646 - Who is palace lord Ye?

Imperial God Emperor

Chapter 646, Who is Palace Lord Ye


What was going on? 

The important figures who were usually as stable as Mt. Tai seemed like they were at an imminent crisis?

Moreover, the young man was still in the main hall. In other words he was qualified to join these important people on an equal footing. At the very least he was qualified to sit at the side to listen in to the important decision-making. 


Luo Yi had a feeling that the strange matters today must have something to do with the graceful young man.

His heart, like the paws of a kitten, was scratching about, extremely curious. But despite thinking it over and over again, he still did not know who the young man was.

Time seemed to flash by. While he was paying fixed attention to the movements and noises inside of the hall, he learned nothing new.


The Crown Prince's imperial residence was set up with layer upon layer of boundary rune formations, and not the slightest movement or sound could be heard outside the main palace hall. 


Luo Yi had to suppress his puzzlement, watching the sun rising higher into the sky.


On the ground, his shadow gradually grew longer. 

He also did not know how much time had past. 


By the time he recovered from his daze, he came to find that it was already afternoon. 


Just then—— 




The red lacquer door of the main hall suddenly opened. 

The man who opened the door was Bao Shinu. 


When Bao Shinu opened the door, he respectfully stood to one side. 


A dashing figure exited the main hall, greeting the setting sun.

The faint golden sunlight bathed the young man's body like he was a divine deity. 


The beautiful face was a little hazy under the sunlight, and his waist-length black hair seemed like threads of golden silk. 


It was that young man! 


Luo Yi was astonished at the sight. 

Bao Shinu's attitude was not surprising to Luo Yi anymore. His eyes fell on the young man's body, watching him gracefully step out of the main hall. His pace was gentle, his face was calm, and his clothes were fluttering as he moved, exuding an extraordinary air. 

The two people walked toward the direction of Luo Yi. 


Thinking of the young man's expression before, Luo Yi couldn't help bowing his head slightly.


But who knew that, just as the young man passed his sentry post, his footsteps slowed down.

“Not bad aptitude.” 


A clear and sonorous voice made Luo Yi abruptly lift his head up.


Only to see the faint smile on the young man's face and his line of sight fixed on him.


For a moment, he was a little speechless. 


After the young man made this remark, he smiled pensively at Luo Yi, before he nodded and unhurriedly walked away. His pace was calm and his every action was very natural, with a distant feeling. 


But in less than a few seconds, his figure had already vanished from the square in front of the palace. 


Bao Shinu closely followed the young man and personally walked him out of the Crown Prince's imperial residence.


A moment later, Bao Shinu returned to the main hall. 

When Luo Yi saw his former training instructor Bao Shinu, he finally could not suppress his curiosity any longer.  


He summoned up his courage and after a deep bow respectfully inquired, “Lord... I...” 


Bao Shinu's gaze fell on Luo Yi. Seeing the expression on his face, he couldn't help laughing. He of course remembered this young captain, who he personally recruited into the [Blazing Flame Battalion], Moreover, his aptitude was very good, which allowed him to be promoted to a little captain in a short amount of time. 

Looking at Luo Yi's cautious expression, Bao Shinu's mouth curved into a smile. “You want to ask me who that young man was just now?” 

His mind seen through by his superior, Luo Yi hurriedly nodded.  

Bao Shinu laughed heartily, his eye flickering with an inexplicable expression as he looked at Luo Yi. “Did you not once say that you especially admire the person who tried his best to save the Battle of the Light City, Light Palace Lord Ye? Haha, your idol was right in front of you, you really didn't recognize him?” 


Luo Yi was initially taken aback and then he stood there dumbfounded. 


“Lord, you... mean... the young man is... Palace Lord Ye?” Luo Yi even began to stutter. 


The smile on Bao Shinu's face widened, nodding, he said thoughtfully, “Boy you have pretty good luck to be on duty today. Lord Ye seldoms come here... and Palace Lord Ye even said your aptitude is good. To receive such praise from him, you must be happy. Continue to work hard in the future.” 


Astounded, Luo Yi solemnly bowed. 


Bao Shinu studied Luo Yi for a moment. Thinking of Ye Qingyu's evaluation of the young imperial guard captain, an imperceptible smile curved his lips, because he knew that Ye Qingyu would not praise someone for no reason, and it was most likely that something will happen soon. This Luo Yi really was lucky. 

He patted Luo Yi on the shoulder, before turning and walked into the main hall in large strides.


Luo Yi stood there astounded.


The instructor Bao Shinu, who looked at all students in the training camp with a solemn expression and spoke harshly in the past, was unexpectedly smiling to him?


And he also gave a fond pat on his shoulder?


In the past, it was something that he didn't even dare to think about.


What was going on today? 


He said that the young man was Palace Lord Ye. 

Palace Lord Ye? 


He had been in Snow capital for a whole year, and had only heard of one Palace Lord Ye.

The Palace Lord of the Light Palace, War God, Ye Qingyu.


Was that young man he saw today really Lord Ye Qingyu of the Light Palace? 


Recalling all the various rumours about the mysterious Palace Lord Ye over the past one year, Luo Yi felt his blood boiling, overwhelmed with emotions.


