Chapter 1540 - Language barrier

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1540: Language barrier

The inside of the triangular ship was unexpectedly spacious, divided into many layers with numerous rooms.

Gu Qing Shan was thrown directly into a wide area at the bottommost floor, then no one paid any further attention to him.

He laid on the stretcher and acted like he was sleeping while releasing his inner sight to examine the environment.

From the outside, one wouldn’t be able to tell that a certain unique Law of Space had been applied to make the area inside much larger.

Hundreds of stretchers were laid all around this place.

Each of the stretchers contained a monster that already couldn’t move, most of them were even close to death.

Thin lines of light moved along the walls of this place, seemingly following some sort of pattern.

“No one had come to take a look at all, is there not even a single healer within an Apocalypse civilization?” Boss appeared full of doubt.

“I don’t know, but I don’t have a good feeling about this” Gu Qing Shan replied.

As they talked, the lines of light on the walls began to move at a more rapid pace.

“The ship has entered a spatial warp state” Boss pondered.

“I’m quite interested in the basis of these Apocalypse civilizations, for the first time, we’ve been able to explore it this deeply” Gu Qing Shan said, full of interest.

“To be able to fool even Apocalypse monsters, your [Mystery of All Beings Equal] had clearly evolved to an extremely profound level, how extraordinary” Boss sincerely evaluated.

Gu Qing Shan thought briefly and asked: “You seem to know a bit about these Mysteries?”

“A little——- Mysteries are a level higher than the Laws” Boss replied.

“Tell me about them, I don’t know a lot about these things” Gu Qing Shan said.

Boss explained: “From the knowledge of the Myriad Deities, a Law by itself is very pure, and also very simple, while Mysteries are a kind of unique power created from the interception of many Laws. Normally, it’s hard for a Mystery to be discovered, and even if someone grasped it, they would not share it with others. This was because Mysteries are truly too precious”

Gu Qing Shan recalled how [Mystery of All Beings Equal] had shown its effectiveness time and time again throughout his journey so far, then nodded in full agreement.

Suddenly, the moving light on the walls gradually slowed down.

“The ship is slowing down”

“Right, seems like we’ve arrived at a destination”


The sound of wind outside had completely stopped.

The ship seemed to have arrived somewhere.

Gu Qing Shan gave it a try and found that his inner sight couldn’t even go through the walls of the ship, unable to discern what was outside.

Around him, the stretchers slowly moved and quickly arranged themselves into formation.

Gu Qing Shan’s stretcher also joined them.

“So all injured soldiers must be transported back before they receive treatment all at once” he pondered.

“How systematic, no wonder the Apocalypse monsters could always maintain a ferocious level of battle prowess” Boss praised.

While the two of them talked, a hole opened up on the underside of the ship, which let some light in.

The stretchers neatly and orderly approached the hole, then pushed the heavily injured monsters down.

That doesn’t look anything like they’re being treated…

A voice rang out from inside the ship, but it sounded like it was announcing something to the outside.

Gu Qing Shan and Boss were both unable to understand it, so they couldn’t help but feel a bit impatient.

“It seems we need to cross the language barrier first” Boss commented.

“I’m about to be tossed out as well——– alright, let us deal with the language barrier, then investigate” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“Do you have a method of learning their language?” Boss asked.

“Just a small trick”

Gu Qing Shan replied, then released his inner sight into the surroundings.

Very quickly, he picked out one of the monsters.

The monster’s body was riddled with wounds and a huge hole in the middle of its chest. It was clearly at the verge of death, barely hanging on thanks to what’s left of its ferocious vitality, occasionally uttering a discontinuous moan.

Gu Qing Shan was just a short distance away from this monster, so he reached his hand out to touch the other party’s mouth.

A notification lit up on the War God UI.

Lines of glowing text popped up from the [War God Skills] icon:

[You’ve touched the Apocalypse Flesh Devourer’s mouth]


[Its mouth contains the following skills:]

[Firstly: Eating]

[Secondly: Apocalypse common language]

[Thirdly: War Cry (spell)]

[Fourthly: Flirtatious kiss]

[Your mouth already has the eating skill, and your kissing techniques far surpassed the monster’s so these two options had been removed]

[Please select the skill you want between War Cry and Apocalypse common language]

Gu Qing Shan replied: “I want to learn Apocalypse common language”

[Please expend 1000 Soul Points]

“Got it”

Gu Qing Shan felt his mouth becoming warm.

——–this was the sign of him learning a new Skill.

Very quickly, he snuck back on his stretcher and laid back down.

