Chapter 1217 - Seven sword strikes of offering to the infinite worlds!

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1217: Seven sword strikes of offering to the infinite worlds!

Gu Qing Shan reached his hand out to grab the scepter.

A line of glowing text appeared:

[The scepter is too heavy, unsuitable for this performance. It has automatically scattered into a golden light that surrounds your body, preparing to awaken the Sacrificial Dance together with you]

The dark golden scepter transformed into sprites of light that started circling around Gu Qing Shan’s body.

In the sky.

The faint figure stabilized himself and continuously shot magical spells towards Gu Qing Shan, only to be reflected by the Prayers on Gu Qing Shan’s body and struck himself.

At this time, another line of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[Because it has been too long since you carried Prayers, and you are currently travelling through time, it will be difficult to trigger the Sacrificial Dance]

[You will need to perform an opening dance in order to begin the Living Being Sacrificial Dance]

Opening dance?

Gu Qing Shan appeared confused.

——-how am I supposed to know what an opening dance looks like?

Perhaps guessing what Gu Qing Shan was thinking, a new line of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[Just perform your signature first stage of the Sacrificial Dance]

“My signature first stage Sacrificial Dance—–” Gu Qing Shan took a deep breath and recalled the Dance he had learnt.

The scene of the bald old man wearing a pair of beach shorts appeared in his mind.

This… Dance…


Gu Qing Shan snuck a glance at the battlefield—–

Standing in the cold wind, everyone had their gazes affixed on him.

Every warrior, every soldier from the 900 million World Layers who came to participate in battle was gazing at him like gazing at a Messiah, waiting for him to display his brilliance.

——-they couldn’t be blamed for this.

After all, it was Gu Qing Shan who activated the three coins to bring everyone to the past.

In front of everyone, he triggered the Apotheotic Combat and personally fought against the Deity of [Chaos].

At the most desperate moment, he reappeared riding a unicorn while playing a flute, from which he took back the trillion Prayers from the [Demon King Order].

——-not even the faint figure managed to stop him.

From a normal point of view, this would be the time for him to act and save the world.

After all, everything he had done so far was stylish and well-timed, rousing nothing but respect.

This was the same thought in everyone’s mind

But only Gu Qing Shan himself knew——–

He first needed to perform ‘that Dance’.

One, two three!

He counted to three, clenched his teeth, endured the embarrassment, and quickly danced. Shaking his head, spreading his arms, spinning around, shaking his hips, kicking his leg, then a little shuffle, followed by a step and spin.

A breeze blew past.

The world was dead silent.

Everyone simply froze as they watched him.

Gu Qing Shan stood motionlessly, his gaze upturned into the void, completely avoiding everyone’s gazes.

———this is the final critical moment, how could I, just to save myself some embarrassment, give up the chance to save everything?

With that in mind, Gu Qing Shan’s posture straightened even more.

A second later.

A new line of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[Your movement was too fast, too obscure, failing to hit the necessary charm points of the Dance; you were also not fluid enough so you failed to reach the passable score]

[Your performance did not trigger the Sacrificial Dance]

[You will need to do it again]

[Do your best]

Gu Qing Shan froze.

“Fine, I should have known, there’s no such thing as an easy meal in this world…”

He whispered to himself, slowed down his movements, and once again twisted his body.

The glittering golden light danced together with him——-

Shaking his head left to right.

Pucker his lips.

A 360 degrees arm spread.

A 720 degrees spin.

Shaking his waist, displaying his hips, and shaking his butt, followed by a kick.

Then a series of swift shuffling.

Stomping both feet.

Spin and pose.

The entire Dance was completed!

Gu Qing Shan stood deathly still, afraid that he might have to perform another Dance because of some small mistakes.

This time, not even the breeze blew past.

The battlefield remained deathly silent.

Everyone watched Gu Qing Shan, unsure what to think about this.

——-what exactly was he doing?

Aside from very few people, everyone couldn’t understand what was happening at all.

The pixie king lowered his voice and whispered: “Father’s father’s father’s father’s father, why is he dancing? Is he trying to imply some sort of information?”

The long-bearded old man also whispered in return: “I’m not sure either, but I know something for sure——-”

“Which is?”

