Chapter 3037 - 3037 Blessing Mountain

Versatile Mage

3037 Blessing Mountain

Blood oozed from the finger, but the special ring quickly absorbed it.

The transparent ring gradually changed. Ye Xinxia’s blood gradually filled the entire Blood Stone ring, making it unbelievably bright.

At the same time, a mark hidden by the Amnesia Bug also emerged on Ye Xinxia’s forehead. It appeared that blood was spreading at first, but it didn’t take long for it to turn into a blood pattern on her forehead.

Over time, the Supreme Pontiff’s forehead pattern faded from clear to blurry and back again. Finally, it was engraved in Ye Xinxia’s soul and could never be removed.

“Unless your soul is destroyed, it is impossible for the Supreme Pontiff’s pattern to be erased. Ye Xinxia, from now on, you are the Supreme Pontiff of the Black Vatican, and you will rule the seven Red Cardinals and the seven Chief Extraditors. All the congregants under the Red Cardinals and Chief Extraditors will submit to you. With just an order, they will clear away all obstacles in your way of ruling, even if it means killing many people! ” Hall Mother, Pamise, became excited.

When Ye Xinxia became the Goddess, the Hall Mother was not as crazy as she was now. Ye Xinxia could tell she had been suppressing her true self for a long time. It was finally time for her to show her true colors as the Supreme Pontiff and act like a ruler.

The sun had risen.

Hall Mother, Pamise, had almost forgotten the time. A few rays of sunlight filtered through the upper-floor window and shone on her slightly wrinkled cheeks as she glanced out the window.

She couldn’t stop herself from touching her gray hair. Despite this, she did her best to greet the wonderful day with a smile.

What a wonderful day! The morning light had become dreary and dull over the past few decades. However, today was different. It was warm and bright. Such a hopeful change made her believe that this change would occur every day in the future.

“You may leave now. Today is the first day of Blessing Day. Salan has done us a great favor. On this day, many people will come to worship the Godly Seal Mountain. Of course, you will meet congregants who are even more devout than those believers. They are already climbing the mountain. There are several Red Cardinals and Chief Extraditors among them. You should go and greet them,” said Hall Mother, Pamise.

“Alright. Time sure does fly. I need to get ready.” Ye Xinxia nodded.

Dressed in a long skirt, Ye Xinxia walked out of the Hall Mother Pavilion into the morning light.

Winding roads led to the mountain beneath the high mountain via the wooden bridge. From here, they could see an endless stream of people. They were climbing toward Godly Seal Mountain step by step. The long queue of people was unending.

When people enjoyed a peaceful and comfortable life, they often ignored the power of faith. After a crisis, the brilliance of the Parthenon Temple had been implanted in the hearts of every Athenian. This was probably what the Hall Mother had wanted.

Ye Xinxia wondered if the Hall Mother preferred the Parthenon Temple or the Black Vatican.

In the days when the Parthenon Temple was declining, she needed the Black Vatican so that people would remember the Parthenon Temple. The moment she became the Supreme Pontiff, the light in the eyes of the Hall Mother matched the madness of the Black Vatican! Perhaps the Hall Mother was also uncertain after such a long time.

‘Would she be like this in the future too?’ wondered Ye Xinxia.

Back at the Hall of the Goddess, Ye Xinxia did not have time to sleep. She sat in front of the mirror, while Fiona talked happily beside her like a magpie.

“Your Majesty, you are the Goddess now, so your makeup should make you look even more majestic.” Fiona decided to do some heavy makeup on Ye Xinxia. At the very least, the lips must be stunningly red.

“There’s no need for that. I want light makeup today. It would be even better if we skipped the makeup entirely.” Ye Xinxia forced out a smile.

“How could I do that? You spent a lot of energy yesterday and didn’t sleep all night. Your complexion is poor. On the first day of Blessing Day, everyone will be watching you. You must look beautiful enough to stun the whole world!” said Fiona.

“You’re right. Even a death row prisoner will put on makeup before receiving a sentence.” Ye Xinxia nodded in agreement.

“How could you make a comparison like this? How can a death row prisoner be compared to you? All the women in this world will envy you. All the men in this world will like you. Even the gods will favor you! You are already the Goddess. You are no longer a saintess who may lose her power at any moment. No one can accuse you, and no one can disobey you,” said Fiona.

“I thought so.” Ye Xinxia could not help but feel touched when she heard Fiona’s words.

She was the Goddess. She had the same thought as a student when she read about the Goddess. But was this really the case?

Mera scolded the Goddess with the most vicious and filthy words last night in the underground cell. Ye Xinxia did not refute it because those were the facts.

Throughout the years, Ye Xinxia had made countless changes to become the Goddess.

She finally became the Goddess, but the cruelty had just begun. She used to pity every life, including the insects whose wings were broken by the rain outside her window.

She knew there were rivers of blood and corpses around Athens and the Parthenon Temple, but she still had to put on delicate makeup and wear a spotless white dress.

“You’re stunning, Your Majesty. I wonder who will be worthy of you,” Fiona completed her makeup.

“I’m not worthy of anyone.”

During the Flower Festival, Blessing Mountain looked like a painting, with distinct layers and charming colors, as if the god had knocked over a palette by accident.

The gentle wind carried a unique fragrance. These were the scents of the most famous spices in Europe. Ladies from many countries spent a lot on the fragrance elements picked from Goddess Peak.

The warm morning light reflected the holy light off the glass statues that could be seen all over Blessing Mountain. It was a peaceful mountain filled with fascinating light.

There was a never-ending stream of people.

Blessing Mountain was the endpoint. Parthenon Temple’s Goddess Peak would be fully open to people only on this day. Many people crowded the long and winding stairs, towering plank roads, and cliff suspension bridges. They were eager to enter Blessing Mountain and meet the new Goddess. Despite the crowd, they were disciplined. They did not dare destroy any plant on the mountain of the Parthenon Temple.

The long road had devout crowds. Occasionally, they could also see some graceful female attendants and sages blessing a climber with the rain and dew of olive branches at the rest stop. Those who had been blessed by the dew and rain rejoiced as if they were children. It was well worth it to have the blessings of female attendants and sages!