood blankly in place and muttered to herself: “Seems like I’ll have to quickly return as well. The Lord of Infinite Origins is surely still after Shroud, and only I would be able to protect him now”

Reneedol looked around.

——Other than the broken fragments of the statues, there was nothing left in this divine palace.

“This place… will most likely never welcome another visitor…”

She shook her head and vanished from the divine palace.

At another location.

Under the dark watery abyss.

The secret room continued to be trapped here.

With a flash of light, Gu Qing Shan appeared directly in front of Boss, Scarlet, and Little Dusk.

“What’s the situation outside?” Boss asked.

“Are the living beings of the Isle of Protection still alive?” Little Dusk asked.

“Are you hurt? Did something happen?” Scarlet asked.

Gu Qing Shan looked at Boss, then turned to each of the two girls.

“The fallen debris of the Samsara is currently destroying everything. The Lord of Infinite Origins is barely managing to hold the Pantheon ruins up, so the living beings inside are still alive, but I think this situation won’t continue for very long” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Scarlet and Little Dusk both appeared worried.

“Where’s Reneedol? Did you meet her? How is she?” Boss sent his voice and asked.

Gu Qing Shan consoled the two girls, then also sent his voice to explain in detail what happened between Reneedol and Lachesis.

Boss seriously listened, nodded, then appeared to be full of thought.

Suddenly, a dark grey stone seal appeared from thin air and hovered in front of Gu Qing Shan.

“What’s this?” Gu Qing Shan curiously asked.

“The fourth Sealing Token——- seems like you’ve set this period of history in stone. Since Reneedol didn’t die during this period, the fourth Sealing Token had also appeared” Boss explained.

Gu Qing Shan took the Seal Token and smiled wryly: “She isn’t just ‘not dead’, she’s now powerful enough to directly go against the Lord of Infinite Origins”

As he held the Sealing Token in his hand, lines of glowing text quickly appeared on the War God UI:

[You’ve obtained the fourth Sealing Token]

[There exists a total of six Sealing Tokens, you will need two more Sealing Tokens in order to completely grasp the seal in your hands]

Gu Qing Shan trembled briefly.

So many things had happened that he had only just remembered what the six Sealing Tokens represented.

On one hand, these six Sealing Tokens would solidify history and ensure that everything that had happened couldn’t be changed.

On the other hand, these six Sealing Tokens sealed Boss’ original body, and Reneedol in the future was attempting to come up with a way to undo the seal and obtain Boss’ corpse.

“Hardly, her mind would still be influenced by the Lord of Infinite Origins, so even if she had gotten stronger, she would still not be able to go directly against him” Boss retorted him.

“…That’s right, Boss. This place is about to collapse already, hurry and tell me, when will the fifth Sealing Token appear?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Gu Qing Shan looked at Boss, and Boss also looked back at him.

The two of them read the same message in the other’s eyes.

This era is too dangerous, remaining here for even one extra day is one extra day full of risks.

—–the best choice right now is to quickly retrieve all six Sealing Tokens, ensure that history can no longer be changed, then immediately return to the future.

Boss recalled: “The fifth Sealing Token, I think it was to protect those around you and triumph against all enemies?”

The two of them went silent.

Right now, the mastermind in the shadows, the Lord of Infinite Origins, had shown himself.

Reneedol had also obtained two Divine Artifacts crafted by millions of Deities.

The Samsara is about to crush the entire world under its weight.

Not even the Lord of Infinite Origins might not be able to endure it.

——–and now, we need to ensure that Shroud, who isn’t even 20 years old, triumphs against all his enemies?

Boss face-palmed: “It seems the conditions I initially set up were quite careless”

“Very careless” Gu Qing Shan agreed.

At this point, the secret room trembled slightly.

Followed by a resounding furious roar from afar that went on for 5-6 breaths’ worth of time.

Everyone’s expressions changed.

——-this place was deep underwater, and yet they were still able to hear that roar so clearly.

Scarlet covered her ears and asked: “What exactly is making that noise?”

“I’m not sure, let me check its power first”

Little Dusk said, then drew a Card from the void of space.

She threw the Card forward.

It instantly manifested as a series of constantly changing numbers.

The numbers rapidly increased, then finally solidified at 1000:1.

“What does this mean?” Scarlet asked.

“It means that the other party was 1000 times stronger than I am” Little Dusk replied.

“It’s the Lord of Infinite Origins!” Gu Qing Shan and Boss both exclaimed.

Scarlet covered her mouth.

——-that terrifying entity was that powerful?

How are we supposed to fight against that?

Everyone was speechless.

Boss took out the Book of Prophesized Destinies, then shouted: “Manifest calamity”

The Book of Prophesized Destinies flipped open by itself and quickly turned to a certain page.

This page was originally blank, but it soon manifested various marks to depict a portrait.

In the portrait, the numerous passages, stairways, and divine palaces of the Pantheon were undergoing total collapse.

