The Ultimate Evolution
  • Автор
    JuantuVolume Of Soil卷土
  • Альтернативные названия
  • Источник
    Translation Nations, Qidian International
  • Статус

The Ultimate Evolution

Экшн (Экшен)Для взрослыхСверхъестественноеГаремПсихологияФэнтезиРомантикаУжасыБоевые искусстваНаучная фантастикаПриключения

I traverse along the pathway of darkness and imagination…

Entering the realm born by human imaginations…

Challenging Harry Potter’s magic, commanding the great Pirates of the Caribbean.

Terminating the Terminator’s strength, tearing apart the Matrix’s Hallucination.

Virus is my slave.

Endurance my inheritance.

Growing and hunting in the boundless universe.

Breaking through boundaries in a mysterious space.

Desiring evil, conspiracy and betrayer.... Читать далее >>

Последние релизы глав

  1. Chapter 1460 (END) - Final Chapter: End

    1 год, 1 месяц назад
  2. Chapter 1459 - Final Chapter: Four

    1 год, 1 месяц назад
  3. Chapter 1458 - Final Chapter: Three

    1 год, 1 месяц назад
  4. Chapter 1457 - Final Chapter: Two

    1 год, 1 месяц назад
  5. Chapter 1456 - Final Chapter: One

    1 год, 1 месяц назад

The Ultimate Evolution Список глав

  1. Volume 7 - Chapter 422: Failure within the sight of success???

  2. Volume 7 - Chapter 423: Only by giving, can one receive

  3. Volume 7 - Chapter 424: Esteemed allies

  4. Volume 7 - Chapter 425: Viperwolf’s beard

  5. Volume 7 - Chapter 426: Battle to the death, bloody combat!

  6. Volume 7 - Chapter 427: The Mother of the Blackthorns descends

  7. Volume 7 - Chapter 428: Shunning and breaking off

  8. Volume 7 - Chapter 429: Ebola virus

  9. Volume 7 - Chapter 430: Deceased monkeys

  10. Volume 7 - Chapter 431: The apprehended contestant

  11. Volume 7 - Chapter 432: Grazing and assaulting

  12. Volume 7 - Chapter 433: The final campaign, the final collision!

  13. Volume 7 - Chapter 434: Eywa appears

  14. Volume 7 - Chapter 435: Silver title: One hand to cover heaven!!!

  15. Volume 7 - Chapter 436: Bloodied grazing

  1. Volume 7 - Chapter 437: 1 v 4 blood battle

  2. Volume 7 - Chapter 438: Blank

  3. Volume 7 - Chapter 439: Speculative reward!

  4. Volume 7 - Chapter 440: Closely Interrelated

  5. Volume 7 - Chapter 441: Interlocked stratagems! Deadly ploy!

  6. Volume 7 - Chapter 442: A war of meat grinders

  7. Volume 7 - Chapter 443: Cherokee’s counterattack

  8. Volume 7 - Chapter 444: Broken! Defeated!

  9. Volume 7 - Chapter 445: ‘Handling’ the elderly, the sickly, women and children

  10. Volume 7 - Chapter 446: Glad tidings for the Takji clan

  11. Volume 7 - Chapter 447: Severe bleeding

  12. Volume 7 - Chapter 448: A slut can naturally pester vilely

  13. Volume 7 - Chapter 449: Wild tail twisting slaughter!

  14. Volume 7 - Chapter 450: An interaction

  15. Volume 7 - Chapter 451: Arising inner dissention


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