Chapter 714 - God Eater Sin

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 714: God Eater Sin

Once it finished speaking, the figure of light scattered into specks of light and disappeared.

The world returned to silence for a brief moment.

Then the black market erupted into noise as countless people loudly discussed among themselves.

Some quick-witted people even sneakily ran into bookstores.

The seven Holy Bibles!

Each Holy Bible depicted the words, actions as well as the view of the Gods towards all things, the teachings they had towards their followers as well as their predictions of the future.

To find the labyrinth, they needed to look for the 21 poems of divination that lie within the 7 Holy Bible!

Fortunately, within the Strife Zones, the 7 Holy Bibles had always been the most well-circulated books, sometimes, the Holy Churches would even give the Holy Bibles out to their followers for free.

In the Strife Zones, the books with the most copies within any bookstore had always been the 7 Holy Bibles.

After another short period of chaos, everyone managed to gather an ample amount of Holy Bibles from several different bookstores.

A Combatant had the thought of wanting to take all the books for himself but quickly gave up on it.

Because he knew that if he tried to do that, everyone would gather and risk their lives to kill him.

Because this was a teaching of God!

Even before the issue of faith comes into play, the figure of light had already said that it had only bought a bit of time for living beings – for them.

If they couldn’t find the labyrinth, they wouldn’t be able to find the Divine Armaments, and the sinful creature wouldn’t be sealed again.

If his impulsive actions caused the search for the Divine Armaments to fail at the last minute, then he would die together with everyone else within the belly of the monster!

So the Combatant took a deep breath, pulled out a copy of the Holy Bible from inside his chest and quickly flipped through.

This was a Holy Bible of Death, depicting many of the Death God’s actions and words, with an addendum of his poems predicting the future at the end.

There are probably a few thousand of these poems.

And this was only one of the Holy Bibles.

There are a total of 7 Holy Bibles…

He shook his head and quickly focused on reading through the poems.

This was going to be a vast undertaking, but no matter how tough it was, they needed to find the poems that fit the current situation as fast as possible!

The entire black market fell into tranquillity.

A path that leads directly to becoming a Demigod was now in front of them.

No one had the time to kill and struggle for mundane riches.

At the edge of the floating port.

Gu Qing Shan gave Little Dusk a cup of steaming hot tea while he leaned on a chair and read his newspaper.

This was the Spire Keeper Association’s newspaper.

After being silent for so long, it finally updated with more news just now.

“You’re not going to try and read those prediction poems?” Little Dusk asked him as she drank her tea.

Gu Qing Shan was focused on the newspaper as he casually answered: “Ah, I won’t; I’ve already given up my faith, remember?”

“It’s actually fine you know, you can give it a try” Little Dusk encouraged him.


“Because according to those words just now, the Divinities don’t care whether or not you’re their follower, as long as you can collect the Divine Armaments, they will help you fully light your Tree of Divinity——- and make you a Demigod”

“Will they actually be that generous?” Gu Qing Shan was still reading the newspaper as he asked.

“Trust me, I know the Divinities very well” Little Dusk said: “They are very keen on sealing away all the unknown and powerful creatures of sin, and mortals who help Divinities achieve that goal will always receive their favour and rewards”

Gu Qing Shan hesitantly spoke: “But wouldn’t directly becoming a Demigod be too much of a leap for living beings?”

Little Dusk smiled: “Demigods aren’t really all that either, it’s just the first step on becoming a real God”

“Are there any Demigods in the Strife Zones?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Little Dusk answered him: “The serving deities being worshipped in the 7 Holy Churches are all Demigods”

Gu Qing Shan muttered: “Serving deity…”

According to the dead general’s memories, Gu Qing Shan knew that each God had their own serving deities.

The serving deities would deal with complicated matters and management in place of the Gods, loyally adhering to their orders.

Gu Qing Shan then recalled the black hound that lingered around Anna.

