Chapter 1324 - No survivors

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1324: No survivors

The night slowly passed.

In the teleport tower, the three people were resting.

“Hey, Dragon King of Atrocity Jail, how did you manage to examine his ability?” Yu Juan asked.

“That huh? That’s a secret of our race” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“A secret of the evil creatures race…” Yu Juan muttered, unwilling to accept the fact.

“That’s right, and only the strongest of the Fear Fiends are allowed to learn of this secret, so my apologies, but I can’t tell you” Gu Qing Shan continued.

Yu Juan looked at Gu Qing Shan in surprise.

—-Fear Fiends have such an ability?

Seems like our Void Library really hasn’t studied the evil creatures race enough.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t say anything else. Instead, he took out a pot and prepared some cooking ingredients.

It was now dawn.

“Breakfast is the first of the three most important things we have to do today. It will affect our mood and strength for the entire morning” he muttered.

“What’s the other two most important things today?” Yu Juan asked.

“I’m guessing they’re lunch and dinner” Crow replied.

“No, they’re ‘waiting for reinforcement’ and ‘preparing to resume combat'” Gu Qing Shan answered.

Following that, Gu Qing Shan got working by himself and prepared another table of food.

The three people enjoyed another hearty meal.

After that.

“This damned Plague Apocalypse—— if we keep being trapped here like this, I’m afraid I might just get fat” Crow rubbed his belly.

After learning about his ability, the trauma in his heart had completely vanished, and he gained a big appetite.

——-although he originally had a big appetite.

“Can’t you just eat a bit less? In the end, it’s a question of self-control”

Yu Juan teased him.

Then sat leaning against the wall, rubbing his bloated belly.

“Speaking of which, the army of Void City should’ve arrived around the middle of noon?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“If the schedule holds up, yeah” Crow replied.



Another shattering noise came from the top of the …Let’s hope it’ll be able to hold on until the moment of the army’s arrival.his tower was made from the accumulation of all the most powerful spatial techniques of the void, the overlapping worlds outside were constantly trying to invade this place.

——-there was a limit to how long the teleport tower could hold on.

Fortunately, Gu Qing Shan had comprehended a lot of the spatial techniques here, which allowed him to repair the teleport tower and prolong its lifespan.

Gu Qing Shan took out the rune carving pen again, dipped it into the ink for carving the runes, then flew up.

He carefully and meticulously carved out new runes into the void of space of the ceiling.

A few moments later.

The repair was complete.

Gu Qing Shan lightly sighed in relief, then checked the repair tool bag.

There’s only about half of the repair material remaining.

…Let’s hope it’ll be able to hold on until the moment of the army’s arrival.


A small noise resounded from below.

Gu Qing Shan looked down, only to see that Yu Juan had crashed into the wall and fallen down, while Crow stood on one side, confused.

Gu Qing Shan landed and asked: “What happened?”

Crow shrugged: “He suddenly ran himself into the wall just now, I don’t know what happened either”

Both of them turned to Yu Juan.

Since Yu Juan was a Combatant as well, he wasn’t hurt by crashing into the wall, but he sat still on the ground with his eyes wide.

“Just now, a monster suddenly appeared in front of me, I was shocked so——-”

Before he finished, Gu Qing Shan and Crow had understood.

“You’re saying that a monster had entered into this tower?”

Crow drew the rapier from his waist and wielded it.

Gu Qing Shan also took out one sword in each hand, then also released his inner sight to observe the entire teleport tower.

Both of them got ready for combat.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

“Did you find anything?” Crow asked in a low voice.

“I don’t sense any monsters” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Both of them turned their gazes to Yu Juan.

“I’m not lying” Yu Juan hurriedly said, “I really did see an ancient monster that should have gone extinct!”

Gu Qing Shan retracted his gaze, glancing around the runes of the tower.

Not a single one of them was damaged.

How strange, could a monster have bypassed the influence of many spatial techniques to infiltrate this place?

He focused his mind.

Sword-infused wind picked up.

Aside from where Crow and Yu Juan were standing, every other bit of space became occupied by the sword-infused wind.

Still nothing.

Gu Qing Shan’s heart slowly started beating faster.

Yu Juan didn’t seem like he was lying, and there was no reason for him to tell such a lie.

“I think you just hallucinated”

Crow turned to Yu Juan, then suddenly changed his expression: “Could it be…”

“Don’t say it!” Gu Qing Shan shouted: “He couldn’t have been infected with the Plague Apocalypse, otherwise, both you and I would have been infected as well!”


Their three ID cards started vibrating at once.

[Attention! An unknown spatial storm had been detected in the Gloom Galaxy!]

[The army had lost a total of 720 scouts]

[The storm had been confirmed to have a unique destructive characteristic]

[All survivors, please carefully conceal yourselves and wait for an opportunity]

The vibrations of the ID cards stopped and returned to normal.

“They aren’t coming?” Gu Qing Shan asked in a heavy voice.

Crow and Yu Juan both nodded.

The three of them all kept silent, feeling a bit sullen.

Outside, there was a rampaging Apocalypse, a lost civilization, and extinct monsters, while they were trapped inside a teleport tower without any hope of escaping, that truly couldn’t feel good.

While Gu Qing Shan was pondering the entire matter, he heard an abrupt shout from Crow.


Crow suddenly tilted his body and retreated a few steps, then swung forward.

There was nothing in front of him, but his strike contained speed, power, and was imbued with a layer of flames.


With a resounding metallic crashing noise, the Earth sword had stopped the rapier.