“In this critical moment, to be able to perform such an embarrassing dance, he’s a true amorous man”

The two pixies had already lowered their voices to the limit, but how could any of the Professionists who came here to participate in battle be weak enough to not hear that?


That Dance was certainly amorous.

But then——

No matter how amorous it was, what does it have to do with the war?

Gu Qing Shan completely steeled his expression, ignoring everything he heard and staring closely at the War God UI.

That should have done it, right?

A line of glowing text swiftly appeared on the War God UI:

[Congratulations! You’ve bypassed the limits of Space-Time to trigger the official Living Being Sacrificial Dance!]

As the glowing text appeared, a hoarse female voice resounded from above:

「 Who was it? Who summoned the Dance of Worlds Offering in this time of the past? 」

With a single thought, Gu Qing Shan made the sprites of light around his body glow brilliantly.

——-the golden light spread in every direction like a surging current.

The twin swords Heaven and Earth automatically appeared from the void of space to be held in his hand.

“Lady, I would like to try again” Gu Qing Shan replied.

「 So that… was how it was… 」

The female voice appeared glad.

Following that, her voice started to resound from Gu Qing Shan’s mind.

「 Close your eyes and listen to me 」

「 You have very little time, not only do you have to make the offering to all past worlds within 7 seconds, but you will also have to end your war 」

「 This is a very unique situation, but fortunately, you carry with you trillions of Prayers. Don’t perform the Dance of the Earth God, I will personally teach you the secret of the Sword Dance 」

「 With my teachings, you will be able to directly enter the 4th stage of the Living Being Sacrificial Dance, using seven sword strikes to release the trillion Prayers and accomplish it all 」

While she spoke, Gu Qing Shan felt information manifesting in his mind.

A second later.

The female voice became extremely stern: 「 The unfinished Dance of Offering shall now begin 」

Gu Qing Shan abruptly opened his eyes and replied: “Understood”

He took a step forward.

The sound of war drums suddenly resounded, filled with fighting spirit and as rapid as rain in a storm!

Without anything as background, Gu Qing Shan swung the Heaven sword and drew a perfect arc across the sky.

The sky broke open.

All the grey fog of [Chaos] vanished, disappearing into the boundless space vortex.

——-[Chaos] had been sent away from this world into the unknown.

The first strike.

Sacrificial Sword, [Shatter Sky]!

Following that, various inexplicable entities appeared from the void of space one after another.

These unknown entities had towering figures, a humanoid physique, claw-like appendages, and no visage.

They were all staring at Gu Qing Shan, almost like they were waiting for something.

Following the previous unfinished promise, they had come to witness a complete offering.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t have the time to greet these remnant world spirits.

He only had 7 seconds, so he had to seize the moment and perform all seven sword strikes of the Dance!

He reversed his grip of the Earth sword, manifesting numerous overlapping sword images before he heavily stabbed it into the ground.

The second strike.

Sacrificial Sword, [Earth’s Burial]!

At the far end of the battlefield, the Soul Shrieker suddenly uttered a mad shout.


It raised both hands, attempting to channel the power of [Chaos].

Sure enough, from the faraway void of space, a boundless grey pillar of light descended onto its body.

But before it could act, Gu Qing Shan had already whispered a shout: “Down!”

The earth broke apart.

Countless suffering souls climbed out from deep underground and crawled onto the Soul Shrieker.

「 『 SCRAM! 」』the Soul Shrieker roared.

But these were the souls of countless living beings who had died at its hand, all of them overlapped upon one another, jointly pulling the Soul Shrieker down.

No matter how strong the Soul Shrieker, it was unable to resist the joint strength of innumerable grudgeful souls.

Almost instantly, it was pulled underground.

Gu Qing Shan released the Heaven sword.

The third strike!

Like a gleaming bright light, the Heaven sword flew a circle around the Earth sword.

Sacrificial Sword, [Offering of Sacrifices]!

At some unknown point, the remnant world spirits in the sky had already descended and swiftly entered underground.

Following the offering power of the trillion Prayers, they entered the earth and began to absorb all of the Soul Shrieker’s power.

Following this, no matter how much power [Chaos] provided the Soul Shrieker, it would be completely sucked away by the remnant world spirits!

