Chapter 699 - The Quick Witted Wei Wei

The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 699: The Quick Witted Wei Wei

Once Wang Ling heard the name Zhang Yu, his nerves instantly relaxed.

His mother had said, if anybody wanted to investigate this issue, Zhang Yu would be the prime suspect to the officials.

These people truly came to investigate.

He must present himself more naturally.

Wang Ling’s hand paused on the doorknob. He took a deep breath before opening the door.

When he saw Helian Wei Wei and Baili Jia Jue standing outside, Wang Ling was genuinely startled, which made him raised his guard. “Why is it you?”

The Secretary of State for the Ministry of Official Personnel Affairs wanted to say something, but Helian Wei Wei signaled for him to shut up with her left hand, then she explained, “Actually, we’re not Feng Shui specialists but people from the official authority. The palace is taking this case very seriously, hence we were sent to visit you. We know the citizens are not willing to say a lot of things in case they get into trouble. But don’t worry, we will act by the law no matter how influential the culprit’s background is. This time, we’re here late at night just to understand more about Zhang Yu’s actual situation.”

After Helian Wei Wei spoke, Wang Ling’s vigilance dissipated to nothing, and he hesitated, wondering whether to let them in.

Just then, Old Lady Wang called from inside the house. “Ah Ling, let the two officials in, my conscience will not be clean if I don’t clear some things up.”

Old Lady Wang had her own plans for letting them in.

Firstly, if she did not let the officials in now, it would raise suspicion, and since her son was going to be a scholar, she could not let this minor thing ruined her son’s reputation.

Secondly, she could use this opportunity to continue directing the suspicion onto the second Young Master of the Zhang family.

Thirdly, the Yan family would soon realize that Liu’er was missing. If the two officials were here, she would have an alibi.

Then, nobody would suspect her for abducting Yan Liu’er. As for that girl, she was confident that she hid her well.

That was why Old Lady Wang, who had the perfect plot, opened her mouth.

Since his own mother had approved, naturally, Wang Ling had no objections. He moved aside to let Helian Wei Wei and Baili Jia Jue into the yard. After a moment of thought, he turned back and locked the wooden door.

The loud noise made the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Official Personnel Affairs very uneasy.

He had no idea what would happen in the yard, and now that the door was closed, he could not see anything at all.

Moreover, the criminal this time might very well be a ghost.

Could they handle it?

Helian Wei Wei noticed Wang Ling’s unusual movements and raised a brow, but did not say a word. She only shot a glance at Baili Jia Jue who was beside her.

His Highness was still walking with as much grace and nobility as usual, as if whether the door was opened or closed meant nothing to him.

Upon seeing this, Wang Ling felt some discomfort in his heart, even more than when he saw Zhang Yu.

Because Zhang Yu had too many flaws that he could pick on.

But this man before him was far too perfect to be judged.

The aura he exuded was one he could never get no matter how hard he tried.

Hah, he’s just a little rich.

Once I became a scholar, these officials from the Ministry of Official Personnel Affairs would be nothing compared to him!

Thinking about this, Wang Ling straightened his back, leading Helian Wei Wei and Baili Jia Jue into the house gallantly.

The house appeared normal, apart from being a little cold without a fire and slightly worn out, it was just like an average house.

Helian Wei Wei did not let Blackie out, as his ghoulish aura was too strong, and he would alarm them once he came out, so she used her consciousness stream to ask His Highness who was beside her, “Do you smell anything?”

Helian Wei Wei believed that from certain aspects, His Highness’ sense of smell was sharper than Blackie’s.

His Highness, smart as he was, definitely understood her underlying meaning. He glared at her, and Helian Wei Wei immediately hide her hands in order to look well-behaved.

This made Baili Jia Jue’s day, even his tone of voice had a smile to it. “No.”

No? Helian Wei Wei frowned. Did she make a wrong guess?

Old Lady Wang was very polite. After they came in, she stood up from her rocking chair. However, she could not be seen clearly due to the poor lighting.

“The house is cold, and I did not boil any water. Please have a seat, my Lords. My Ah Ling has always been an honest boy, and he doesn’t quite know how to befriend other people. I hope he did not offend you just now.” Old Lady Wang spoke cautiously, like a normal citizen trying to please the officials.

If it was not Helian Wei Wei who entered, but someone else instead, they would definitely be deceived by her.

This was probably the reason why after the first case of disappearance occurred, the officials did not notice any abnormalities with the Wang family even after they have searched every home.

However, Helian Wei Wei noticed a tiny detail, which was her clothing. She was only wearing a thin blouse that normally suited early autumn. It looked so thin that it could not resist any wind.

Before visiting, Helian Wei Wei had done her research on the Wang mother and son.

Wang Ling was like a typical man with a humble background in this era. He would think that all the girls fancy other people because of their money. To him, the reason they did not fancy him because they do not see the potential within him. Although he seemed like a gentle scholar, in actual fact, his heart was constantly filled with jealousy.

Then again, he was extremely filial to Old Lady Wang.

Perhaps it was due to the early passing of Wang Ling’s father, so he would always have Old Lady Wang on his mind.

Despite that, Wang Ling had at least two cotton robes on, but he did not even give one to Old Lady Wang.

And ever since Helian Wei Wei walked in, she noticed that Old Lady Wang had never once shivered from the cold at all.

There was something in psychological study called behavioral observation.

Anyone could lie with words or act through his expressions, but the reactions of the physical body could never be controlled, what it showed was what it was.

From Old Lady Wang’s behaviour, Helian Wei Wei could conclude that she was not in the least bit cold.

That was the biggest abnormality, for her to not feel cold even though it was below negative ten degrees in the Capital!

Helian Wei Wei narrowed her eyes for a moment. Concealing her feelings, she continued speaking to Old Lady Wang with a smile. “Old lady, don’t be nervous, we’re just here to understand the situation better. After all, in this alley, the family that knows Zhang Yu the best would be your Wang family.”

Old Lady Wang stood on the spot and sighed. “Regarding the Zhang family, we really should not say anything more. That day when the both of you were there, Old Lady Zhang also told you everything she could. The Zhang family and the Wang family has no affinity. We would not let any girls who’ve had a history with other men into our doors. I don’t know about other things, but there’s one thing that I’ve kept secret till now. Now that I think about it, it might be of some use to you…”