Chapter 1319 - Overlapping world

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1319: Overlapping world

The light of teleportation flashed.

As soon as Gu Qing Shan and Crow appeared, a loud urging voice resounded in their ears.

“Do not go out and fight!”

“Remain here and wait for reinforcements!”

“Do not leave this stone tower, everyone who did so is dead!”

“Further reinforcements are coming!”

With the tall stone walls obscuring his eyes, Gu Qing Shan couldn’t see anyone around him.

This was a stone tower with very limited space. It appeared to be around two-story tall, with numerous runes and patterns of different civilizations carved on the insides of the walls, creating an isolating force.

Standing inside this tower, Gu Qing Shan and Crow had taken up around 1/5th of the total space.

Quite obviously, this was a tower constructed to be used as a landing pad for teleportation. Many people used it to move from world to world, but very few actually remained here.

Crow crouched down to pick up four pieces of white stones.

The warning voices from before were continuously being broadcasted from these stones.

“These are Voice Recorder Stones” Crow explained, “If you squeeze it tightly and talk, it will record the very first sentence you say, then continuously broadcast it again and again”

Gu Qing Shan released his inner sight to go through the stone wall and spread it outside.

There wasn’t a single living being in the desolate wilderness, only various collapsed structures and countless corpses.

All traces of civilization were gone.

Instead, the teleportation tower established by Void City had become the only surviving structure in this world.

“They’re all dead” Gu Qing Shan said.

“What?” Crow asked again.

“I said, the people of this world are all dead” Gu Qing Shan replied.

This time, Crow heard it clearly.

He walked to the window and looked outside, only to see the face of each corpse holding a completely different expression.

Even at the same location, some of the corpses were smiling stiffly, some had a despairing expression from facing inevitable death, some still had an expression of confusion as they died.

Crow felt a chill running down his back and sighed:

“I thought we were already saved, who would’ve thought things would be like this? It’s been a really long time since I experienced such an eerie and dangerous situation”

“How strange… how exactly did the people of this world die?” Gu Qing Shan asked in confusion.

He was then startled.

In the wilderness outside of the tower, among countless corpses, a weak presence was sensed by Gu Qing Shan’s inner sight.

For several thousand miles, that was the only living presence he could feel

“Crow, I found a living person outside, I need to take a look” Gu Qing Shan said.

“Didn’t you hear the stones’ warning? Those who left the tower are all dead” Crow warned him.

After a moment of silence, Gu Qing Shan insisted:

“I have to save that person, otherwise, if we remain here without any information, it would be no better than waiting for death”

He took out a strand of hair from his Inventory Bag and began tying it around his waist.

“Hair? What are you doing?” Crow asked in confusion.

Gu Qing Shan finished tying the hair, then handed the other end to Crow.

“This strand of hair has a natural elasticity characteristic, when you pull on it with a bit of force, it will immediately pull me back” Gu Qing Shan explained.

This was Lin’s strand of hair.

Back in the Gemini Star, when the Demon Dragon chased after them, Lin decided to buy time for Gu Qing Shan, so she told him to run away first while tying this strand of hair around her waist and giving the other end to Gu Qing Shan.

When Gu Qing Shan reached the warp point, using this hair, he managed to pull the dying Lin to safety, then escaped from the Demon Dragon’s pursuit.

“Then, when you manage to save that person, I’ll immediately pull both of you back?” Crow asked.

Gu Qing Shan explained his plan, then added: “I might be able to return on my own, but seeing how these corpses had different expressions on their faces, I think the situation isn’t quite as simple as I thought———- in case I can’t return, immediately pull me”

“Alright, as soon as I notice something amiss, I’ll pull you back right away” Crow held the strand of hair tightly and said with a serious expression.

Gu Qing Shan walked to the door of the tower, silently calculating the distance.

The unconscious individual was around 7000 meters away from the stone tower.

——-I can’t use Adorable as a scout in this dangerous environment, if something happened to the gourd, I’d worry as well.

I have to do this myself.

He took a deep breath, abruptly pushed the door open and shouted: “Crow, save him!”

Before he finished his words, he had already vanished.

——-Divine Skill, [Shadow Shift]!

In an instant, Gu Qing Shan appeared where the individual was, while the unconscious individual appeared inside the stone tower.

Gu Qing Shan immediately leapt out from the pile of corpses, wanting to use [Ground Shrink]

Suddenly, he saw that his surroundings had changed.