The Soul Shrieker had constantly been destroying worlds and spreading [Chaos] as its mission, so now it had been offered as a sacrifice to the living beings who died and to the worlds destroyed at its hand.

All the power it had given to [Chaos] would now be completely returned through it.

This would be its final outcome.

At the next second, Gu Qing Shan’s expression became unusually stern.

His gaze fell onto the faint figure in the sky.

This guy——–

Gu Qing Shan reached his hand forward, grabbed the Chao Yin sword from the void of space, and pointed at the other party. As he was faced with the other party’s cold snort, Gu Qing Shan stabbed the sword into his own chest.

Very strangely, he didn’t suffer any wounds, or bleed a single drop of blood.

The fourth strike, Sacrificial Sword, [Suffering of Living Beings].

This was a strike of self-reprimanding. Originally, by causing damage to himself, it would ignore all of his enemy’s defenses and directly affect both their body and soul.

“No, what are you doing——-”

The faint figure clutched his chest, instantly broke through the void of space, and disappeared from this world.

Gu Qing Shan wielded his sword and twisted it inside his own chest.

A dead body fell down from the deep void of space.


The body crashed into the ground.

Gu Qing Shan stopped watching the body as he needed to perform the next strike!

The Devil King Warden Rod was casually thrown from his hand and accurately stabbed the body.

The Devil King’s scepter slightly trembled.

Gu Qing Shan pulled his gaze away, pulled the Chao Yin sword from his chest before turning his body, continuing the Dance with his sword in hand.

Although it felt very long, everything occurred in just a few seconds, even a single bit of hesitation or mistake would have wasted his precious limited time.

Fortunately, Gu Qing Shan had maintained absolutely calm and solemnity!

——the fifth strike, Sacrificial Sword, [Sacrifice of Infinite Worlds’ Return].

The speed of power absorption from his previous sacrifice was increased tenfold!

All of its power was converted and absorbed by the remnant world spirits.

Immediately, the Soul Shrieker’s unwilling and painful shriek could be heard from underground.

『 「 Do not think you’ve——- I am ——- the Deity of [Cha—– 』」

But the grey pillar of light that descended from above was suddenly cut off.

The Era of [Chaos] might have infinite power, but the remnant world spirits were continuously absorbing its power at an increasingly greater speed. Not even it was able to endure such bottomless consumption.

With that consideration, [Chaos] had discarded the Soul Shrieker.

The earth that had massively trembled for a while suddenly returned to silence.

Gu Qing Shan instantly recognized the Soul Shrieker’s complete death.

At this point, his heart was filled with numerous complicated emotions.

This monster who had been continuously fighting against me since the Age of Old had finally, at this moment, been eliminated in this world.

「 Do not be distracted 」the hoarse female voice reminded him.


Gu Qing Shan released the Chao Yin sword and grabbed an autumn water blue steel sword from the void of space.

The Six Paths Great Mountain sword.

He wielded the sword in both hands and slashed the void of space with his full strength.

The sixth strike, Sacrificial Sword, [Space-Time Offering]!

From the River of Time, sprites of light emerged and converged in this world.

They descended upon the battlefield and neatly lined up.

Everyone closely observed these sprites of light until the Prayers upon them faded away and revealed their crystalline form.

Each of these ice crystals contained a sleeping Combatant.

They were the survivors that Lady Darksea had sent away in the past!

Little Dusk once guaranteed that these people would be able to survive within the ice for a very long time, but since Gu Qing Shan couldn’t make any free time to gather them, he brought them here in order to save them.

“Big bro, they’re still alive!” Kitty excitedly shook Barry’s arm.

“Hm, I can see that” Barry smiled warmly.

Lady Darksea appeared from the void of space, nodded to Gu Qing Shan, and headed towards the ice crystals.

——-since she didn’t have to die right now, she naturally had a way to dispel the ice crystals and save these people.

Gu Qing Shan turned his attention back to the void of space, his four swords hovering in mid-air while moving together with him.

Gu Qing Shan released the Six Paths Great Mountain sword and once again held the twin swords Heaven and Earth.

Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself.

Followed by the final sword strike of the offering.

It changed everything.