“How was it?” Boss asked.

“I’m done learning. Wait a bit, I’ll condense a seed of knowledge and use Bestowal [1]to share it with you” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“You know how to use an unusual teaching technique like Bestowal as well?” Boss was surprised.

“A little”

——when he climbed the Pillar To Heaven during his Tribulation, the worlds of the past once transferred him a lot of cultivation knowledge, which naturally included Bestowal.

By the time Gu Qing Shan had transferred the knowledge to Boss through Bestowal and both of them had grasped the Apocalypse common language, quite a bit of time had gone by.

Gu Qing Shan’s stretcher had been moved near the hole to the outside.

“There, now we can be treated while slowly collecting information” Boss was glad.

“Hm, when in Rome, do as the Romans. I wonder if we’d be able to infiltrate their center of power, this way we’d be able to collect even more information” Gu Qing Shan also said.

The two of them had prepared themselves.

And then, the stretcher lightly tossed him out of the ship.

At the same time, the announcement from before rang out again:

[… Attention, all departments make sure not to open any teleportation passages]

[This ship is currently throwing feed]

[Repeat, we are current throwing feed, for the sake of safety, please do not open any teleportation passages]

While Gu Qing Shan was falling down, he heard the announcement.

Throwing feed…

Wait, throwing feed?

Gu Qing Shan suddenly realized what was happening.

“Not good!” Boss also called out.

Gu Qing Shan quickly released his inner sight to examine below.

Only to see that there weren’t any first aid areas or any sort of treatment center below, only a massive number of wide-open mouths filled with razor-sharp teeth.

——-a bunch of monsters with crimson wings with a similar appearance to dragons or snakes were greedily grabbing any injured Apocalypse monster they could with their mouths while exuding a faint yellow fog.

Some who hadn’t managed to grab any food were staring at Gu Qing Shan.

——they were clearly hungry.

Right at this moment, Gu Qing Shan’s mind quickly moved.

Should I run?

Or teleport away?

Or perhaps——–

He turned around in the air and drew a white bone machete from his hip.

As an Apocalypse Assassin, not to mention a [Broken Bone Shadow] who was even more advanced compared to [Myriad Eyes], both of which were sent to assassinate him from the future, Gu Qing Shan believed that this Apocalypse monster’s identity wouldn’t be quite that simple.

Then his choice was clear.

He brandished the white bone machete as his presence abruptly rose.

「 All of you——- whoever becomes my steed will obtain the right to stay alive 」he spoke using the Apocalypse language.


The winged monsters seemed to be angered as they all uttered a ferocious roar and spat some green liquid towards Gu Qing Shan.

Recognizing danger, Gu Qing Shan avoided all of the flying liquid and vanished from the sky.

He then appeared in the middle of the winged monsters.

「 Then die… 」

He grinned, then swung the white bone machete in his hand into afterimages.

Although he was using a machete, his swordsmanship had already reached a state of becoming universally applicable, even a normal slash performed by him isn’t something a normal monster is able to defend against.

Not to mention, this machete itself carried supernatural abilities that make it exceptionally suitable for assassinations, not at all weak.

Blood rained from the sky.

The bodies of countless monsters fell down.

The remaining monsters hurriedly retreated and fled out of fright.

Only Gu Qing Shan remained in mid-air.

He brandished the bloody white bone machete, looked up at the triangular metal ship, took a deep breath, then angrily shouted:

「 Which dumbass dared consider me food to be thrown out? 」

The triangular ship hovered in mid-air without reacting for a while.

“What are they doing?” Boss asked out of confusion.

Gu Qing Shan silently replied: “You’re right, usually they would try to apologize, only then would I be able to take the opportunity to step down, then make peace with everyone—–”

He suddenly went quiet.

Because a large cannon had poked out from the triangular metal ship, which was pointed straight at Gu Qing Shan.

At the same time, all the glowing text on the War God UI had pulled back.

A series of burning text appeared in the middle of the UI:

[Received the other party’s information]

[The other party had requested for Apocalypse mediation in order to resolve the current conflict]

[Mediation method has been initiated]

[Apocalypse above, from this point on, the side that survives will prove themselves correct]

[Mediation begins!]

Gu Qing Shan’s pupils abruptly became dilated.

He could faintly hear an order from the ship:

“——– Blast ’em to bits!”


A resounding explosion echoed across the sky.

[1] Bestowal might not be the most accurate, but it’s basically the direct transfer of knowledge into someone’s mind, commonly seen in ruin exploration arcs in cultivation novels