Chapter 2162: Chapter 2162: Please do not bring any cheat (second update: Cold Iron Grace + Alliance Master)

Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 2162: Chapter 2162: Please do not bring any cheat (second update: Cold Iron Grace + Alliance Master)

The middle-aged servant had never seen the madam lose her temper like this.

She had always been gentle and gentle, easily turning her enemies into ashes.

She had also said that the most important thing for a woman was her posture. Even if she was defeated, she must remain elegant and calm. She must not throw a tantrum and roll around like a small boat that could not be overloaded. She was no different from a shrew in the marketplace.

But now, her face was livid. The corners of her mouth were curled downwards, and she kept shivering. Her cheeks were twitching, and the law marks on both sides of her nose were deeply revealed. She looked much older all of a sudden.

The middle-aged servant could not help but remind her, “Madam, why don’t you try another divination?”

This madam came back to her senses. She looked up and saw the mirrors hanging everywhere in the house. She saw her ferocious face and was shocked. She touched her face with her hands and gently patted it. After a long while.., just faintly said: “The book of changes should not be too frequent divination, a month ago just up, to my advantage, half a year can not rise again, up also useless, but will dilute the previous divination.”

“Oh, well, then, my lady, would you like to have some refreshments and take a nap?”said the middle-aged servant gallantly.

The Lady Thought for a moment, nodded, “Well, give me your best glutinous rice dumplings, bigger, do two.”

The middle-aged servant bowed and hurried to the kitchen.

The lady sat back on the sofa and thought for a while. She got up and went to her room to put on her VR helmet and glasses. She entered the large-scale game “Your Life”, which was called Your Life in English.

It had been a long time since she had been here. She looked up at her surroundings. She did not have much equipment, but each piece was exquisite. It was indeed different from when she had just started.

Her mood was a little better. She randomly picked a scene and just wanted to go in as a passerby to watch and relax.

In the end, when she went in, she saw the system announcement placed on the window above everyone’s heads.

[ all players ] : Hello, everyone. This game is to give everyone a real life experience. Please don’t bring any cheats! Please don’t bring any cheats! Please don’t bring any cheats!

The moment this announcement was made, the players were all dumbfounded.

You need to bring cheats to play a daily life game? ? ? ?

It’s not a chicken versus chicken game, is there a need for that? ? ?

This madam was also very speechless.

This kind of game was biased towards life. So What If you brought cheats?

It wouldn’t let you earn a penny more. The system didn’t have this setting.

But soon she found that she was very wrong.

Because she used the identity of the system admin to find the scene of suspected people with a plug-in, she wanted to see what it was like to have a plug-in in this kind of game.

There were many suspicious scenes of a plug-in, she chose a scene in it.

It was a university classroom, she stood in a very spacious lecture room, a white-haired professor lecturing on the podium.

There were many students under the lectern. Most of them were listening to the lecture attentively, but there were also a few students doing their own things.

This was also a common sight in ordinary universities. Even Harvard University, the world’s number one Ivy League University, was full of students who did not listen to the lecture.

The lady sat down disapprovingly and planned to listen to a lecture to calm her nerves.

She listened for a while and realized that the professor was talking about biological genetic science.

On the blackboard was the gene editing diagram of a fruit fly.

At this moment, a handsome, tall Asian man stood up and asked, “Professor Smith, May I ask if the gene editing method can cure congenital genetic defects?”

The white-haired professor was wearing reading glasses. He lowered his head slightly and looked at the boy who was asking questions from the top of his glasses, he said, “Theoretically, it’s possible, but please remember that it’s only theoretically possible. “In terms of gene editing to cure congenital genetic defects, it’s theoretically possible, but it’s a million miles away from reality. At this stage, the possibility is almost zero.”

“Why? We all know that theory guides practice, and theory can be summarized from practice. Since it’s already theoretically possible, then it’s actually possible, as long as we find a suitable method.”

“For example…”the man revealed a charming smile, “I know that you are a data person created by the system. As long as I can find your data, I can copy you. This is much easier than gene editing, isn’t that right, Professor Smith?”

The white-haired professor did not seem to realize that someone would ask this question. He was stuck for a moment and stood on the podium in a daze. After a while, he said, “I am not a data person.”

