Valhalla Saga
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Valhalla Saga

Экшн (Экшен)Шonen (Шōnen)Для взрослыхГаремФэнтезиКомедияПриключения

A professional gamer dies unexpectedly during an E-Sports tournament and is sent to Valhalla, a heaven reserved for only the greatest of warriors.

The warriors of Valhalla are pitted against a struggle for survival in the face of a common enemy. Fortunately, within each warrior lies the roots to their own saga, a legendary tale of their ascendence to fame and feats of great achievement alike.

Witness the birth of an epic saga as this gamer challenges legends and carves a path... Читать далее >>

Последние релизы глав

  1. SS #4 Heda and Idun’s Diary

    1 год назад
  2. SS #3 Nidhogg’s Diary

    1 год назад
  3. SS #2 If

    1 год назад
  4. SS #1 Adenmaha’s Diary

    1 год назад
  5. Epilogue #3

    1 год назад

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