Crow’s expression returned to normal, then looked around himself doubtfully: “Huh? Where are the plague monsters just now?”

Gu Qing Shan replied in a heavy voice: “I didn’t see any plague monsters, but if I hadn’t stopped your sword, you would have destroyed the entire tower”

Crow looked at Gu Qing Shan, then at the crossing swords between them, slowly realizing what had occurred.

“Something is strange… Yu Juan, did you see five plague monsters as well?” Crow asked.

“No, I saw that I was in the middle of a frigid plateau and saw a monster that seemed to be around ten-story tall” Yu Juan replied.

“Crow, what about you?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“I saw myself in the middle of a burning city with corpses all over the place” Crow replied.

This was really strange.

The two of them saw completely different scenes.

“I know!” Yu Juan abruptly called out.

He took out a large hourglass and placed it on the ground.

Then, he took out another two hourglasses, two clocks, and a miniature water wheel.

“Look at this!”

Yu Juan pointed at all of them.

Gu Qing Shan carefully observed, only to see that the sand was falling at different rates among the three hourglasses.

As for the two clocks, one of them showed 7:01, while the other showed 12:31.

The water inside the water wheel was flowing inconsistently, sometimes slow, sometimes fast.

“Time! There’s an issue with the time flow!” Yu Juan hysterically shouted.

Gu Qing Shan thought for a bit, then said: “Could it have something to do with the spatial storm?”

Yu Juan replied: “That’s right! At least three different timelines have infiltrated this tower”

“Why did——–”

Before Gu Qing Shan finished his words, he found his surroundings changed.

He was standing under a night sky.

There were stars up above.

In the shade of night, several men wearing simple leather armors and wielding spears were cautiously looking at him.

“Saint Spirit Protection”

They all shouted in unison.

A faint white glow appeared from their bodies and infused into their spears.

Gu Qing Shan raised his sword, then lowered it.

“Don’t attack, I’m an ally” he shouted.

“Ally?” the other side shouted back, “You’ve already turned into that state, you’re surely infected by the plague!”

Gu Qing Shan froze briefly before looking down at himself.


I’m currently a Fear Fiend, although this species of fiends were mostly humanoid, they had a horn on their head and a terrifying face.

——from the perspective of humans, wouldn’t he have clearly been infected?

“Charge! Kill this infected!” the group shouted.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t do anything but retract all of his spirit energy and quickly retreated.

I can’t attack them.

While retreating, Gu Qing Shan suddenly slammed into the void of space behind him.


A resounding noise.

That part of the void of space felt like a solid wall protected by a powerful shield and magic.

In an instant, everything disappeared.

Gu Qing Shan found himself back inside the teleport tower.

Sure enough, it was the wall of the tower behind him.

“What did you see?” Yu Juan asked without waiting.

“Different from you two, I saw a village, they believed me to be infected by the plague Apocalypse” Gu Qing Shan replied.

I’m glad I didn’t attack earlier.

I was probably inside an overlapping space, so if I had attacked, I would instead strike the teleport tower.

That would have been the end.

Gu Qing Shan focused his thoughts and quickly asked: “Yu Juan, the overlapping space has already entered this tower, what should we do next to deal with it?”

Yu Juan took out an intricate small tool, observing it while shaking his head: “I can only measure and calculate how much everything is overlapping, how could I answer such a deep question?”

Crow immediately suggested: “That’s it, we’re leaving immediately”

Gu Qing Shan shook his head: “That’s not possible, even if we return, we’d be treated as those infected by the Plague Apocalypse and be executed immediately”

All three of them fell silent.

What should we do now?

Suddenly, they felt an unknown force pulling on them.

This force was interacting with something they were carrying.

The three of them took out their ID cards without hesitation.

Only to see cracks beginning to form on top of their ID cards.

“Strange, why can’t our ID cards endure something as simple as overlapping space?” Crow asked.

“It’s no longer just overlapping space”

Yu Juan appeared fearful as he showed the intricate tool in his hand to Gu Qing Shan and Crow.

Lines of text were blinking on and off on top of it:

[Attention, the world is currently being fused]

[Attention, the world is currently being destroyed]



All three of them looked down at their ID cards again.

The cracks on it were becoming increasingly pronounced.

Gu Qing Shan sighed and muttered: “We’re no longer in any world inside the space vortex, so our ID cards believe that we’re already dead”

“That’s impossible! As long as we’re inside any world within the space vortex, the ID cards couldn’t be isolated like this” Yu Juan shouted.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t answer.

Indeed, that was the case.

But all three of those worlds came from a powerful parallel world.

——or perhaps, not even the same parallel world.

All three ID cards began vibrating once more.

A cold voice spoke up:

[The spatial storm is currently expanding within the space vortex]

[Using 36 different clairvoyance methods, a conclusion has been drawn: the entire Gloom Galaxy had been destroyed]

[There are no survivors]

Hearing that, Yu Juan hurriedly shouted back: “WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE ARE NO SURVIVORS!? WE’RE RIGHT HERE!”

He tapped his ID card to turn on the communication function, only to find that the ID card was already crumbling away.

The voice from the ID card wasn’t disturbed and continued:


[This galaxy will now officially enter quarantine; all personnel are forbidden from entering]

[The void army will disband effective immediately, returning everyone to their respective worlds]

[The Watchers will prepare to take over and form the isolation barrier around this no man’s land]

[From this moment onwards, the Apocalypse residing within that galaxy shall be rated as: Unlivable, Control]


Following that declaration, their three ID cards all shattered.