There were npcs and ordinary players listening to the lecture. When they heard this, they all raised their heads and looked at the boy who stood up in surprise.

Those who had good news were already knocking on the table and hitting the stool. They reached their hands into their mouths and even whistled. It was very lively.

The white-haired professor was still seriously refuting that person, “I’m not a data person. I’m a biology professor.”

However, after he said a few words, the boy who stood up suddenly stretched out his hand and tapped a few times in the air.

Even a real player could see that the control panel on the VR scope was being pulled out and the conditions were being determined.

After a few minutes, a person who looked exactly like the white-haired professor on the podium suddenly pushed open the classroom door and walked in.

Then the second, third, fourth..

More and more white-haired professors walked in. Not only was the podium crowded, even the empty space in the lecture hall was filled with white-haired professors.

The scene looked a little strange.

The madam looked at all this and frowned, thinking that this was a cheat?

Couldn’t the system just delete the banned words and delete the account?

And it had to be broadcast all over the station?

These computer programmers who did system maintenance were really terrible.

She cursed in her heart. Just as she was about to click on the control panel to exit the game, she suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Because she could not bring up the control panel!

In the VR window, the small circle in the upper right corner that showed the loading progress was constantly rotating, but she could not bring it up.

What was going on?

The madam focused for a moment and suddenly understood.

She took a deep breath.

The classroom door was still being pushed open, and an endless stream of white-haired professors kept pushing in.

They indeed looked exactly the same, even the wrinkles on their faces were no different.

This was a copy and paste, how could there be any difference?

The white-haired professor was the core of this scene. Although he was an NPC, he was the only one who had the game settings for this teaching scene.

The system was constantly copying the white-haired professor, and it took up a lot of resources!

Just like the Macro virus that appeared in Excel, it instantly put you into an endless loop. Other than repeating it over and over again, this type of large-scale boss-type NPC also took up a lot of CPU’s working resources.

This lady felt that she could hear the computers in the mainframe room running crazily. One computer’s CPU was not enough, and the other computer’s CPU had idle resources, so they could quickly make up for it.

This was originally the principle of complementing each other in the system database, which could disperse the system’s ability to withstand pressure.

But here, this principle was used in reverse. Gradually, the computer cpus scattered in other computer rooms were also occupied.

On this side, the white-haired professor’s copying and pasting had not stopped. The large staircase classroom was filled with people, and at a glance, it looked like a sea of white hair, normal student players and student npcs were almost drowned in the vast sea of white hair.

“Stop! Stop! Stop copying!”

Some players were frightened by this strange scene, but like this madam, they could not get out. They could only watch as they were squeezed until they could not breathe.

Just when everyone felt that their hearts were about to explode, the system finally reached the brink of self-protection.

“Fatal bug in Scene 03045612, unable to be fixed.”

“The system forcibly deleted, the system forcibly deleted, the system forcibly deleted.”

Finally, after the game’s programmers had failed to use any other methods, they activated the ultimate protection method — unplugging the power source.

In the distant control room, the programmers’curses could be heard.

“How many times this month has it been? !”

“Our scenes have been almost destroyed!”

“The previous code can’t be used! Once used, it will repeat the Bug! I really don’t know which big shot made the plug-in!”

“It’s simply devastating!”

The game’s chief engineer looked at the black screen in front of him. After a long time, he muttered, “Don’t you think the plug-in used by that person looks familiar?”

“Familiar with what?”

“The mode that he copied is the chessboard with rice, and the last square is the second square of the first square.”

“And the chessboard has a limit. Our system doesn’t have a limit.”

“So his copying can be endless in an instant, commandeering all of our cpus!”

“Then what else can other people play? ! Give it to him alone!”

The chief engineer punched the computer desk hard.

The young people around him looked at each other and suddenly felt a little excited.

“Boss, could it be that person?”

“Who?”The middle-aged chief engineer in his forties asked at the top of his voice, “Tell me clearly, who? !”

“Pink Piggy!”The young programmers’eyes were almost popping out pink bubbles. “This year is the year of the pig. Pink Piggy is back in the game, right? !”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This is the second major chapter of the day: Chapter 2162, “Please Don’t bring a plug-in.”.

It’s the second major chapter of the day.

This is the second major chapter of the “Cold Iron Grace”major league in October.

Thank you so much. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *