Chapter 670 - It’s staring

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 670: It’s staring

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Dr.Lock

Proofreader:  Arya

Anna went into the dark cave.

As she swung her scythe and got ready to attack, she was stunned.

The girl from the Church of Fate was standing right in front of her, still with her eyes closed and in one piece.

“Big sis Anna, you were probably a bit surprised, huh?” the girl giggled.

Next to her stood a giant monster that radiated a fierce and intense aura.

It was a large bear that gave off a gloomy grey fog.

The overwhelming aura that everyone felt from outside the cave came from him.

The grey bear looked to be about 5 stories tall, even when laying flat on the ground it was still 3 stories tall.

But such a monster was obediently lying behind the girl.

As the girl stroked the bear, the giant bear squinted its eyes in pleasure.

After a while, it seemed to have fallen asleep.

“Could it be, you were behind everything? No, it can’t be, no matter how strong you are, there’s no way you could set up a space like this inside the hall of the seven Gods so easily” Anna fell into thought.

“I knew big sis Anna wasn’t the same as those wastes of life” the girl happily spoke, “not only are you pretty and strong, you didn’t even hesitate to come to save me”

She waved her hand.

A grey-back book appeared in her hand.

“This is the true Book of Prophecy” the girl said.

She then explained: “In truth, even the Gods themselves have to follow their own Fate. A prophecy from the Gods must also be made with the power of Fate, so from the very start, each time that a prophecy of the Gods was made, it was always conducted by the people of the Church of Fate from the shadows”

“Ah——- then why didn’t you say that from the beginning?” Anna found that confusing.

“The Gods knew better than anyone about the minds of mortals, so if we were to stand out, it would attract the coveting and greed of the other six Churches, causing our Church of Fate to fall to ruin and be destroyed, causing discord among the alliance of the seven Gods”

“And so, the seven Gods prepared a few means to help our Church of Fate to conceal the truth”

“The reason why I’m revealing this is because today was already the final prophecy, so it’s fine even if I tell big sis Anna”

Anna glanced at her, then at the giant bear next to her and sighed.

“If I knew you were this strong, I wouldn’t have needed to feel angry or anxious just now, seriously” she complained.

“Hehe” the girl appeared a bit embarrassed.

She waved her hand to dismiss the darkness around them and show what was happening on the outside.

The other followers were currently discussing cooperation against her.

Seeing Anna once again raising her eyebrows, the girl consoled her: “Big sis Anna, you really don’t have to pay attention to them”

“Why not?”

“Big sis Anna, you have to understand, not everyone is as talented as you are, and not just anyone has the privileges you do, having a worshipped deity protecting you as soon as you arrive at the Strife Zones”

“Anna, people like you are rare, appearing only once in a lifetime. ‘Geniuses’ like those people there are what this world considers ‘normal’, they need to use various means and methods in order to survive, to help their path of becoming stronger—— however, when it comes time to face the true test of Fate, the majority of ‘normal’ people will simply die”

“That’s why there is no need for big sis to feel angry”

Seeing how sincere the girl was being, Anna felt her anger slowly subsiding.

“Fine, since you are already so strong, let’s complete the test and get this over with, I want to return soon” she said.

“As you wish” the girl replied.

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She patted the giant bear, looked up, and loudly shouted: “Precious, time to eat!”

The giant bear’s ears twitched, suddenly opened its eyes, and uttered a thunderous roar.


It suddenly leaped forward like a streak of lightning despite its large size, instantly appearing outside of the dark cave.

Since it was all so sudden, no one on the outside managed to react in time.

The blond man was directly caught in the giant bear’s maw as it chomped, crunched and swallowed him.

The giant bear raised its claws and slammed it on the ground of the hall.

The other followers were so shaken they were unable to move in retaliation.

The giant bear swiftly moved around and made short work of all five people.

It devoured all five of the corpses, turned back into fog and dissipated inside the hall, disappearing without a trace.

The girl explained to Anna: “It can’t be helped, when I entered just now, I found that there wasn’t much remaining power left behind by the Gods, to make sure that nothing goes wrong, I needed to replenish some Soul Points before activating the final prophecy”

“I probably only needed three fresh souls—— hm, well having two extra isn’t a bad thing, as long as everything that used to be ‘them’ have now disappeared and turned into pure power for us to use”

“But if all of them die, wouldn’t that mean we failed the test of the Gods?” Anna asked.

“The test? We’ve already passed the test” the girl giggled: “Big sis Anna, YOU already passed the test”

Anna was stunned and confused: “Didn’t the book say the final test was related to strength? I haven’t done anything yet”

The girl’s expression turned serious as she solemnly explained: “There are many types of strengths in this world, courage is strength, wisdom is also strength, one’s power is merely the direct manifestation of one’s strength”

“But to the Gods, these types of strengths are weak and insignificant”

“The will that the seven Gods left behind told me, before revealing the last prophecy, I needed to find a follower who cherishes and grieves for living beings, and had the courage to fight for this grief”

“Big sis Anna, earlier, you were the only person to step out and come save me”

“That is why you passed”

The girl lifted the Book of Prophecy in front of Anna.

“Big sis, please put your hand on the book”

Anna’s eyes showed a glint of mixed feelings before deprecatingly speaking: “I only wanted to stay at the Holy Church to train myself without coming here, yet the results are like this”

The girl tilted her head a bit and replied: “When it comes to Fate, it is usually that way”

Hearing that, Anna sighed.

She silently stared at the Book of Prophecy.

She didn’t detect any signs of death within her senses.

Instead, an overwhelming force of Divinity was coming out from the book.

This Divinity had locked onto her, waiting for her to activate it.

Anna placed her hand on the pages of the Book of Prophecy.

“What was your name?” Anna suddenly said.

“Big sis, my name is Ke Er” the girl smiled brightly.

“Ke Er?”

“That’s right, I am Su Ke Er”

Anna froze briefly, thinking that this name was very similar to a certain person.

Su Ke Er also placed her hand on the Book of Prophecy and appeared joyful: “I have something personal I wanted to talk about with you, but for now, let us both witness the final prophecy left behind by the seven Gods”

She chanted an incantation.

The grey Book of Prophecy dispersed into a gloomy, indistinguishable fog that enveloped the two of them.


All the darkness went away.

The two of them reappeared inside the hall.

Pillar after pillar began to fall, the floor also began to collapse as the entire hall of the seven Gods slowly fell apart.

Endless Divinity filled the area.

“It’s starting!”

Su Ke Er excitedly said.