Chapter 570 - Wait for the wind to come

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 570: Wait for the wind to come

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Dr.Lock

Proofreader:  Arya

Tethys’ gaze dashed back and forth, then suddenly fell onto the 12-layer cake again.

A small corner of the cake was cut out and taken.

Someone actually took a corner out of the cake in this green room?

She was a bit surprised.

The cake…

She then recalled the cake’s words: 「 Because those two appeared to be interested in me, I’ve even prepared my most wonderful buttery smell, but in the end. they didn’t even bother to savor my taste  」

They didn’t savor the taste, but were interested in the cake…

Suddenly, Tethys had a thought.

When she wanted to try touching the cake, she didn’t notice how Triste was still paying close attention to her.

Triste slammed the table, splitting the cake into numerous pieces.

A transparent crystal ball that let out a faint glow slowly floated in the air.

“Come!” Tethys’ expression changed and shouted.

“Ahahaha, this is my world, Tethys, you think to steal it from me?” Triste laughed loudly.

She chanted in a low voice.

The crystal ball immediately flew into her hand.

Right away, Triste quickly chanted another incantation to unseal the world.

Tethys shouted: “Stop her!”

She began to hurriedly chant a long and advanced barrier spell.

If the world’s seal was undone, there must be another powerful barrier present to stall [Worlds Apocalypse Online] from spreading!

But that was all it could do, stall.

Next to her, the man with the red mohawk suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Triste had already predicted that and stopped her chanting, instead blowing a dark glow from her mouth.

It was a dark medal that gave off a cruel and ferocious air.

“True Demon Protection!” she quickly muttered.

The dark medal flashed and disappeared.


The big rooster was hit by the medal and got caught by it as it crashed through the wall of the room, then of the hotel and all the way out of Aboul.

Triste then turned to the crystal ball and continued her chant: “World Rele—–”

“Shut up”

The cold barrel of a gun was placed right on her head as a cold, unfamiliar voice rang by her ears.

Triste went quiet.

She could tell, if she had uttered another syllable of the spell, she would immediately be shot dead.

Then came the sound of mechanical parts.

Another 7-8 gun barrels were pointed at various points on her body.

Triste didn’t dare to move a single muscle.

She knew full well who just arrived.

Across from her, seeing the pistols that were pointing at Triste, Tethys also sighed in relief.

Reinforcement had arrived!

“Are you the only ones here? Did he come as well?” she asked.

“Boss is here” the pistols all replied in unison.

The green room’s door opened.

An automatic machine gun hopped in.

“Tethys, long time no see, as soon as I got your message, I brought the boys straight from White Elephant Mountains here”

“Ah, isn’t chicky here as well? Where is he?” the automatic machine gun asked.

“He was hit outside by the Demon medal, not sure where he is now” Tethys replied.

“Don’t worry milady, the 900 million World Layers allied army had already gathered, a part of them went to help Barry and Bloodcloak”

“Barry and… Bloodcloak? Why did they fight alongside one another again?”

“Because the Demon Lord Breeder had appeared, joined by more and more powerful True Demons as time passed. What an impressive sight that was, I really had to wonder whether or not the decisive battle had just begun”

“Since the situation is dire, I was worried for your safety so I came to Aboul first, milady”

“It’s good that you made it in time” Tethys sighed in relief.

“It’s nothing, our enemies are so terrifying after all”

Saying so, the automatic machine gun pointed his barrel straight at Triste.

“Triste, you little birdy, I suggest you sit really tight on the sofa and don’t make any sudden moves, otherwise if I pull my trigger by mistake, not even a hair would be left of you”

It was now that Triste thoroughly understood.

So my plan was already found out.

Against these famous Combatants of the 900 million World Layers, I don’t even have an opening to try and resist.

Triste slowly walked to the sofa and sat down.

Facing almost a dozen gun barrels, she suddenly smiled in relief.

“Hand over your world” Tethys said.

“Lady Tethys, I believe the initiative is on my hands right now” Triste lifted her crystal ball.

“If you dare to try anything, I will kill you” the automatic machine gun’s cold voice rang out.

“So what if I lose my life? If you insist on using force, I’m more than willing to trade my life for billions of worlds to be covered in the [Demon King Order]’s influence”

“We won’t kill you, as long as you hand over that dangerous world” Tethys softened her tone a bit and said.

Triste’s smile became even brighter or perhaps even a bit crazed.

“Do you not understand? This world on my hand right now is the trigger to decide the fate of billions of worlds. If you dare to try anything, even if I have to die I will detonate it!”

Tethys and the automatic machine gun exchanged looks, noticing the severity of the situation.

On another side.

Triste’s collection world.

The plains.

Laura was quickly having her guards exchange their equipment.

“Hodge, your saber isn’t good enough”

“This is already the best standardized-quality blade, your Royal Highness”

“No, no, no, here, use this Epic Lord blade, Red Dragon Harvester, catch”

“…Thank you, princess”

“Novija, why are you still using this staff?”