——how strong is it?

“Demigod huh… do you think I should give it a try?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Little Dusk told him: “You should, becoming a Demigod will greatly increase your strength, your cultivation will jump several realms, your card grade will also leap several levels at once from a grey card to something else”

“Hmm… that does sound enticing” Gu Qing Shan muttered.

In truth, he was very interested in it right now.

Little Dusk stood up: “Let’s go, we should try looking at the poems in the 7 Holy Bibles—— I know the 7 Divinities quite well, so we should be able to find those 21 poems very quickly”

She continued: “From there we can analyze the poems and find out where the labyrinth is”

“We can then simply search through the labyrinth, bring the Divine Armaments out and seal the sinful creature away”

Gu Qing Shan silently looked at her and asked: “You’ve also been sealed by them, so why are you trying to help them? Don’t you want to take revenge?”

Little Dusk asked confusedly: “Revenge? What’s revenge?”

Gu Qing Shan considered briefly before explaining: “It’s… whenever someone does something bad to you, you also want to make them feel what you felt”

Little Dusk casually smiled: “The Divinities were only afraid of me”

Gu Qing Shan said again: “But they sealed you away”

Little Dusk looked at him: “That was already in the past, what I’m doing right now has nothing to do with them, I just want to help you become a Demigod”

Gu Qing Shan fell silent.

He put the newspaper back on the table.

——-unlike before, this time the newspaper was white with black text, it was completely black, like a shroud of darkness that covered everything.

Lines of text burned through the black background.

[Final notice]

[The 900 million World Layers alliance has been destroyed]

[Billions of worlds have been plunged into darkness]

[The monster is currently wrestling with the Demon King Order for the right to destroy it all]

[Regardless of who wins in the end, the only path waiting for living beings everywhere is enslavement or death]

[Attention please, this is the final notice of the Spire Keeper Association before our collapse]

[Everything is over]

[Goodbye forever, my friends]

When Gu Qing Shan no longer looked at the newspaper, the burning text started to spread on the black paper.

Flames quickly ate through the entire thing.

Within the burning flames, what remained of the once-glorious Spire Keeper Association also turned into ash, completely erased from the 900 million World Layers.

The 900 million World Layers alliance had also been destroyed.

This was the end of an era.

The great shroud of the apocalypse was slowly being pulled open.

For now, the only lucky survivors were those within the Strife Zones, hidden away by the power of the Divinities.

But no one knew how long this luck could actually last.

Gu Qing Shan deeply sighed, clasped his hands together, and formed a seal.

“I have something to ask you”

He told Little Dusk.

Specks of light gathered at his fingertips, forming a terrifying visage.

It was a face made of light, half-man, half-women, their eyes were filled with insanity and hysteria, both carrying an expression of pain with wide-open mouths as if they were screaming in silence.

Indeed, this was the creature that rested within God Institute.

———the eerie monster that no one could go against!

“Do you know what this is?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

As Little Dusk stared at the monster, her expression slowly became solemn.

With a slow and cold tone, she told him: “It has many names, the Predator, Enemy of Divinity, God Eater Sin, Ender of the Desolate Age”

Gu Qing Shan was glad and asked: “So you know about it?”

“I do” Little Dusk nodded: “This is a creature from the Age of Desolation——– the age before the Divinities were born”

“This creature brought an end to the Age of Desolation after the Divinities were born, even the powerful True Gods with vast, unimaginable power could only become its food”

“The reason why the Divinities created myriads of living beings, even breaking all taboos in search of forces much more powerful than themselves was because of fear, and the majority of that fear came from this creature”

Gu Qing Shan asked further: “Have the Divinities ever won against it?”

Little Dusk replied: “The Divinities once had a decisive battle against it——- I was present at the time as well”

“So you already fought against it?”

“Not me alone, all the most powerful creations of the Divinities participated in that battle, some of them were even stronger than I was”

“And you won?”