A tentacle filled with vertical irises stood in every location of the Pantheon, trying their best to hold the Pantheon up, but it was proving futile.

Boss’ expression changed: “Not good, the Pantheon ruins are collapsing on us, I need to quickly find and retrieve Reneedol”

Gu Qing Shan held him back: “Don’t go, you’re not even as powerful as she is right now”

Boss shook his head: “You don’t understand. There is no one who’s familiar with this place as much as I am, not even the current Lord of Infinite Origins knows as much as I do—— only I know of all of this place’s secrets, and even if it reached the worst-case scenario, I still have unique measures that no one else can employ!”

Gu Qing Shan was stunned briefly, then realized what he was talking about.

——the secrets that Boss mentioned were entities at the same level as the giant eyeball.

An entity who had the power to triumph against everything!

Boss put one finger on the Book of Prophesized Destinies and lightly chanted an incantation.

The Book of Prophesized Destinies rapidly flipped through its pages, displaying numerous pictures of weapons, spells, creatures, secret scriptures, etc.

Gu Qing Shan was surprised: “What is this?”

“Ah right, after you left, I’ve begun to all-around strengthen myself——– I’ve actually recalled quite a few methods that would greatly boost my strength——— but let me retrieve Reneedol first” Boss said.

Gu Qing Shan thought briefly, then closed his eyes and told him: “Boss, listen to me, perhaps the relationship between you and Reneedol isn’t quite what you thought it was”

“I know, that’s why I entered this era merely to witness everything” Boss replied.

Gu Qing Shan looked at him, only to see his expression was calm and collected.

“It’s ok, Gu Qing Shan, after I escaped from that bastard’s mind influence, I’ve become considerably more rational, I won’t be deceived by anyone again” Boss calmly told him.

Gu Qing Shan felt a bit more at east, then firmly said: “I respect your decision”

He then walked up to the door and said: “Grant Shroud the authority to leave and enter as he pleases”

「 Understood 」the Sacred Gate replied.

Boss flipped through the Book of Prophesized Destinies before turning into a ray of light and disappearing from the secret room.

Only Gu Qing Shan, Little Dusk, and Scarlet remained.

Little Dusk didn’t say anything and rapidly drew Card after Card from the void of space.

Each time she Drew ten Cards, she left them aside and continued to draw even more.

Very quickly, she had drawn about seventy or eighty Cards.

Little Dusk carefully examined each Cards, occasionally placing a couple, or three, or even four Cards together to fuse them.

She diligently did this while forgetting their current circumstances.

Scarlet also walked aside, manifesting dozens of stars around her body before using black flames to slowly adjust their positions.

Gu Qing Shan silently nodded.

—–it seems they had been stimulated by the Lord of Infinite Origins and were now trying to do everything they could to grow stronger.

Gu Qing Shan walked to a corner, then took something out of this Inventory Bag.

It was a key that immediately gave off a faint dark glow as soon as it appeared.

According to Lachesis, it is the [Key of Myriad Deities’ Consent], which he could take to the Dusty World in order to retrieve a Divine Artifact.

———a Divine Artifact that was jointly created by the power of millions of Deities.

Reneedol seemed to have known about this that she thought about killing Rhode in order to take this key.


The situation isn’t quite as it seemed.

Gu Qing Shan’s expression grew increasingly stranger as he examined the key.

Lines of glowing text were quickly appearing on the War God UI:

[Secret Key of Fate (fake)]

[Ability one: This Key can only be obtained by an unrestrained Deity]

[Ability two: Capable of opening a certain mundane storage unit and retrieve the item inside]

This key was fake.

It wasn’t just the War God UI who said this, but someone else as well.


When she handed me the key, she quickly wrote this word in my palm: [Fake].

In other words, this key was made for the specific purpose of deceiving Reneedol.

Lachesis wasn’t willing to let Reneedol obtain that Divine Artifact!

What exactly is she trying to do?

Gu Qing Shan carefully pondered and recalled what the other party had said:

“Among the three Deities of Fate, one is responsible for birthing Fate, one is responsible for ending Fate, while I’m the master of Fate who’s responsible for controlling the Fate of all Deities”

Controlling all Deities.

She was the most powerful Deity, as well as the most unique one, not even the Lord of Infinite Origins could control her thoughts.

Gu Qing Shan slowly paced around the secret room while carefully thinking about each of the other party’s words and gestures.

…Lachesis was most likely implying that the Divine Artifact she had was the real key to everything.

This made sense, as she was originally the most powerful among the three Deities of Fate, she naturally had to be the one who obtained the most powerful Divine Artifact.

However, she only gave me a fake key.

Indeed, this was done to deceive Reneedol.

Reneedol had mistakenly thought that the clue towards the third Divine Artifact was the key in my hands.

But then——

Where exactly would the most powerful Divine Artifact created by millions of Deities actually be hidden?