Chapter 1050 - Dusty Star Chart

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1050: Dusty Star Chart

The earth continuously collapsed. Rocks, rivers, buildings, and roads scattered, flung into the space vortex, disappearing completely out of sight.

The wind slowly turned violent, sweeping everything inside the world away.

Gu Qing Shan closely watched the collapsing world, then turned his gaze towards the two Deities who were clashing against one another a bit further away.

This location was outside of the two Deities’ battle zone, so they were temporarily safe.

The Soul Shrieker unleashed its soul absorbing shriek without any signs of stopping.

The God of Life tried to use its countless black tentacles as a shield against the Soul Shrieker’s attack.

The black tentacles were turned into detached souls and whisked into the Soul Shrieker’s mouth.

At this moment, the Soul Shrieker was overpowering the God of Life.

——-it seems the God of Life finally doesn’t have the leisure to worry about Calming Soul Country.

This place had turned into the battlefield between two Deities, and their battle would only become even more intense from this point onwards.

A single world couldn’t possibly handle this level of destruction.

In other words—-

Calming Soul Country was about to be destroyed.

Gu Qing Shan said right away: “This is a good chance. Xuan Ya, order the Demis who had gathered at the capital city to evacuate into the mirror worlds”

“Understood” Xuan Ya replied.

“Laura, maintain your umbrella, we’re going to take this chance to retrieve all the mirror worlds”


Xuan Ya immediately used her [Fearless Transmission]

Soon enough, the group warped away from the battlefield of the two Deities.

At another location.

Dead Sea, Fog Isle world.

The gate of the Holy Church of Fate.

“Have you already decided?”

Ning Yue Chan asked.

“I have” Su Xue Er replied.

She tossed two items to the other party, then turned around to head back into the Holy Church.

Ning Yue Chan received them to see that they were indeed that Card and the corresponding coin.

She carefully put them away before asking again: “Hey, didn’t you say you liked Gu Qing Shan a lot? Why aren’t you going to meet him right now?”

Su Xue Er didn’t turn around and just replied: “I’m not going”

Ning Yue Chan tried asking: “Giving up?”

“…None of your business”

Su Xue Er’s figure disappeared into the Holy Church.

Ning Yue Chan shook her head, before leaping into the air, and flying off this world.

Su Xue Er stood in the shadow of the Holy Church and carefully observed, making sure only to sigh after the other party had truly gone far away.

Several knights of the church hurriedly approached her.

“Your Excellency, lady Su Xue Er, the Pope issued an order for you to lead the troops against the other Holy Churches”

“Understood, I’ll be on my way immediately”

Su Xue Er replied.

The knights respectfully bowed and left.

Su Xue Er shook her head and smiled bitterly.

If I lose Gu Qing Shan, these wars, these competitions, even the end of the world, what does it all have to do with me?

She took off the surcoat that symbolized her status as a Cardinal of the Holy Church and arbitrarily tossed it to the ground.

Everything is meaningless now.

Su Xue Er took out a scroll and ripped it.

A split second later, the light on the scroll enveloped her and took her away from this world.

Gu Qing Shan’s homeworld.

Su Xue Er appeared.

She found herself hovering in the air.

The Confederate capital was below.

A city filled with light.

The darkness of the night was waning.

The Holo-brain she carried in her personal pouch started vibrating almost immediately.

Su Xue Er didn’t care and simply looked down on the city nightscape.

——-Anna once said that Gu Qing Shan once made all the lights in the capital lit up at once for a split second.


I really didn’t have a lot of time to be with him.

When I had the chance at Triste’s collection world, I foolishly pushed him away.


Su Xue Er’s gaze fell onto a certain place in the capital.

——-Rainbow bar.

I once went here with Gu Qing Shan.

Su Xue Er couldn’t help herself from flying down.

She came into the bar, ordered a cocktail, silently watched the mixologist do his work, and placed it in front of her.

“Thank you”

Su Xue Er raised the glass and took a light sip.

She quickly scowled.

This liquor was extremely strong, not even the ice and fruits mixed with it could obscure its pungent taste.

——-and this was a kind of liquor that Gu Qing Shan liked to drink.

Why would he like such a hard thing to swallow?

Anna seemed to like such liquor as well.

I heard that those who liked strong liquor usually had a lot on their minds and had gone through many hardships.

Anna’s father is no longer of this world, her country fell to ruin. Even after she reclaimed it, everything was still in turmoil.

She must’ve gone through a lot of hardship and suffering.

…and most likely Gu Qing Shan also had similar experiences that couldn’t be described in words.

But I don’t know about any of it.

——-so what if I do know?

I can’t even win against Ning Yue Chan.

During our first meeting, she saved my life with a single strike.

Her beauty, her talents, even her combat experience isn’t something I can catch up with.

I know I’ve already put in a lot of effort and tried my best.