“I’ve always used this staff, and it’s a Wondrous item, your Royal Highness”

“We’re about to begin a decisive battle, you can’t keep being so frugal. Here, I have an Epic staff, the Lapis Forest Song of Vitality, take it”

“Princess, this staff is too heavy”

“Then try this one, the Fire Phoenix’s Reincarnation, slender and flexible, it fits you”

“Thank you, princess”

Gu Qing Shan stepped forward and asked: “Did you contact Ilya yet?”

One of the robed mages spoke: “We just received words from General Ilya, the General expressed both joy and grief at the princess’ decision”

“Tell her there’s no need to grieve, take that time to organize the troops, when we give the signal, immediately break out of the city to rendezvous with us”

The robed mage nodded, took out a green leaf and whispered into it.

In truth, she felt like she was almost going crazy.

The army of ghosts had filled the hills and plains, easily numbered in the several millions.

This small group of theirs wouldn’t be able to go too far into the enemy’s ranks before being ripped to shreds.

Yet this man claimed to want to join up with Tidal city’s troops.

Laura asked: “Gu Qing Shan, why do we need to be so hurried? Can’t we kill off these ghosts that are coming from the back first before we move on?”

Gu Qing Shan stared intently at the approaching army of ghosts, then further away.

“Because the city is about to fall” he said.

They all turned to look.

Sure enough, their group had been too focused on the approaching army that they failed to notice that a part of the city walls had already been taken over by the ghosts.

Having gained this vantage point, the ghosts were rallying to strike hard into Tidal city!

At this time, the robed mage’s leaf shined briefly.

She quickly closed her eyes, then looked up to ask Gu Qing Shan: “The General said she had gathered the last remaining troops she had and prepared to leave the city to meet up with us. She also asked what the signal will be”

Everyone looked at Gu Qing Shan.

He wanted to counterattack.

He wanted to save that city.

He said he could bring princess Laura to fight, and find a path to victory.

It was now the final deciding moment.

It was now time to test whether or not this man was deceiving their princess or did he really has something planned.

Gu Qing Shan only placed Laura on his shoulder and lightly leapt onto the black horse’s back.

He announced to everybody: “Prepare to move out, we’re going straight into Tidal city.

The knights prepared their equipment and summoned their steeds.

When the entire squad had gotten on their horse, and fully prepared, the army of ghosts finally reached them.

Stopping briefly at a distance around 1000 meters away from where Gu Qing Shan was to judge the situation, they quickly rushed forward at even greater speed.

Their enemies were a mere ten people, they could easily kill them all with just a single push.

It was now that Gu Qing Shan told the robed mage: “Tell General Ilya to wait for the wind to come”

“For the… wind to come?”

The robed mage was sitting on a horse’s back and was stunned as she heard that.

“That’s right, when the wind reaches Tidal city, she can immediately move out to meet up with us” saying so, Gu Qing Shan drew the Earth sword.

“All troops, move out!” he loudly ordered.

“Move out!” Laura clenched her tiny fist and shouted in unison.

The black horse’s speed was as fast as ever, quickly charging towards the countless army of ghosts.

“Protect the princess!”

The 10 Bramble Bird knights gritted their teeth and followed the black horse’s charge.

Even if they still couldn’t imagine what could possibly come out of this, her Highness the royal princess was still riding the black horse.

Since they were chosen specifically for a rescue mission like this, their loyalty was absolute.

They were all prepared to die in battle.

Within the cloud of kicked out dust and dirt, the 11 riders quickly approached the army of ghosts.

The faces of those ghosts at the very front were beginning to become clear.

Looking at the endless numbers of ghosts, Laura started to feel a bit nervous.

She silently poked Gu Qing Shan and asked: “What now? We look very much like we’re going to die in battle”

“We won’t” Gu Qing Shan answered.

With a thought, three flying swords appeared from the void of space.

At the same time, lines of glowing text appeared on the War God UI.

[You’ve accumulated 5 times of Iaido]

[You may unleash a Taiyi Sword Array at 32 times power]

[To unleash such a powerful technique, you will need to pay 100,000 Soul Points to fuel its power]

“Do it!” Gu Qing Shan confirmed without hesitation.

[Soul Points have been prepared, you may begin infusing your swords with Soul Points] the War God UI responded.

Gu Qing Shan smiled and manipulated all three swords with his inner sight.

All three swords reacted at once.

They all let out an intense ‘wu wu’ sound, as if they were already impatient, fully ready for battle.

“Go, we’re starting” Gu Qing Shan whispered.

Without a sound, the wind began to pick up around the swords.

“This is… wind?”

Laura noticed it and was confused for just a second before her eyes lit up.

She remembered Gu Qing Shan’s sword technique that wiped out an entire city.

Just now, Gu Qing Shan told Ilya to wait for the wind as a signal.

So that’s why.

There really was hope!

Laura finally couldn’t contain her excitement anymore.

She looked around.

Her guards around the black horse also appeared surprised.

They noticed as well.

An immense wind force was moving along the void of space.

This was an unimaginable and insurmountable storm of swords!

Laura held a scepter in her hand, standing up on Gu Qing Shan’s shoulder and ordered her guards

“The wind is here! Everyone, follow me and Gu Qing Shan, charge!”

“For the princess!” her guards loudly shouted.

Their horses started to speed up.

They were charging straight into the enormous army of ghosts.
