1685 The flood at Coast City

Pet King

The more colorful his life was, the more boring his life would be when there was a power outage for a long time. Although their mobile phones could still access the internet, the signal was very weak, and they were often cut off from browsing the web. It might be that the nearest telecommunication base station had been hit with water, causing a large area of residents to only use the base station that was farther away to access the internet. There were too many roads, and there was no way to go about it.

Wang Qian and Li Kun were still thinking about playing mahjong. It was not that Zhang Zian was deliberately making things difficult for them, but there was really no Mahjong at home. In the past, the old couple had been busy from morning to night and had no time to play mahjong.

Richard was also very interested in the quintessence of Chinese culture, Mahjong, and clamored to play together.

He didn’t want them to be too noisy and disturb little celery’s homework, so he gave them a few candles and drove them to the aquarium next door. Someone had to keep an eye on them.

The water creatures were very delicate. After the air conditioner was turned off, the temperature of each aquarium had to be monitored every half an hour, especially those rare and cold-loving creatures. They had to rely on adding ice to maintain the temperature, but adding too much ice would lead to a decrease in the salinity of the sea water in the tank. Therefore, when adding ice, sea salt should be added in proportion, not without thinking.

Fortunately, after he bought the house next door, he found an opportunity to open a side door on the first floor of the two houses from the inside. Otherwise, it would be troublesome.

The sound of the storm continued to increase, and turbid water began to pour in through the gaps of the curtain Door, which proved that the water outside was higher than the sidewalk, the foundation of the shop, and the steps. The water depth was probably 20 to 30 centimeters.

The Street’s sewers were probably blocked by fallen leaves and debris. The accumulated water couldn’t be discharged, and the water level would definitely rise further.

The staff had already taped the lower edge and gaps of the glass door, but they couldn’t completely seal it. As the water pressure increased, the water leakage became more and more serious.

The two girls put down their phones, put on gloves, and put the rags and towels at the door to absorb water. When one batch of rags and towels were all soaked, they would replace them with another batch and take turns to wring the wet towels in the pet bathroom. This cycle was repeated to prevent the sewage from spreading into the store.

“Manager!” Jiang Feifei shouted from the bathroom.

Zhang Zian went over to take a look. It turned out that the sewer of the bathroom had also begun to gurgle with sewage, indicating that the underground drainage system of this Street had been paralyzed.

They could only wrap a cloth in a plastic bag and stuff it into the drain to prevent the sewage from flowing back.

Zhang Zian thought for a moment, then took two plastic buckets and asked the two girls to wring the dirty water into the buckets. When one bucket was full, he took it to the storage room on the second floor, found a raincoat to put on, and then opened the window of the storage room to pour the dirty water out.

As soon as the window was opened, the strong wind blew raindrops the size of beans into his face, and the rain got into his raincoat through the collar.

The world was in chaos, and the streets had become a River. Occasionally, one or two cars would split the water and pass by, looking like boats. Rows of trees swayed left and right, and the flower pots on the balcony of the old residential buildings were blown off by the wind and smashed to the ground.

The wind and rain were so strong that it was almost impossible to open one’s eyes. It seemed that he would have to wear a pair of goggles the next time he opened the window to pour water.

He poured the dirty water out of the bucket, and it took a lot of effort to even close the window.

Would little celery’s mother be able to get through such a terrible situation outside?

Everyone was busy, and it was windy and rainy outside. Little celery was not doing her homework at ease, and she was also worried about her mother’s safety.

The staff, who didn’t care about the typhoon at first, slowly felt the power of the typhoon. They were trapped in a room and couldn’t get out. There was water constantly surging into the room. No one knew how high the water level would rise, and no one knew if it would have a big impact on the Pet Shop and Aquarium’s operations.

This was only the edge of the typhoon. If it was the center of the typhoon, it would not be strange for some old houses to collapse.

While Zhang Zian and the staff were working hard, the Elfins with sensitive hearing turned their faces in the direction of the glass door.

“There’s someone outside,” famous reminded.”Someone’s smashing the door.”

The sound of the wind, rain, and Thunder was too loud. Zhang Zian and the others didn’t hear anything. Even if they heard a little, they would think that the wind had blown branches and other things to the door.

“Mother!” Little celery threw down her pen, ran to the glass door, and screamed while hitting the glass door.

The staff asked Zhang Zian if they should open the door and let her mother in.

Zhang Zian waved his hand.”Little celery, don’t shout anymore. You can’t hear from outside. It’s no use shouting until you’re hoarse.” We can’t open the door. Once we do, all the water will come in. And we don’t need to open the door. You guys wait here. “

He returned to the second floor and entered the storage room again. He put on his raincoat, opened the window, and stuck his head out.

The storage room had a long and narrow layout, and the windows were narrow. It was useless for many people to come in, and it would be a hindrance instead.

At the door of the shop, a woman in her thirties, but not yet forty, was desperately hitting the curtain Door and shouting little celery’s name. She wasn’t wearing a raincoat, and her whole body was soaked. Her hair was disheveled, and she was barefooted.

“Woof! Above! Here!” Zhang Zian shouted.

She was worried that she had come to the wrong place after knocking on the door to no avail. Just as she was about to find a place to take shelter from the rain and take out her phone to make a call, she heard his voice coming from above.

She raised her head and saw Zhang Zian. She pointed at the curtain Door and shouted,””Open the door!”

Zhang Zian waved his hand and pointed to the Wuling Hong Guang MPV parked under the window.”The door is sealed!” Climb onto the roof, I’ll pull you in from the second-floor window!”

Vladimir often took this route, jumping on the roof of the car, then jumping on the window sill on the second floor to enter the house.

She was stunned, but there was obviously no time to explain in this situation, nor did she have time to ask additional questions. She walked to the Wuling Hong Guang MPV and tried to climb to the roof.

“Use this!”

Zhang Zian threw a folding chair down for her from the window and let her climb up the engine cover and then the roof of the car.

The muddy water had already covered the sidewalk, washing over the houses and debris on both sides of the street like a small river. The trash cans were washed down, and all kinds of debris were floating around. However, the four-legged folding chair with small legs and a strong mechanical structure could stand steadily in the muddy water and would not be washed down easily.

Since she was barefooted, she unfolded the chair and stepped on the seat. This way, it would be easier for her to climb to the roof of the car.

After she climbed onto the roof of the car, her thin body was swaying in the wind.

“Give me your hand!”

Zhang Zian stretched out his body and held her hand, but their hands were covered in rain and too slippery. He couldn’t hold them at all.

He asked her to wait, took out a pair of rubber gloves from the house, and threw another pair at her to put on. There was enough friction now, so he pulled her to the window sill in one go.

She cooperated by clinging to the window sill firmly and desperately lifted her legs into the window. Finally, she got in.