Chapter 408 - 10,000-year wait

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 408: 10,000-year wait

The black-robed man named Haze sighed and spoke: “Soft Note couldn’t predict that the enemy would have a True Divinity’s recorded projection, that’s why she fell into such a predicament”

“10,000 years… so you haven’t save her yet?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“I failed” Haze’s expression became sorrowful.

“Soft Note had prepared three separate trials for each of these cards that needed to be solved”

“Why did she do that?”

“She believes that only those capable of solving these trials would have a chance to save her”

Gu Qing Shan thought for a bit and spoke: “10,000 years is a lot, you should’ve been able to solve them by now”

“I did, but it’s useless”

“Why? Aren’t you also a card user?”

“It’s a long story”

“I’m all ears”

“Fine then” Haze shrugged and explained: “Your world is an incredibly rare world of Samsara”

“Within all the worlds, the world of Samsara is special, not only does it reside within the winds of chaotic tribulations, it’s also very stable”

“The six worlds form a complete and closed cycle of worlds, having the most powerful natural barrier as well as protective Great Mountain”

“How does that affect you saving her?”

“If an outsider like myself appear in the Heaven realm, those Demis will instantly sense my presence”

“They will use Soft Note’s soul to pressure me, forcing me to do as they say, and Soft Note’s soul will not be saved”

“You can’t deal with them?”

“I can’t predict the outcome of an all-out war with the Demis, not to mention they hold Soft Note’s soul in their hands”

“Her soul is still intact after all this time?”

“Indeed, they don’t dare to do anything to her soul, because Soft Note would definitely pull them down with her”

“What does that mean?”

“A powerful card user might be strong while alive, but even more frightening is when they’re dead, they are able to create a special kind of Order at the cost of betting their soul”

“The Demis are afraid of that, so they can only seal her soul away.

“The stalemate hasn’t been broken ever since”

The black-robed man sighed: “I’ve simulated over millions of time with all possible scenarios, but still haven’t found a suitable solution for this problem”

Gu Qing Shan smiled and replied: “I’m sorry to say this but I don’t really understand a lot of what you just said. I don’t even know what a Demi is”

“A Demi, is a descendant of Divinity”

“Some time long, long ago, all Divinities suddenly disappear or die without any warning, leaving only their descendants remain”

“These Demis are Professionists from birth, automatically gaining a Divine Skill as they mature. Furthermore, the Demis also have the vast amount of Divine Armament and wealth that the Divinities of old left them at their disposal”

“That sounds like a pain to deal with”

“They are, they’re also very powerful, even a card user of Soft Note’s caliber fell to the Divine Skill [Time Stanch] left behind by a Divinity from the Age of Old due to a moment of carelessness”

Gu Qing Shan asked: “Does that mean for the last 10,000 years, the ones who control Huang Quan have been Demis? Even the Heaven realm are under the control of Demis?”


Gu Qing Shan sighed: “If the Demis are that powerful, saving a soul from their hands is extremely hard”

“That’s right, all I can do every day is to wait for the Divination card to reveal a small bit of information” Haze also complained.

“So I’m guessing you want me to do something” Gu Qing Shan spoke.

Haze smiled.

He personally popped open a bottle of liquor and poured for Gu Qing Shan.

“Demis are exceedingly cautious when it comes to outsiders, but they look down on all creatures within the Samsara”

“Soft Note’s soul is sealed in the Heaven realm, only an existence that belongs inside like you can save her”

“According to what you told me about Demis, my power is simply too little for that” Gu Qing Shan said.

Haze answered: “You don’t have to do anything special, I’m only contacting ahead of time to tell you about these things”

“What do you mean?”

“I have a Divination card, as you’ve heard, 9500 years ago, it told me that today, not too long from now, Soft Note will finally have a chance to be saved”

He took out all his cards and spreads them on the table.

A total of 54 cards.

These cards have the same pattern and design on the back.

A holy light shines upon an angel, and the angel was kneeling to pray.

“A card deck is formed according to the card user’s desires and goals”

“Since my deck is special, I’m unable to discard and reform them anew, so I have no way but to split my soul and use my second soul to new card deck”

“That sounds rough”

“I started doing this 9000 years ago, using the long years to slowly form each and every one of the cards in here”

Haze pointed at the cards and spoke: “This deck is called Soft Note’s Salvation”

Gu Qing Shan looked at the 54 angel cards and couldn’t help himself asking: “Are all these cards used to save her?”

“That’s right, 36 salvation cards, 10 battle cards, 1 divination and 1 space-time coordination card”

“Splitting the soul…” Gu Qing Shan muses, “this type of pain is almost unbearable, not to mention the constant pain will be transferred back to the original as well”

“That’s right, every day for the last 9000 years, I’ve been enduring the intense pain of separated souls”

Haze’s eyes appeared keen: “But I have to save her”

After some contemplation, Gu Qing Shan raised his glass.

“Splitting your own soul and waiting for 10,000 years, I really respect you” he said.

Seeing that, Haze also raised his own glass.

They cheered.

“I’ll tell you my request first, I need to become the Devil King to save the human realm” Gu Qing Shan said.

“I agree. Asides from that, after you leave this secret room, you’re free to do as you like”

“Then what about the rescue plan?”

“The Heaven realm have various powerful Laws protecting it, I’ll have to keep up my hidden state for a while longer until that sliver of hope appear”

“In order words, I can just keep doing what I’ve been doing?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“That’s right, the prediction had shown that you will be the one that brings me that sliver of hope, so I’ve been patiently waiting for that chance”

“Can you find me any time you want?”

Haze took out the three cards from his chest, carefully and preciously placing them on the table.

The Great Ghost General, Asura King and Devil King Warden Rod.

“The Great Ghost General is willing to fight, the Asura King carries the Oath made by the allied army, as for the Devil King Warden Rod, since its spirit has died, Soft Tone turned its control schemes into a card”

“Take these three cards for now, the first two will wait for their own opportunity to act”

“And the Devil King Warden Rod card, that is your payment”

Haze softly touched the Devil King Warden Rod card.

The card turns into small light particles that got absorbed into Gu Qing Shan’s body.

“I’ve given you your payment in advance, so from now on, the Devil King Warden Rod is yours”

“I’m very pleased with this payment” Gu Qing Shan nodded.

“Right, the other candidates have all failed and got their memories erased by me. You’ll need to battle them to hide the fact that you met me”

“Very well, then that’s what I’ll do”

Gu Qing Shan tilted his head back to down the entire glass in one go.

“Thank you for the liquor” he said.

“You’re welcome, good luck” Haze spoke.

“I’ll try to, hopefully both of us will enjoy that luck”

Gu Qing Shan put the glass down and quickly left the bar.