Chapter 366 - Advent of a new age

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 366: Advent of a new age

Translated by: La0o9

Proofreader:  Arya

The day of the Empress’ coronation.

Three Hells descended on the human realm at the same time.

They silently collected power, waiting for the day they can thoroughly descend.

On this day, the Holy Church’s Pope was killed at the Fuxi banquet.

The Fuxi Monarch announced Isa to be a fake Pope on the spot.

She solemnly declared the Holy Empire to once again belong to the Medici clan.

The Holy Church will also reorganize itself and pick out a new Pope.

At the time that everyone was still hesitant to respond to this, the Freedom Confederate’s President was the first person to step and expressed his support.

While the banquet wasn’t over, the world leaders and politicians quickly assessed the implications of this.

The current Fuxi Empire already lies in Varona’s hands.

Aside from herself, the Empire also had a mysterious powerhouse that could kill such a powerful man like the military official in one hit.

The Freedom Confederate has the greatest crystallization of technology in the world: Impartial Goddess.

Strength-wise, the Freedom Confederate doesn’t only have the renowned Martial Saint Zhang Zong Yang, they also have the three powerhouses that killed the Pope just now.

Since both of these countries had expressed their stance, the others will also have to carefully consider their own.

Unexpectedly, the Pope’s death didn’t bring about much turmoil at all.

The banquet ended.

The world conference began.

Confederate scientist Gu Qing Shan presented his newest work: [Cultivation Bracelets]

The Fuxi Monarch declared that as long as you use these bracelets, the God’s Chosen Awakening Serum that has always been exclusively for Holy Apostles usage will be provided for free, once.

Furthermore, both the Empire’s Elementalist Awakening Serum and the Confederate’s Martial Potential Enhancement Serum will also be provided for free one time.

Under the suggestion of the Fuxi Monarch and the Confederate President, the other world leaders also tried out this technology.

The demonstration shook them greatly.

The Fuxi Empire’s Bishop received a Holy Church’s God’s Chosen Awakening Serum.

In front of everyone there, he used it.

And he awakened.

Under his powers, every flower in the conference room bloomed.

Right after that, the Confederate scientist Gu Qing Shan began to explain cultivation more clearly.

Once they know about the longevity effects of cultivation, everyone’s fire was lit.

Martial Saint Zhang Zong Yang himself openly admitted that he’s begun his cultivation.

He had a special tool designed to test lifespan used on him at the scene.

His lifespan was found to be 150 years.

Quite a few world leaders didn’t believe it and used their own tools to check, but got the same results.

In the face of truth, no anxiety or suspicion could stand for long.

After a mere half hour of intense discussion, all the world leaders had agreed on a few crucial points.

At the end of the conference, the world leaders announced their full support and distribution of these [Cultivation Bracelets]

From this day onwards, the [Cultivation Bracelets] will become commonplace, as everybody will receive the equal rights to become stronger.

Impartial Goddess began to use the resources gathered from each country to begin production of the three serums.

As for the bracelets themselves, Impartial Goddess had already begun production for a while already.

Under the full support of every country, Impartial Goddess only quickened her pace to allow every person in the world access to the [Cultivation Bracelets]

And all of this is for the sake of fighting against the Apocalypse.

The Fuxi capital.

A famous bar.

Today the bar was bought out, forbidding any outsiders.

The biggest underground organizations in the world were gathered here.

Zhang Ying Hao was currently explaining cultivation to them.

Ye Fei Li stood behind him, eating ice-cream from a large tub.

“Since you’ll be given free access to the serums and longevity, I believe everyone here wouldn’t object to this” Zhang Ying Hao closed off his speech.

The leaders of 10-odd underground organizations all silently nodded.

A bald, tattoo-ed, middle-aged man spoke: “Zhang brat, I heard you also have a hand in this”

“That’s right, I’m a partner” Zhang Ying Hao directly admitted.

The bald man smirked: “That’s such a good business, how about you let us brothers in as well?”

“You misunderstand, the only benefit I get out of this is that the one who compiled all the cultivation scriptures will personally arrange the most suitable ones for my men. There is no profit other than that”

“I know, you’re talking about the scientist Gu Qing Shan, correct?” the bald man spoke and carefully observed changes on Zhang Ying Hao’s expression.

