Chapter 2732

The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2732: Chapter 2721 attacked

Translator: 549690339

“Charge! All troops, Attack!”Just as Jiang Fei and the others arrived, a loud shout came from the army of the Kingdom of Reiden. Then, 50,000 soldiers rushed over with overwhelming force.

“Not bad! You even know how to wait for the enemy to attack you?”Jiang Fei was also shocked by the opponent’s attack.

Jiang Fei had already fought more than a dozen large and small battles since he left Hapsburg Royal City. The fairies were still more disciplined when it came to fighting. Usually, after the two armies met, the main general would first come up to announce his name and then announce his family background, after both sides had gotten to know each other, the main general would fight a few rounds. If one side’s main general lost, the other side would take advantage of the situation to kill.

Although there were occasional changes, it was basically the same process.

However, when it came to the Reiden kingdom, the rules suddenly changed. The other party did not even bother to report their name and did not come forward to make small talk. Instead, they directly attacked with the entire army. It was obvious that they were bullying the other party because they had more people.

Moreover, the 50,000 people in the Kingdom of Reiden were all fresh blood. They had long known that the Hapsburg Dynasty’s army was coming. Therefore, they had made sufficient preparations at home. Today, after having a good meal, they were ready to fight to the death with the Hapsburg dynasty, they were just waiting to fight to the death with the Hapsburg dynasty’s people.

On the other hand, the people that Jiang Fei had brought could be said to be a tired army. Although they did not encounter much resistance along the way, they had still fought their way here. Moreover, the daily march of the army had exhausted these soldiers.

Therefore, according to normal circumstances, the strength of the two sides was not equal. As long as the Reiden Kingdom’s army charged forward, they would be able to completely destroy the Hapsburg Dynasty’s army. After that, it would be a one-sided massacre.

It could be said that the Reiden Kingdom’s army had the right timing, the right place, and the right people. The only winner of the Hapsburg dynasty’s side was Jiang Fei.

“Prepare to face the enemy!”Jiang Fei shouted loudly. Then, he watched as the army of the Kingdom of Reiden closed in on him.

“Kill!”The cavalrymen at the front held their sabers flat. Their mounts had already increased their speed. On Jiang Fei’s side, there were almost no cavalrymen. Other than the spear-shield warriors in front, there was a large group of archers.

If these valiant cavalrymen were to close in on them, they would not even need to wave their sabers. Just by relying on the height and impact of their mounts, they could kill all the soldiers of Hapsburg with their flat sabers.

“Military advisor! Use your ability!”Yidis shouted anxiously.

“No Rush!”Jiang Fei smiled slightly and then ordered loudly, “Spear-shield warriors, raise your Spears!”

“Yes!”Although they were a little afraid, these spear-shield warriors were after all well-trained elites. After receiving the order, they immediately stabbed the tower shields in their hands into the ground. The bottom of the shield was directly embedded into the ground, then, the long spear in their hands pierced through the groove on the shield. The tip of the spear was pointed straight ahead!

In the blink of an eye, a strong defense was erected in front of the Hapsburg Dynasty’s army.

“Fall!”At this moment, Jiang Fei used his spiritual power to attack. He did not attack the knights, but the mounts.

“Argh… argh…”the mounts suddenly bled to death. Under the effect of inertia, the mounts suddenly fell to the ground, and the knights were thrown out.



“It’s just me…”


A series of cracking sounds accompanied by screams rang out in front of the Hapsburg Army. The knights that were thrown out directly crashed into the spear-shield warriors’forest of spears. Instantly, they were pierced through like candied haws!

“Archers! SHOOT UPWARD!”Edith did not need Jiang Fei to remind him. He ordered the ranged attackers to start attacking.

The Arrows flew like locusts towards the follow-up troops of the Kingdom of Reiden. The Archers of the kingdom of Reiden were slow and had not reached the battlefield yet.

More and more warriors were hit by the arrows and fell to the ground. However, more and more soldiers of the kingdom of Reiden rushed forward. The gap between the number of people on both sides was too big. As a result, the Archers of the Hapsburg dynasty had used up all their quivers, the fingers that were pulling their bows were already twitching. However, there were still more than 20,000 enemies charging forward.

At the same time, the archers from the kingdom of Reiden had also entered the battlefield. They skillfully pulled out their arrows from the quivers on their backs and nocked their bows.

“Sigh! Looks like I still have to make a move…”Jiang Fei sighed, previously, he had deliberately avoided direct killing. Therefore, he did not use any overly powerful spiritual skills. However, he could not do it now. If he did not make a move now, once the archers from the kingdom of Reiden fired.., then, as long as he fired a volley of arrows, Jiang Fei and the others would become hedgehogs.

Because the difference in numbers between the enemy and himself was too great, the archers alone had more than three times the number of Jiang Fei and the others. With a wave of arrows, Jiang Fei and the others would not be far from being wiped out.

“Get Down!”As Jiang Fei shouted, a wave of mind power radiated out.

The speed of the spiritual energy rippled was extremely fast. The Archers of the kingdom of Reiden had already drawn their bows. However, before they could let go of their bowstrings, Jiang Fei’s spiritual attack had already arrived.

“Boom…”almost all the soldiers of the Kingdom of Reiden felt their vision go black. They had lost all consciousness.

“Plop… plop…”the soldiers of the Kingdom of Reiden fell to the ground one after another. Those with better physiques would have to lie down for a day or two before they could get up. Those with poor physiques would be considered useless for the rest of their lives. Even if they did not die on the spot.., they would be vegetative for the rest of their lives.

“This…”Chris was dumbfounded. He looked at Jiang Fei as if he was looking at a monster. At the same time, he held his weapon tightly in his hand as if he was hesitating about something.

“Who exactly are you?”Yidis also stared at Jiang Fei.

“DAMN! Military advisor, you are too strong. With your ability, you don’t need to bring us along. You can kill them all by yourself!”Celt was very excited, this kid had half of a barbarian’s blood in him. Therefore, he worshipped the strong.

“Don’t worry about these details. I’m not interested in authority at all. The reason why I helped the Hapsburg Empire unify the lycra forest was mainly because I made a deal with Sofia,”Jiang Fei said with a smile.

“Deal?”? With your strength, you could easily take over the entire lycra forest, let alone a mere Hapsburg Empire? “I really don’t know what kind of bargaining chip our queen can offer you,”said Chris as he stared at Jiang Fei, he felt that Jiang Fei was too terrifying. Although he was on the same side as him now, once he rebelled, who would be able to stop him?

“Hehe, I said that Sofia can use herself as a bargaining chip. Do you believe me?”Jiang Fei asked with a smile.

“I do!”Chris actually nodded very seriously. At this moment, he really could not think of anything else that could tempt a powerhouse like Jiang Fei other than himself.