Chapter 1596 - Excavating the corpse

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1596: Excavating the corpse

Gu Qing Shan stood up with a solemn look in his eyes.

Regardless of the situation, the fact that I needed to quickly gather all of the frozen corpse’s parts hadn’t changed.

Only then would Shroud be able to awaken.

—–he would then become the complete frozen corpse and close the Reality Gate completely.

Gu Qing Shan paced back and forth around the room, silently thinking.

The first part of the frozen corpse was hidden in the Northwest region of the Doomsday Necropolis.

But the entire Doomsday Necropolis is currently under the glowing cloaked skeleton’s control.

I couldn’t kill it despite trying many times——not even the Chrono race managed to kill it.

That glowing cloaked skeleton is also very knowledgeable, managing to recognize both the Dragon Hex and Sacrificial Dance.

——I can’t arbitrarily enter the Doomsday Necropolis right now, or it would discover what I wanted to do.

When that happens, the glowing cloaked skeleton would truly go berserk!

Gu Qing Shan stopped.

Right now.

The glowing cloaked skeleton had sealed the entire Doomsday Necropolis off, which seems to indicate that it wanted to awaken all the sleeping Apocalypses.


It’ll be very troublesome if that happens.

Gu Qing Shan suddenly sensed something and took out the Condemnation Codex, turning his gaze to the Blood Sea Heroic Spirit Card.

A sorrowful air was being silently exuded from the Card.

『 Without being able to obtain the Blood Sea’s control, the Apocalypse is currently destroying the Blood Sea to soothe its anger 』

The woman’s voice sounded in Gu Qing Shan’s mind.

Gu Qing Shan stayed silent for a short while before turning his gaze outside the window.

It was currently nighttime.

Gu Qing Shan abruptly closed the book and shouted: “Shannu, we’re heading out!”

“Yes, gongzi”

Shannu transformed into a sword and disappeared behind Gu Qing Shan into the void of space.

A mass of white fog slowly descended from the void of space and enveloped Gu Qing Shan.

As the white fog scattered away, Gu Qing Shan was completely gone.

The Doomsday Necropolis.


Under the large wall of light, Gu Qing Shan appeared.

Wielding the Six Paths Great Mountain sword in his hand, he slashed the wall.

A gap was cut open on the wall.

——while it had been cut open, the gap was continuously closing back up.

Gu Qing Shan lightly leapt over.

As soon as he went through the wall, he transformed into an orange cat, and by the time he landed on the ground, he had already vanished without a trace.

[Ghostly Shadow of Night]!

As well as borrowing Adorable’s [Spotless Jade] ensured that no one would be able to detect his existence.

—–at this point in time, the glowing cloaked skeleton was still destroying everything within the Blood Sea, so it still hasn’t returned.

This was the best opportunity to retrieve the frozen corpse’s body part!

The orange cat stood still for a bit, then appeared a bit helpless.

——-Shroud had turned into the Bell Ringer Dog Battle-mask.

Without this mask to guide the way, I wouldn’t be able to find where the frozen corpse’s part was buried.

Having no other choice, the orange cat had to take the dog’s head back out.

——but where is a dog’s head supposed to stay on a cat’s body?

The orange cat tried hanging it on his shoulder, only for the dog’s head to drop with a ‘thud’

The orange cat was so panicked his soul almost escaped his body and hurriedly put his paw on the fallen dog’s head.

Taking a careful look at it, the dog’s head was fine.

The orange cat then sighed in relief, realizing that he was soaked in cold sweat from that just now.

This dog’s head is constantly absorbing my power.

As soon as it leaves my body it would no longer be able to absorb more power of Death from me, which could end up with it disappearing.

If the legendary Lord of Infinite Origins suddenly died because of a moment of my carelessness, then everything would have been all for nought.

I’ve been hanging his dog’s head on my shoulder this entire time, why did it suddenly drop just now?

The orange picked up the dog’s head and suddenly realized.

——-a cat doesn’t have shoulders!

How could a cat’s smooth back carry a dog’s head?

Then, this would become a very serious issue.

—–I need to find a way to secure the dog’s head on my body while I’m in the [Orange Sovereign] form in order to use its senses to detect the frozen corpse’s body part.

Then, the most crucial issue is———-

How should I secure this dog’s head on this cat body?

The orange cat thought for a bit and used his tail to coil around the dog’s head.