“I’ll admit, the three of you being able to kill the Pope is impressive”

He then looked around at all the people here: “But business is still business, this type of matter still need large organizations like us to properly go through”

Someone followed up for him: “The rules are, everyone gets one vile of serum, but if you leave this to us to manage and keep a part of that, the benefits will be more than enough for everyone to share”

Another person continued: “According to my sources, these serums are all on Gu Qing Shan’s hands, I feel like there’s a lot of space to work around”

Everyone thought for a bit and realized that is indeed the case.

And so, everyone’s gazes at Zhang Ying Hao became slightly different.

Like hungry wolves that found a prey.

Zhang Ying Hao sighed and spoke to the bald man: “Old man Luo, I suggest you don’t mess with that scientist, he’s not really a patient guy”

“Furthermore, your human trafficking business have to stop, and you should release everyone”

The bald man asked: “Why is that?”

“Because the Apocalypse is already here, every person is precious fighting power, perhaps one of your slaves might be an unparalleled genius for example”

“What benefit does that give me?”

“Your benefit will be your life” Zhang Ying Hao answered.

The bald man’s smirk stopped.

He tilted his head: “Just because you don’t get anything, you want to take away my meal ticket? Do you want to die, Zhang brat?”

He then leaned forward, speaking in a low tone of voice: “That Gu Qing Shan might be strong, but people like us always have a way to kidnap someone close to him, he’ll be begging to me when that happens”

Before he could even finish his words, his head fell down.

The dragon head of this world’s human trafficking business, dropped dead on the spot just like that.

From the void of space, a sword flexibly drew and arc, then flew back behind Zhang Ying Hao.

Every underground leader was pissed off.

“How dare you!”

“So you want to die!”

“You’ve crossed the line”

“A rule breaker has no right to live!”

Numerous figures jumped up at Zhang Ying Hao.

Zhang Ying Hao just crossed his legs without moving.

A bloody glow expanded and protected Zhang Ying Hao.

The attacks that fell on the bloody glow disappeared without a trace.

“Please, go back to your seats”

Ye Fei Li smirked as he continued to eat his ice-cream.

The bloody glow enveloped the figures who jumped and held them in midair.

No matter how much they struggled, they were forced back neatly into their seats.

Everyone went silent.

This move successfully scared them all.

Zhang Ying Hao continued: “Not just human trafficking, but drug dealing also has to stop, as for prostitution, unless they’re willing to, no one can force any girls to do things against their wills”

He shrugged: “From now on, everyone is a cultivator, you call each other fellow Dao seekers and fellow Dao seekers don’t hurt each other”

One of the old men coldly laughed: “Today you’re at an advantage, but you think anyone is going to listen to you later on?”

He suddenly felt a chill.

As he looked down, a sword was placed exactly at his neck.

Then it suddenly disappeared.

The old man shut his mouth.

He was soaked with cold sweat.

Not just him, but none of the bosses here notice how the sword appeared or disappeared.

Everyone exchanged looks.

Zhang Ying Hao then placed his Holo-Brain on the table.

“Have a listen” he said.

The Holo-Brain turned on.

A rhythmic female voice resounded.

[Greetings, I am Impartial Goddess]

[Now announcing Sky Fire Fall plan]

[Please comply with Mr. Zhang Ying Hao’s request as much as possible]

[Otherwise, I will personally use the S.W. Xiong Wu Interstellar Fortress to attack you from orbit]

[Please do not underestimate my artificial intelligence. As a side note, all central processing units in the entire world has been taken over by me. From now on, if you still want to live in human society, please be prepared to get along with me]

[That is all I have to say, thank you for listening, and farewell]

The Holo-Brain shut off.

Zhang Ying Hao lit up a cigarette and took a long drag.

He stood up, cigarette in mouth, and casually walked around the room.

As the hovering sword wanted to follow behind, he waved his hand to stop it.

Completely defenseless, he passed in front of the biggest underground leaders in the world.

No one did anything to him.

This seems to be some sort of unwritten ritual in the underground world.

Zhang Ying Hao returned to his seat safely.

He then told the sword: “You can leave”

A voice came from the sword: “But you are not done here yet”

“Although our conference is a bit heated, you being here affects the atmosphere” Zhang Ying Hao told it.


The sword then disappeared without a trace.

Zhang Ying Hao sat down in front of the bald man’s corpse and helped him close his still-opened eyes.

He stood up, pointing at each and every person there.

“In front of this sword, do you not feel insignificant? Do you not feel the fear of death?” he asked.

“The time has changed, old-timers, go and cultivate”