Chapter 226

Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 226: 226?Nuts! (Part 3)

“Everyone, let’s get on the bus,” The tour guide hollered amicably as he waved the small red flag.

Li Dian hadn’t understood the meaning behind Yuan Liangtuo’s gaze previously. He felt as if there was something weird in all of that. This sort of feeling cast a shadow of doubt over his original intentions of having a happy vacation…

Everyone queued to board the bus. Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu were at the end of the queue while Li Dian boarded ahead of them. But just as he set foot on the bus, Lu Shu stood behind Yuan Liangtuo and shifted slightly.

Only to see that with a flip of his palm, the head-twisting gourd appeared in his hand. He softly whispered a name before keeping the gourd immediately after.

“Li Dian.”


Li Dian almost twisted his leg. His neck twisted more than 40 degrees toward Lu Shu, who was blocked by Yuan Liangtuo.

The truth proved that as long as the neck twisted quickly… no matter how much it turned by, it will always be strained. The only question was the extent.

Li Dian took a deep breath. The angle which he turned was rather small, and it wasn’t particularly painful. It’s just that…

He was the original owner of the head-twisting gourd, how could he not know the effects of it?!

Yuan Liangtuo saw that Li Dian looked over at him and waved as he laughed. In the end, Li Dian interpreted his laughter as maniacal…

No wonder he felt that the person looked at him with a strange look. He was the buyer of the head-twisting gourd!

But how did the other party know his real name?!

Oh yes, the tour guide had information on everyone’s identity which was based on everyone’s official identification.

Under normal circumstances, there were a few documents with the tour guide. The most detailed ones wouldn’t be revealed to tourists, as issues had arisen based on leak information previously.

Basic information such as name, gender, and age could be seen. Private information such as mobile number and address were not shown to prevent tourists from being victims of scams after their trip.

This sort of stuff happened very often. Some people would go just to obtain information on others and scam them on these tours.

Some people felt that there wouldn’t be scammers in expensive tours, but some scammers joined these tours on purpose because many people in these tours were fat lambs in their eyes!

Li Dian suddenly realized. The tour guide gave them a form which required everyone’s verification. When the tourists took the form, they could see the basic information of other tourists, so it was very likely that his information was leaked that way.

The tour group had three groups of ages. One was young people and Li Dian was easily omitted from there. Another group was the over-50s who were retiring and had plenty of time.

And he was in his 30s, an obvious target.

Li Dian couldn’t verify if Yuan Liangtuo was the buyer. It could even be any of the four of them. And within the entire tour group, only when the four of them appeared did the compass in his hand have a reaction.

Of course, there was a pair of siblings behind these four people. But there weren’t any magical waves dissipating from the siblings. Also, the time they reported there was earlier than himself, there was no way they could’ve known his name.

If Li Dian didn’t have a misunderstanding with Yuan Liangtuo, he would know if he went over to talk to Yuan Liangtuo that Lu Shu was also a practitioner. It’s a pity that the two parties didn’t have the opportunity to have a deep conversation anymore.

If Li Dian knew that Lu Shu had a system which allowed him to know the real names of others, he would probably know what’s going on. But unfortunately for him, he could never know this.

Li Dian took in a deep breath and bent his neck since everyone had made it obvious and that they were at similar levels after all.

Although you have numbers, I’m already a seasoned veteran!

Before the era of magical recovery, Li Dian was a fengshui master. He had traveled around for decades, he would be finished if he can’t even deal with wallflowers like these few students!

“From Li Dian’s distress, +613.”

Just as Li Dian was thinking, a middle-aged woman shoved him from the back, “Aren’t you boarding? Get off if you aren’t!”

“Ahh yes, boarding!” Li Dian boarded the bus with a face of awkwardness.

Lu Shu looked at this scene in glee. Not only was he glad that he could get back at Li Dian, he even earned distress points through that.

Back then when he had left the remains, he already discovered that although the Heavenly Network could think that the relic of the remain was taken by the Japanese spy, the distress points were earned by him.

This meant that the distress points stemmed from the situations.

Lu Shu contemplated that if someone pushed the blame of a situation to Lu Shu, even if he had nothing to do with it, wouldn’t the distress points be credited to him?

He didn’t have much experience on this though. After all, no one had pushed the blame for anything to him.

Honestly speaking, if such distress points were to really be contributed to him, Lu Shu didn’t exactly yearn for them either. He wouldn’t admit to or be responsible for things which he didn’t do.

Even if he had to gain from being blamed, Lu Shu wouldn’t be willing and happy.

Just like this incident with Li Dian. He evidently benefitted from it, but thinking that Li Dian got to feel good about himself made him unhappy.

With the same reasoning, if someone succeeded in pushing the blame to him, even if he benefits from it, that person who intended to sabotage him would be delighted as well. Lu Shu will, in turn, feel very irritated that the other party had succeeded.