But the dog’s head was so big that it was already half the size of the cat

This is…

Really troublesome.

The orange cat looked up at the night sky.

Far above the sky-high wall of light, the shroud of night was receding.

Dawn should be here very soon.

And the glowing cloaked skeleton might return at any moment.

Time doesn’t wait for anyone!

The orange cat’s eyes became resolute and decisively put the dog’s head on top of his own head.

—–right now, he looked like a dog-headed cat.

Instantly, the mask’s [Frozen Seal Nose] ability was activated.

The orange cat sat still and silently focused himself, quickly locating the frozen corpse part’s location.

——–my current form is too awkward, I need to quickly find the corpse!

The dog-headed cat shifted his body and flew into the sky

Now that all the Apocalypses had gathered at the North pole, he could move at full speed without worry.

Like an orange shadow undetected by anyone, he moved at a ludicrous speed towards the Northwest, occasionally disappearing in a flash before reappearing over ten thousand miles away.

SInce he was moving towards the Northwest instead of the North pole, he no longer ran into the black wall of slumbering Apocalypses, but instead found a vast wasteland.

The orange cat continued to run——-

He was using his full strength to constantly leapt forward like an arrow that had been let loose.


He reached where he had been sensing earlier.

——–a valley full of dark grey rocks.

The orange cat became absolutely solemn and silently descended from above.

He was completely sure that the sensation earlier originated from this region, but was unable to discern the true location of the frozen corpse’s body part.

Fortunately, patience was something that the orange cat had never lacked.

While wearing the doghead mask, he carefully examined the rocky valley.

There wasn’t anyone or any Apocalyptic monsters around here, the sky was lingering half between dawn and night, and everything was still immersed in silence.

I need to hurry up, otherwise, [Ghostly Shadow of Night] would lose its effect by dawn!

The dog-headed cat was feeling a bit strapped for time, but still carefully picked up each and every small piece of rock, even using his inner sight to scan every crack on the ground in search of clues.

Suddenly, a resounding dragon’s roar was heard from the far North——-

The orange cat paused, but quickly continued to his work.

This dragon roar came from the replicate Death Dragon——- that dragon didn’t know how to use Dragon Hexes, so there was nothing to worry about.

But the fact that the dragon roar could be heard represented that the Apocalyptic army was making its way back from the Blood Sea.

Which meant the glowing cloaked skeleton would also make it back here soon.

The orange cat sped up his search.

Where exactly was the frozen corpse’s part being hidden?


Show me a clue, anything.

It’s clearly here.

Was there a cave? Some mechanisms? Or teleportation-type techniques?

The orange cat was getting extremely nervous.

Unfortunately, the senses provided by the doghead mask covered this entire mountain valley, so it wasn’t exact.

The orange cat suddenly stopped and silently listened.

A voice called out from the North pole:

[All Apocalypses, you shall reawaken and boil, sweeping over the entire Space Vortex…]

This was the glowing cloaked skeleton’s voice!

Its voice slowly became lower and lower as it turned into indiscernible incantations and chants.

The ground began to tremble very slightly.

A glorious greyish flame abruptly rose into the sky from the North pole.

[Come, all of you, join me… destroy…]

The glowing cloaked skeleton was chanting discontinuously.

Just as the rooster had said, it was awakening all the Apocalypses.

The beginning of all destruction had begun right here within the Doomsday Necropolis!

The orange cat’s eyes flickered a bit and quickly made considerations.

Should I interrupt it to cancel this summon?

…Never mind, I can’t kill it either way.

And the priority right now is to close the Reality Gate!

The orange cat refocused himself.

He tilted the doghead mask and continued to search within the mass of rocks.

Time slowly passed.

A cold breeze brought with it some moisture from the distance.

The sky was slowly turning brighter.

It will dawn very soon.

Right at this moment, the orange cat suddenly dug up a piece of rock.

Under that rock, he found a heavy casket engraved with patterns from the Age of Immemorial’s era of deities.

The orange cat jumped onto the casket and saw the glowing text appearing in front of his eyes:

[You’ve discovered the frozen corpse’s sealing casket (1), which contains one part of the frozen corpse’s body]

[You can use this part of the corpse to eventually reconstruct the entire Secret Apocalypse]

Finally found it!

The orange cat patted the casket with his paw, instantly making the entire stone casket disappear.

At this point, the first ray of dawn had arrived.