Chapter 683 - Fight?

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 683: Fight?


Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Dr.Lock

Proofreader:  Arya

Glistening lightning snakes slithered along the blade of the autumn-like blue steel sword.

Gu Qing Shan raised his sword again, acting like he was about to stab it.

The ship suddenly trembled.

The devices on the ship’s control dashboard returned to normal.

And it once again picked up speed.

There would be only one reason for this to happen.

—–the captain did not dare to endure that cruel attack anymore and de-fused himself from the ship.

He had repeated.

Gu Qing Shan let go of the sword, letting it hover in the air.

He turned around, quickly operated the control units on the dashboard, and controlled the ship to fly forward faster.

Soon enough, the ship reached its maximum speed.

If they kept going like this, in just 6-7 more minutes, the ship would reach Greyhan Black Market.

A few breaths of time later.

The door of the control room opened.

The captain showed up again.

This time, a few botches of blood could be seen on his clothes, not to mention cold sweat dripping all over his face, a terrible appearance.

“You despicable fake, how did you find out?”

The captain spat out some blood and begrudgingly questioned him.

Gu Qing Shan reached out with his hand and likely flicked the Six Paths Great Mountain sword.

Receiving his order, the Six Paths Great Mountain sword flew out of the control room and out of sight.

Gu Qing Shan then replied: “I’ve travelled through billions of worlds for countless years, I can tell that you were a Metal Puppeteer at a single glance”

The captain angrily shouted: “Bullshit! I’m the first ever person to combine [Metal Fusion] and [Soul Puppet Manipulation] into one, when the hell did I ever run into you!”

Gu Qing Shan paused slightly.

——so he was a Profession founder!

No wonder the Profession Committee’s encyclopedia is only growing every year.

It turns out even an old man who picks up trash in the Strife Zones can create a completely new Profession…

While thinking that, Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but felt a bit of respect.

“Seriously, just stop here, I’ve already paid you for using your ship, I’ll leave immediately after we reach the black market”

“From now on, we don’t owe each other anything, and there’s no grudge to be held”

Gu Qing Shan said.

The captain went silent.

This man is too eerie, he’s clearly so weak that he isn’t a match for me.

But he can see through my abilities.

Wait a minute—–

Maybe he can only see through the ability of others, but his true fighting abilities aren’t really that strong?

In hindsight, I’m only hurt because I was overconfident.

Damn it!

He must have held some sort of secret.

Should I or should I not risk it…

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While the captain was hesitating, his gaze fell to the ground.

Towards the chest of money Gu Qing Shan threw out.

This was a chest full of #7 coins.

That’s right, he doesn’t seem to care at all about a chest full of money.

What kind of person doesn’t care about money at all?

Even without turning around, Gu Qing Shan was observing the captain with his inner sight.

So he quickly understood what the captain was thinking through observing his gaze and expression.

Gu Qing Shan silently sighed.

While piloting the ship, he told him: “It’s fine even if I tell you, I’m actually a novice in the Strife Zones. I’m only heading to the black market to find a friend, so I don’t have any money with me”

Thanks to the ship flying at full speed, they were already very close to reaching the black market.

“A novice? You’re telling me you’re a novice who just came into the Strife Zones?”

The captain smiled sarcastically and spoke: “A novice who can see through a new Profession that I’ve been hiding for many years?”

“A novice who doesn’t even care about a chest full of money?”

The captain’s voice became a bit hoarse as he spoke full of emotions: “Only after reaching my age you can really understand a certain thing. That is as long as people can think broad-mindedly while they’re alive, they will find that there aren’t that many things that are worth caring about”

“Well now, you didn’t strike me as such an open-minded person at all” Gu Qing Shan praised.

He checked the navigation globe.


I’ll be there soon.

I need to stall for just a little bit longer.

The captain shook his head and continued: “Of course, this is built on a crucial premise, that is you must have enough money——- as long as you have money, anything else is insignificant and can be ignored”

“…I retract my praise of you” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The captain had been stalling for so long most likely because he was accumulating power, to silently prepare some sort of spell.

He smirked: “You can afford not to care about this chest of money because you’ve definitely seen more money before! Because you are wealthier than you appear!”

“Did you know? The way you tossed the chest just now, that casual act was exactly like that of the richest bunch of people”

“You’re completely wrong, that’s not the case at all” Gu Qing Shan immediately denied it.