“We did, but barely, the majority of Divinities at the time lost their lives for it, powerful creatures the likes of which I couldn’t believe also died in that battle”

“What about the monster?”

“We couldn’t thoroughly destroy it, so we sealed it away——- that was all we could do, but that way, the Divinities were temporarily safe”

Gu Qing Shan silently nodded.

Little Dusk asked curiously: “How do you know about this creature?”

Gu Qing Shan replied: “It has reappeared”

Little Dusk was speechless.

For the very first time, Gu Qing Shan saw her making an expression of fear and anxiety.

“Now that the Divinities are no longer here, does that mean it is invincible?” Gu Qing Shan tried asking.

“No” Little Dusk shook her head, “the Divinities would never allow that terrifying past to persist once again”

“Once the creature was sealed away, they studied for countless years and finally found a way to deal with that creature”

Gu Qing Shan’s eyes lit up and asked: “What was it?”

“It was a secret, a secret of Divinities” Little Dusk shook her head as she looked at him.

Gu Qing Shan’s expression turned solemn: “Listen to me, Little Dusk, you have to tell me, otherwise more and more people will be killed by that monster, and all the worlds will be destroyed”

“It’s not that I don’t want to tell you, but because after the Divinities won the war, the Divinities no longer trusted weaponized beings like myself who only existed for war, so I don’t know what that secret was” Little Dusk explained.

“Is there no trace of it at all?” Gu Qing Shan was still unwilling to let go.

“Of course there is, I know where the Divinities hid that secret” Little Dusk replied.


“It was a unique number, one that represented endless death within the language of the Gods—— it was 944, yeah, the #944 coin”

“Coin? The Divinities left their secrets within a coin?” Gu Qing Shan was in total disbelief.

Then he suddenly recalled the #109 coin that he had.

This coin had the ability to summon a fridge.

Which means——

A lot of the other numbered coins actually have their own unique uses as well?

Little Dusk explained: “Yeah, every coin after #900 no longer represent wealth, and they aren’t in circulation, these coins were forged by the Divinities themselves using eternal materials, hiding truths and secrets that should never be spoken”

Gu Qing Shan lowered his gaze and muttered: “Are these coins the same as those numbered below 900 as well? With their numbers depicting how crucial they are?”

“No, you can’t use the same scale for measuring wealth to measure truths and secrets, every coin after #900 has its own meaning, none of which is more important than the rest”

Then Little Dusk seemed to recall something as her voice became neglectful and indistinct:

“All coins above #900 are equally important, except… the final three coins, only one copy of each were ever made…”

Gu Qing Shan didn’t notice the change of tone in her voice.

He was only thinking about how to win against the monster.

Only one copy of each—– the fewer there were, the more important the secret it held, this should have been a very simple thing to conclude for Gu Qing Shan.

“The #944 coin…” Gu Qing Shan muttered, “alright, I’ll keep it in mind and try to find this coin”

He stood up: “As for now, we need to find those three Divine Armaments and quickly leave this world as soon as we can”

Little Dusk also stood up: “Then we’re going to a bookstore?”

“No, we’re heading for the desert” Gu Qing Shan told her.

Little Dusk was confused: “But we still haven’t found the 21 poems of divinations and still don’t know where the labyrinth is”

Gu Qing Shan said: “Just follow me”

“Do you have a way?” Little Dusk asked.

“Yeah” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“You can bypass looking for the poems and directly look for the Divine Armaments?” Little Dusk couldn’t help but ask him again.

“Yeah” Gu Qing Shan replied again.

“I don’t believe you, what kind of way is it? Can you tell me?” Little Dusk pursued further.

“Ah, it’s probably the same way that the God Eater Sin used to hunt the Divinities for food in the past”

Gu Qing Shan told her.

He had just spent a few thousand Soul Points on his War God UI.

The Mystic-type skill from God Institute, [Miracle Search] had been activated