Chapter 1353 - Life Talisman vs power of a Pillar God (2)

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1353: Life Talisman vs power of a Pillar God (2)

During the flight.

White clouds were continuously receding behind them.

The giant beetle gradually escaped the battlefield to head towards the inner parts of this world.

Gu Qing Shan laid on top of the giant beetle, snoring.

The Wraith realm was indeed hard to deal with.

At the Yama Heavenly realm, when Cang Wu Zhang’s servant brought with him a golden pair of chopsticks to kill Gu Qing Shan, that was when Gu Qing Shan first came into contact with their forces.

——Soul Artifacts that carried Causality Skills, infallible Guise Hexes, Life Talismans that were activated through life sacrifices, none of which could be defended against.

Cang Wu Zhang had even relied on a Life Talisman in order to escape with his life under the combined attacks of Gu Qing Shan and Xie Dao Ling.

Truly devious and unpredictable.

Red Wraith had used the maid’s life to activate this Wicked Thoughts Burning Spirit hex, believing that it would be a guaranteed kill.


Even now, Gu Qing Shan was alive and well.

Perhaps he had many other ideas, but ended up giving up on them?

No one knew.

One minute slowly passed.

The giant beetle flew out of land and entered a vast ocean.

It slowed down, then sent its voice to Gu Qing Shan: “I didn’t ask you earlier, do you hate seawater?”

No answer.

“If you hate it, I’ll just go down to make the report myself, can you wait here for me?”

No answer.

The giant beetle pondered, then acted startled: “Right, my mistake, I still haven’t asked for your name”

Still no answer.

The giant beetle was troubled: “You can’t tell me? Then, how should I call you?”

Gu Qing Shan turned a bit in his sleep, muttering in return: “Dragon King… of Atrocity… Jail…”

“Dragon King of Atrocity Jail? That sounds impressive” the giant beetle happily said.

“Then, Dragon King of Atrocity Jail, I’m going to head down, be careful”

Gu Qing Shan began snoring loudly.

The giant beetle observed him for a bit, then muttered: “He’s still sleeping… he must have expended a lot of power for that previous strike”

To save me, he used all his strength to destroy that frightening spike.

With that in mind, the giant beetle’s antennae twitched a bit, pointing towards Gu Qing Shan.

A few moments later.

A dome of air manifested out of thin air, covering Gu Qing Shan inside.

“Since you’re asleep, I can’t really leave you here alone, so I’ll take you with me”

Saying that, the giant beetle brought Gu Qing Shan into the ocean with it, heading straight down.

It headed towards a place deep underwater.

Very quickly, a voice sounded from the ocean abyss:

「 Purple Star, why are you here? 」

The giant beetle replied: “The Eastern frontlines had collapsed, the 37th virus spread too quickly. I’m the only one left alive”

Many figures became rowdy at the bottom of the sea.

「 That’s very troublesome, we haven’t fully resolved the 36 other viruses yet and the 37th one has already manifested, how do we get rid of it now? 」

“I observed it for a while and discovered that this virus would rouse insanity within the infected, filling them with murderous thoughts, they could also continuously kill in order to grow stronger”

「 But that is only a preliminary observation, we need more information 」

『 Indeed 』

As the monsters were discussing a countermeasure——-

A sleepy voice suddenly spoke up in irritation: “That virus is called the Man Killer Fiend. The infected can grow increasingly more powerful through killing, but as long as they can pass their initial killing frenzy, if reasonable guidance can be provided, they would be able to reawaken their sense of self”

The monsters carefully listened, then quickly understood.

「 Is that so? So that’s what it was? 」

“I see, that was all it was”

『 If that’s the case, we can—— 』

The monsters abruptly realized what just happened, all turning their gazes towards the giant beetle called Purple Star.

On the tough carapace of the beetle, a single human young man laid there, snoring.

It was him who spoke earlier.

「 Purple Star, what’s going on here? 」a monster with eight arms questioned.

The giant beetle replied: “He fell from the sky, saved my life, then fell asleep”

Recalling something, it added: “Right now he’s my friend, right, he’s called Dragon King of Atrocity Jail”

The eight-armed monster smirked: 「 Dragon King of Atrocity Jail? What a grand name, for a human to dare call themselves that 」

The giant beetle replied: “Don’t always look down on others, it was him who told us how to deal with the 37th virus just now”

The monsters discussed rowdily.

The eight-armed monsters pondered, then shouted towards the depths of the ocean: 「 Gerhard, what do you think? 」

A solemn voice responded from the depths: 「 We had discussed this with the humans, no one is allowed to enter our world. Even if he’s called Dragon King of Atrocity Jail elsewhere, in our world, his only outcome will be the same—- that is death! 」

The giant beetle continuously retreated, shouting back: “There’s no need for that, he hasn’t done anything yet”

Gu Qing Shan was disturbed by its movement, so he finally awoke and sat up, muttering blankly: “Who… called my name?”

The eight-armed monster didn’t care about that and shouted: 「 If that’s the case, I’ll volunteer to be the executioner! 」

Killing intent filled its presence, instantly leaping into action.

A resounding explosion.

A tidal wave had surged from the depths of the ocean and shot to the surface, forming a column of water that reached dozens of meters in height.

A large body floated atop the water, being washed away by the current.

——the eight-armed monster’s body.

The monsters: “…”

No one was able to tell what had just happened.

A certain monster whispered: “Didn’t he want to kill that human just now? Why did he use his sure-kill technique on himself?”

Another monster whispered in return: “I don’t know, can’t ask either, he’s already dead”

The solemn voice from the depths of the ocean resounded again: 「 Human, you’ve angered me 」

The underwater current surged.

The ocean itself began to bob up and down.

A twin-headed sea serpent rose up from the depths.

Its scales carried natural magic runes; its every movement was accompanied by countless divine lights.

「 According to the Monster Codex, only unique one-of-a-kind monsters of the void may enter our world, otherwise, they are granted death! 」

The twin-headed sea serpent slowly circled the ocean depths, speaking with an authoritative tone.

The giant beetle was trembling but still tried to argue: “You’re being unreasonable. The Codex mentioned that monsters who wish to live in our world must be one-of-a-kind, but he doesn’t want to remain here”

The twin-headed sea serpent completely ignored the giant beetle, its vertical irises stared straight at Gu Qing Shan and continued:

「 I, Gerhard have always been an astute supporter of the monster Codex, and I shall eliminate this human without fail! 」

Gu Qing Shan was still a bit delirious.

But the sea serpent’s loud voice didn’t allow him to sleep.

He staggered to stand up, mumbling: “You are… Gerhard?”

「 That is I. Dragon King of Atrocity Jail, today shall be the day of your death! 」

“My death?”

Gu Qing Shan abruptly started laughing madly.

“You dare to disturb my sleep, unforgivable! Completely unforgivable!”

He leapt away from the giant beetle’s back; his body abruptly manifested into a boundless shadow.

The shadow then solidified as a large dragon, several hundred meters in size!

After fusing with the power of the fourth dragon, the black dragon’s body had gotten a bit stouter, but the ferocious flames it naturally exuded had gotten considerably more intense!


The dragon rushed straight towards the twin-headed sea serpent.

The twin-headed sea serpent tried to match him but found that it had been restrained in place, unable to move a muscle.

It was startled, but quickly regained its calm and circulated its strongest power——

In front of everyone, the twin-headed sea serpent suddenly unleashed a cluster of colorful flames upon itself.

「 Aarrrggh—— what is going on!? 」

The twin-headed sea serpent howled desperately.

The black dragon rushed forward, grabbed it tightly with his claw, then began to tear at it with his dragon maw.

Fresh blood dyed the ocean red.

——this black dragon was as strong as four other dragons!

The twin-headed sea serpent couldn’t escape, was struck by one of its own techniques, then further suffered the attacks of the black dragon, so it was quickly drawing its final breaths.

「 Such a delectable stench of blood! 」the black dragon roared.

Just as the twin-headed sea serpent was about to be killed, a glorious ray of light shot into the ocean from the sky, manifesting two hands of light.

These two hands seemed to contain boundless power, easily separating the black dragon and twin-headed sea serpent.

Both of them tried everything they could but were unable to resist this force at all.

『 Dragon King of Atrocity Jail, you cannot kill it, its crime doesn’t deserve death 』

A gentle voice called out.

The holy ray of light illuminated the entire ocean, focusing on the black dragon.

“Whatever… Don’t… court death”

The black dragon mumbled his complaints, then slowly closed his eyes and continued to sleep while floating in the water.

Hearing that voice, the twin-headed sea serpent called out in delight: 「 My king, please grant me justice and kill this wicked dragon who blaspheme the Monster Codex 」

The gentle voice responded: 『 He had not blasphemed the Monster Codex 』

The twin-headed sea serpent was shocked, muttering in disbelief: 「 King, he might not be human, but he is only a normal dragon. Our world only allows entry to one-of-a-kind monsters, and dragons do not qualify 」

The gentle voice replied: 『 You are incorrect. I have personally examined it, he is not a true dragon, but rather an advanced kind of living Soul Artifact, a unique one 』

『 I can even say that among the infinite void, a dragon-type Soul Artifact like him is unique 』

『 For that reason, he is qualified to remain in our world 』