The originally desolate countryside became filled with resounding explosions and magic.

Countless Professionists were clashing against sandstorm monsters.

This scene only lasted for the blink of an eye.

As Gu Qing Shan took one step forward, the scene before him collapsed, replaced by another one.

Gu Qing Shan found himself sunken in the middle of an oceanic abyss. A few thousand meters away from where he stood, a gigantic octopus was silently observing him.

Each of the giant octopus’ suction cups on its tentacles grew a severed head.

All of those heads stared straight at Gu Qing Shan and uttered a resounding howl——-

The scene collapsed again, replaced by yet another completely new world.

A burning city.

Streets filled with berserk, mindless individuals.

Gu Qing Shan saw a group of staggering people limping forward to consume the corpse on the ground.

Man Eater Fiends!

Gu Qing Shan was shocked.

Another group with glowing blood-shot eyes were rushing towards him.

“Kill kill kill kill kill! Everyone must die!” they shouted.

In the sky, individuals who grew skeletal wings were spitting various elements directly from their mouths.

A giant serpent was slithering along the streets.

Just as Gu Qing Shan raised his sword to face this threat, he saw the scene moving away from him.

An immense retractive force could be felt around his waist.

The powerful force directly yanked him out of that world and flew directly back inside the stone tower.


The door was immediately closed.

——It was Crow.

He had caught the unconscious person and nimbly placed them down on the ground, then immediately yanked on the strand of hair as he turned around.

The very moment Gu Qing Shan re-entered the stone tower he had already closed the door.

“I immediately knew that something was wrong as soon as I saw you standing still, so I pulled you back right away” Crow let go of the strand of hair and said.

Gu Qing Shan wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and replied: “You made the right choice, otherwise, I might not have been able to return”

“What exactly is going on?” Crow sternly asked.

Gu Qing Shan explained everything he saw just now.

Crow appeared confused.

“Never seen it, never heard of it either” he shook his head.

They both turned to the man on the ground.

He was a young man wearing glasses, some blood seeping from the corner of his mouth, his body constantly trembling.

Gu Qing Shan scanned him with his inner sight and found that he was only breathing out without breathing in, so he was literally breathing his last.

“Crow, do you know any healing techniques?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

This individual on the ground must know something.

If Crow has no way of healing him as well, I’ll have to use the Heaven sword.

Crow drew his rapier and said: “Let me try”

Holding the rapier tightly, he abruptly thrust it into the man’s heart, then whispered: “Your living fate shall be the Effect, release the life force of your future, replenish all injuries of this past”

A milky white glow clad the thin rapier.

This glow entered the man’s body.

Crow immediately withdrew his rapier.

As Gu Qing Shan looked back, the glasses man’s chest didn’t even have a flesh wound, his complexion slowly returning to normal, his breathing becoming stable.

Crow appeared exhausted and sat straight down on the ground.

“Is this a healing technique?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Asking that, he took out a bottle of strong liquor and handed it to Crow.

Crow took a huge gulp, then begin explaining: “I proposed a possible Effect, which is him surviving this experience, then use that as the Cause to expend a bit of his future life force to save him in the present”

“Then, what would happen to his future?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Nothing, he’ll be weakened for a period of time, but there’s essentially no longer any threat to his life” Crow replied.

“How miraculous” Gu Qing Shan praised.

“This technique takes a lot out of me, I need a bit of rest” Crow sat leaning on the wall of the tower, breathing a bit heavily.

Gu Qing Shan turned to the man in glasses.

He slowly opened his eyes and sat back up, observing them.

“Did the two of you save me?”

“That’s right, this is the teleportation landing tower, you’re safe for now”

“Thank you very much, I’m a researcher of the Void Library, my name is Yu Juan”

The man said while showing him a book-shaped medal.

The medal gave off a unique power fluctuation, which Crow sensed a bit before nodding to Gu Qing Shan: “It’s real, he’s from the Void Library”

Gu Qing Shan felt a bit more assured, then said: “I’m Dragon King of Atrocity Jail, this is Crow, we’re from the Hitman Guild”

Yu Juan sighed and commented in a lonely manner: “You shouldn’t have come here; this place is in complete chaos”

“I know, I’ve also seen it earlier——- there are numerous overlapping worlds outside” Gu Qing Shan said.

Yu Juan shook his head: “That’s secondary, the most important thing is that the terrifying monsters that should have gone extinct in the past are now alive right here”

“They will devour all Combatants who come here to fight”