But standing next to Ning Yue Chan, compared to her, I’m still an ugly duckling.

How am I supposed to compete with her?

Su Xue Er wiped her tears.

She drank the entire glass at once, letting that burning alcohol sensation wash over her throat and chest.

“Ning Yue Chan…”

She couldn’t help herself muttering.

If I were to be the strongest…

I will—–

I will beat Ning Yue Chan and all those other girls until they’re scared and won’t come back!

Su Xue Er begrudgingly thought.

The Holo-brain in her pouch had been vibrating for the past while.

Su Xue Er felt annoyed so she shut it off entirely.

A short moment later.

The Holo-brains of everyone in the bar vibrated at once.

Everyone was surprised and checked what happened.

A solemn, dignified female voice resounded:

[According to the Law of worldwide safety, your personal Holo-brain has been conscripted for public use, your citizenship IDs have been recorded by the world allied government. Please leave the bar and receive your new Holo-brain]

[Special attention: This is an order of the Highest Priority, please carry it out immediately!]

Everyone stopped drinking, said nothing, swiftly put their Holo-brains down, and left the bar in haste.

—–don’t be ridiculous, this was a Highest Priority order from the World Allied government, it wasn’t something you would see every day, but it would always represent the greatest authority in this world.

No one had the courage to go against such an order.

A few moments later.

The entire bar was empty.

Only Su Xue Er remained.

Outside the bar, hundreds and thousands of mobile Mechs completely surrounded this street block, forbidding all entry.

The capital was put under temporary military law.

Interstellar airships made their way into the sky, patrolling the airspace of the capital.

None of this escaped Su Xue Er’s observation.

She reluctantly raised an eyebrow, swirling the ice that remained in her cup.

———who’s so blind as to try and bother me at this point in time?

I just want a moment of silence.

Is that too much to ask for?

As Su Xue Er’s thin fingers slightly moved, every shot glass in the bar hovered into the air, melted into a mass of transparent liquid, and disappeared into the void of space.

At this point, every Holo-brain broadcasted a voice in unison:

[Confederate aristocrat, last retainer of the 9 Lords status, lady Su Xue Er, I am Impartial Goddess]

“Last retainer of the 9 Lords status? What do you mean?” Su Xue Er questioned in a cold voice.

[The 9 Lords have become history. This is a decision made in accordance with Gu Qing Shan’s previous will] Impartial Goddess replied.

Su Xue Er’s fighting spirit deflated and hurriedly asked: “I-I see—– has Gu Qing Shan returned?”

[My apologies, he has not]

[Su Xue Er, I am here for a more important matter]

[The 6 worlds of the Samsara had fused together as one and are currently facing the danger of the Abyss’ backflow waves, with a not inconsiderable chance of being destroyed]

[In accordance with the Guardian’s last will, you are the only inheritor of the 9 Lords of Starlight]

[As the current situation is highly uncertain, I must transfer the last inheritance of the 9 Lords to you]

The door of the bar opened.

A miniature Mech arrived in front of Su Xue Er with a box in its hand.

Impartial Goddess’s voice resounded again:

[The 9 Lords have become history, and I have retrieved the 9 Starlight Cloaks that contain a unique power, the most precious inheritance of the 9 Lords]

[From this moment forward, they shall be yours]

The box was opened.

The 9 Starlight Cloaks silently laid inside.

Su Xue Er was stunned.

That can’t be right.

How could these cloaks be considered the most precious inheritance?

What exactly happened?

Su Xue Er lightly stroked one of the cloaks with her hand.

These were the heirlooms of each of the 9 Lords, only the heads of each generation was ever allowed to wear it. Although they had certain magical properties like never becoming dirty, elemental resistance, and inducing longevity, those effects weren’t exactly great, only at the level of being decent.

For the 9 Lords, the most precious thing about these cloaks was the authority that they represented.

——it was to obtain this cloak that Mother and Father cut ties with me.

For such a ridiculous thing…

Su Xue Er let the tear flow down her face while clutching one of the cloaks tightly, trying to suppress the sorrow in her heart.

Unbeknownst to her, from the moment that her hand came into contact with the jet-black cloak, it had begun to give off a faint fluctuation.

The fluctuation continued to spread until it enveloped the faint stars on the cloak.

All of a sudden.

The 9 cloaks hovered by themselves, attached to one another, and spread themselves out in mid-air.

The darkness from the cloaks had been completely removed to reveal a sea of glittering stars.

A vast and grand star chart had appeared in front of Su Xue Er.

At the same time, a cold, mechanical voice resounded from the star chart:

[Detected Starlight Empire’s bloodline]

[Ever since the secret destruction of the Starlight Empire, this is the first time an aristocrat with the empire’s bloodline had been detected with the lowest required power threshold]

[Starlight secret: Dusty World Secret Passage had been revealed to you]

[This is the only shortcut to obtaining the great power of Occultism!]