Luo Yi could almost recite all the deeds of the War God Ye Qingyu.  


The renowned Palace Lord Ye was rumoured to be originally from a little place called Deer City in the northern border. His parents passed away because of a war, and he was born into an extremely poor family. Later on, he was admitted into White Deer Academy, showed extraordinary cultivation talent, made incredibly achievements, and as a result received the title the White Horse Swordsman and went to Youyan Pass. Later, he repeatedly performed extraordinary feats in Youyan Pass, and mercilessly suppressed the threatening manner of the Three Sects and Three Schools. Following that he was promoted to Third Grade Marquis, came to the Snow capital, and went into secret training in the military headquarters. The Crown Prince bestowed him the title of ‘War God’ and he later became the Palace Lord of the Light Palace! 


A year ago, after his succession to the Light Palace and becoming famous from the Battle of the Light City, he also vanished without trace since then.


Over the past year, the glorious deeds of him defeating the major foreign races and Demon Race had been circulated around the Snow capital. Everyone had been guessing where he had gone to, but there wasn’t any official news all along. It was rumoured that his injury was too serious that he had to go into hiding to recuperate. While some people said that he had left Heaven Wasteland Domain. There were also rumours that he was the reincarnation of the divine dragon, and he had transformed into the dragon and disappeared without a trace-----  

Who would have imagined that one year later, he would suddenly appear in the Crown Prince's imperial residence!


Luo Yi had seen the portrait of the War God before, but for some reason, after seeing him in person today, he felt that the portrait could not express one percent of his graceful bearing. Therefore, for a moment he failed to recognize that the young man was unexpectedly his idol.

The thought of the War God Ye Qingyu praising his aptitude, Luo Yi felt his heart almost jumping out his chest. 

He couldn't wait to go back and brag to his colleagues.


Today's experience was absolutely enough for him to boast for a lifetime. 


In such an excited mood, Luo Yi felt even his breathing was much more comfortable. 


After a long moment, he gradually calmed down as other thoughts surfaced in his mind.


Even the War God Ye Qingyu appeared in the Crown Prince's imperial residence, could there be something happening in Snow Empire again?


With this thought, Luo Yi couldn't contain his emotions. His right hand uncontrollably clenched tightly into a fist. 

Time, like water, flowed slowly.

The sun was gradually leaning westward, and in a twinkling it was almost dusk.


When the last ray of sunset dissipated, the door of the main hall was finally opened again.


In the main hall, the dignitaries of the empire, Right Minister Lin Zheng, the Golden Apex Prince Yu Feiyan, Left Minister Qu Hanshan as well as Great Commander Li Guangbi and other important imperial figures left the Crown Prince's imperial residence under the dim light of night.

Luo Yi, who was guarding in front of the main hall, was finally able to rest. The men under his command lined up orderly and left.

A night breeze blew. 


Fallen petals were scattered across the Crown Prince's imperial residence.


Luo Yi did not see that the Crown Prince's study was lit up with candles the entire night.




The next day. 


A white-clothed Ye Qingyu came to the Medicine Hut of the Divine Doctor, Ouyang Buping


Here was where the Empire's Divine Doctor cultivated in secret. It was extremely secluded, and also appeared to be very common. There was only a low wall of one-person tall behind, with a few straw huts irregularly arranged. The straw huts were surrounded by an emerald green bamboo forest, which was faintly shrouded by a veil-like layer of white mist, and a faint bamboo fragrance was leisurely scattering with the wind. 


The wooden door of the Medicine Hut was lightly concealed.



Ye Qingyu light knocked on the door. 

After about two seconds, the wooden door creaked open.


A weird little boy popped his head out to check.

The little boy was only seven or eight years old, wearing a green-coloured robe, his jet black, shiny hair rolled up into a bun at the top of his head.


On his pale and soft round face there was two obvious, shallow dimples.


The boy stared curiously at Ye Qingyu outside the door with his huge pitch-black eyes. 


“Beautiful big brother, who are you?” 


A young and soft voice came from the boy's mouth, which was curved in a bright smile, and his two dimples were deeply sunken in.

Beautiful big brother? 


Hearing the boy's opinion of himself, Ye Qingyu couldn't help smiling.


“I am Ye Qingyu, here to catch up with Divine Doctor Ouyang,” Ye Qingyu said softly, smiling.


The boy blinked his eyes several times, as though he was thinking of who Ye Qingyu was, and even his brows were slightly knitted together. 

“Ye Qingyu?” The boy mumbled in repetition. He seemed to have heard the name before, scratching his head in puzzlement.


A moment later, the boy's face was suddenly lit up with excitement, his eyes widened, and his face was crossed with disbelief.  

Ye Qingyu faintly smiled, asking, “Can I go in?”


The boy nodded before turning around abruptly and ran into the Medicine Hut like a wisp of smoke. 


Ye Qingyu looked at the boy's figure gradually going further, helplessly shaking his head, and gently pushing open the door to enter the Medicine Hut. 


“Little brother! You busy man, you finally come to my place, but I am afraid you won't come for nothing!” There was a look of pleasant surprise on Divine Doctor Ouyang Buping's face as he hurried out from the straw hut and trotted over to Ye Qingyu——