Lu Shu had always admitted that he was very petty and narrow-minded.

Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu sat at the second-last row of the bus after they boarded. On the other hand, Li Dian and Yuan Liangtuo were next to each other and separated by just the aisle. Li Dian frowned and looked at Yuan Liangtuo who was seated beside him. He asked Yuan Liangtuo in a low voice, “What exactly do you want?”

Yuan Liangtuo was confused, “Are you crazy? I don’t want anything!”

“From Yuan Liangtuo’s distress, +113.”

Li Dian was seething! Does this mean you don’t want to settle this amicably!

“From Li Dian’s distress, +711.”

Lu Shu sat at the back as he earned distress points gleefully. He was loving the feeling of pushing responsibilities to others. It was just like using a cheat on a game, earning free experience points automatically, would you believe it?

Lu Shu, who had already lighted up six stars, was annoyed when he thought of the 320k points needed to light up the seventh star. But this trip had given him much salvation.

Great, the best would be if you guys can quarrel the entire trip…

Lu Shu felt as if he had opened a new door. It would be alright even if Li Dian finds out that he was the actual buyer.

On one hand, everyone would probably not see each other ever again. But on the other, he had not done anything using the gourd. So what if he’s discovered?

At most he would be more cautious when using the gourd in future, it was much more fun now that he could use it as he pleased.

Moreover, it seemed like the tension and conflict between Li Dian and Yuan Liangtuo were getting more intense…

At this moment, Shu Li and his company walked over. As they saw Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu, it seemed as if they wanted to sit near them.

Lu Shu wanted to lower his head to avoid being recognized but alas, it was too late.

People could often be heard saying that some guys cross-dress. The other party actually looked pretty good, an 8 or better. That’s already very high, but the problem was that… the better he looked the more awkward it actually was?!

Shu Li was next to Lu Shu, with only the aisle separating them. He asked excitedly, “Is that your sister?”

Lu Shu, “Yeah, that’s right.” He tried to be formal and kept it simple.

“Male or female?” Shu Li continued to ask.

Lu Shu, “???”

Did I not understand this world? Or did I not understand your world? Shouldn’t a sister be female?

Lu Xiaoyu couldn’t stop laughing at the side. She whispered softly, “Is he interested in you?”

“Lu Xiaoyu? Should we not spend time together anymore? Huh?” Lu Shu said with a black face.

At this moment, the tour guide raised his microphone, “A line from an advertisement says: Follow the heart, and communications will be limitless. So I’ll kick this communication with everyone off with a self-introduction. I’m a tour guide with Summer tours company. My surname is Wang, so everyone can get used to addressing me as tour guide Wang or little Wang…”

An aunty suddenly asked, “Tour guide Wang, so what’s your full name?”

The tour guide hesitated for a moment, “Wang Genji.”

The aunty acknowledged his response, “We must be older than you, so we’ll just call you little Wang.”

After finishing, the aunty felt as if something was not quite right, “Or should we call you little…Ji E?”

That’s not right too!

Wang Genji’s face turned black, couldn’t he have a proper introduction without interruption? What’s wrong with this group of tourists?!

“You can just call me tour guide Wang,” Wang Genji said, slightly annoyed. He took a deep breath and turned towards the tourists to continue speaking, “I’m a true blue citizen of Qingzhou. Traits associated with being from Qingzhou would be passion and candor. So, feel free to approach me if you have any questions or requests in the next three days. As long as the request is reasonable, I’ll do my best to satisfy you guys. Serving you guys together with me is bus captain Zhang. Captain Zhang and I are the best pairing, we could also be called the golden duo. So there is nothing to worry about when the tour is handled by us. You can relax, enjoy yourselves, and have fun.”

Upon finishing, the aunty was about to ask for the full name of captain Zhang as well. But after hesitating for a long time, she didn’t dare to ask…

Seeing that Lu Shu was rather apprehensive of him, Shu Li was delighted. He had seen this situation quite often previously, “Do you think that I’m very strange?”

Lu Shu thought for a moment. Regardless of what he liked to do or who he was, Lu Shu felt that he shouldn’t make it awkward for him as Shu Li displayed kind intentions towards him. As to his own hobbies and what he liked to do, even if you didn’t like it, you didn’t have to voice it out.

Everyone had his own personality and is entitled to his own opinion and choice.

He pondered for a moment before saying, “I just feel that… Psychologically, is it really tolerable? Uhm, I don’t have any other meaning. I’m purely curious.”

At that moment, Shu Li was amused. She whipped out her identification card and showed it to Lu Shu, “Hahaha, I’m actually a girl. It’s just that my voice is rather low so my brother would call me brother.”

Lu Shu suddenly felt… that the world outside was too complicated… nuts!