“Stop acting! Your manners, your conducts are exactly the same as those legendary Bramble Birds!” the captain grunted.

“… Maybe… I got influenced by a bad habit, but I really don’t have any money” Gu Qing Shan tried to explain.

“Only a corpse doesn’t lie” the captain shouted.

His spell was finally complete.


The ship suddenly broke apart.

Gu Qing Shan was thrown out into the space vortex.

Behind him, the ship once again gathered to form a giant made completely out of metal.

This metal giant looked exactly the same as the captain.

It opened its mouth and spoke full of killing intent: “You are the first person to be weaker than I am, but was still able to hurt me”

“Your wits and abilities are worthy of me using my most powerful form against you”

“Come, fight this old man!”

“This will be the most glorious battle of our lives because one of us will definitely die here!”

“Last man standing gets it all!!!”

The giant stood in the void, shouting full of fighting spirit.

He had prepared for a battle to the death!

—–but across from him, the man who impersonated Wang Cheng didn’t care at all.

The man took a look at a piece of cloth in his hand, glanced upwards, and muttered: “Not too far… let’s hope I’m there on time”

The giant stop.

“Did you not hear what I said?”

The giant angrily questioned him.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t bother to react to him and turned away, flying towards the black market.

Like a streak of light, he was flying through the space vortex at unimaginable speeds.

And then.

He went away.


He really did.

The giant froze on the spot: “…”

“You damn motherfucker!!!!!!!”

The giant roared.

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It turned back into a ship, gathering the maximum power possible to fly forward at full speed.

“Aaaaaaa, despicable brat! I’m going to chop you to pieces!”

The ship pursued Gu Qing Shan.

Despite it only being a medium-sized towing ship, it was still a product of the Strife Zones, after countless modifications and improvements, it was a ship with a considerably powerful engine.

Not to mention it was also being reinforced by the captain’s [Metal Fusion] and [Puppet Manipulation].

At its current speed, it would definitely catch up to Gu Qing Shan.

The ship was flying forward at full speed!

After just one minute, the captain had already discovered that brat’s figure in the space vortex.

I’m catching up!

The captain was grinding his teeth so hard it could shatter.

He manipulated the ship, making it speed forward again with a loud ‘boom’!

All of a sudden, the sound of emergency alarms came from the ship.

At the same time, the booming of the ship’s engine clearly became weaker.

The ship slowly grinded to a halt.

Next to Gu Qing Shan, a blue-dress girl appeared.

Earlier on, after the captain de-fused himself from the ship, Gu Qing Shan had ordered her to leave for this reason.

The blue-dress girl tapped her Inventory Bag and took out a thin and long escape pod—- the best one on the ship that was completely refueled.

Shannu spoke: “Gongzi, aside from this escape pod, I’ve done as you ordered and dismantled all of the ship’s fuel cells, putting them into the Inventory Bag”

“Well done”

Gu Qing Shan climbed onto the escape pod and began to start it up.

“Bastard! Don’t you dare run!”

The captain roared again.

He leapt off the ship, and headed towards them.

Gu Qing Shan quickly activated the escape pod and inputted the coordinates.

The escape pod gave off a loud boom before shooting off towards the far space ahead.

Shannu stood still.

She held both the Six Paths Great Mountain sword and Chao Yin sword in hand to receive the captain.

“So you wanted to fight?”

She coldly spoke.

Countless overlapping sword images came from the two swords, completely surrounding the captain.



After a few short but fierce exchanges, the two of them took distance from each other.

As the captain glared at Shannu, then at the direction that the escape pod had disappeared to, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to catch up this time.

He furiously cursed: “Coward, you don’t even have the will to fight me!”

“That’s where you’re wrong” Shannu coldly replied.

“Of course I’m not, he already ran away, what else could it be?” the captain grunted in a low voice.

“Just because you wanted to fight, gongzi has to fight you?”

“My gongzi is a busy person, he doesn’t have time to be dawdling here with you” Shannu shook her head and spoke, bored: “This may hurt your self-esteem but——- what worth is there in fighting you?”

As soon as she said that, she disappeared in front of the captain.

At an extremely far distance ahead, she briefly reappeared before disappearing again.

After three times of that instantaneous transportation, she went completely out of sight.

The only person left in the space vortex, stunned and speechless, was the captain.