Chapter 425 - Exploring Nether Mountain in Night!

The Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 425 Exploring Nether Mountain in Night!

Chu Xun’s eyes were almost burning with anger.

“After this long crap, I finally understand what you meant. It’s all because of you that I’m locked by the Firmament Chain from inside.”

Emperor Ao was stunned by the words. He looked at Chu Xun with disdain as he replied, “How could you be so ungrateful? If it weren’t for me, you probably would be locked by a much thicker Firmament Chain if they found you.”

“Bullshit. I had been in the other world for three thousand years and have come to Earth for a couple of years. If I hadn’t met you, a jinx, how could I have been locked by the Firmament Chain?” asked Chu Xun angrily.

“You should be content. The Firmament Chain in your body is as thin as a hair, and they can sense it. Otherwise, they would have locked you with a much thicker Firmament Chain, which would kill you.”

“How could I be content! As you said, I’m now a sheep that is tied up to be slaughtered.”

“You know nothing about this. The Firmament Chain in your body was split from my chain. Just because they sensed that you had Firmament Chain in your body, they didn’t pay much attention to you. Otherwise, they would have locked you with a much thicker and powerful Firmament Chain, and in that case, you would lose all your cultivation. Think about it, you have come back to Earth for just about 20 years, and you have reached the middle stage of the Golden Core Realm. Given your cultivation speed, how could they not take precautions against you?”

“Does the thicker Firmament Chain have stronger power?”

“Of course! It’s like the water pipes. Even a fool would know that water flows faster in a thick pipe than in a thin pipe.”

Chu Xun was silent. After thinking about it, he found the words reasonable.

He did not notice that a weird look flashed across the corners of Emperor Ao’s lips.

“Well, it’s too early for you to talk about this. Now, you should worry about the trip to Nether Mountain.”

“It’s not early at all! The thought that a celestial calamity would strike me when I reach the Integration Realm makes me anxious. No one could survive a celestial calamity. A thunder calamity alone can burn me into ashes.”

“That’s my case. I suffered a celestial calamity when I reached the Integration Realm, but it doesn’t mean that you will suffer one as well. Do you understand?”

“Do you mean that your talent is greater than mine?” Chu Xun was indignant.

“I don’t know, but the Firmament Chain in my body is much more terrifying than that in your body. I’m not afraid, so what are you worried about? Maybe when you reach the Integration Realm, I have already come up with a solution.”

“Then work out a solution quickly. I don’t want to hide in the Purple Mansion like a coward when I reach the Integration Realm.”

Emperor Ao glared at him and asked, “Boy, who is the coward you’re referring to?”

“Sorry, it’s just a slip of the tongue!” Chu Xun said with an awkward smile.

Seeing that Chu Xun was still in the mood to smile, Emperor Ao knew that he was fine. He was impressed by Chu Xun’s temperament.

He didn’t know that Chu Xun was actually worried inside and just didn’t show it on his face. Chu Xun knew it better than anyone else that it was very difficult to get rid of the Firmament Chain.

Emperor Ao had been hiding in the Purple Mansion for thousands of years but failed to find a way to break free from the Firmament Chain, which showed how difficult it was to get rid of the chain.

If it was really the Supreme Emperor, the man in charge of the order of the world, that punished the people with the Firmament Chain, those who had been punished couldn’t get rid of the chain unless they became a Supreme Emperor as well.

Chu Xun had always been tough and unyielding. Otherwise, he could not have become an Immortal Emperor in just three thousand years.

However, there was no way to get rid of the Firmament Chain.

Emperor Ao was no fool. He could tell from Chu Xun’s upset and blank expression that he couldn’t calm down for the moment.

No one could take it well if they were told that they were going to die tomorrow.

Cultivators went against God’s will and fought for their lives against God. They yearned for being free and unrestrained. Their ultimate goal was to break free from all the shackles in the world, travel across the sky, and fly freely in the void.

However, the Firmament Chain cut off their path to their goal. Few could take the blow steadily if they were told that they could make no progress after reaching the Integration Realm.

“Boy, you thought too much.” Emperor Ao couldn’t help saying.

Chu Xun looked at him and said with a smile, “Yes, I’m only in the Golden Core Realm, so far from reaching the Integration Realm. It’s too early for me to worry about it now.”

“That’s not what I meant,” Emperor Ao said, “don’t forget that the Firmament Chain was designed to suppress cultivators. To be exact, you are no longer a cultivator.”

“Hong Meng Scripture!” Chu Xun’s eyes lit up.

Emperor Ao nodded. “Yes. As long as you don’t use your True Energy, you won’t activate the Firmament Chain, right?”

“That’s right!” Chu Xun’s heart throbbed, and his eyes were extremely bright. “As soon as I use my True Energy, the Firmament Chain will start to weaken my combat capability, but that won’t happen when I use my Hong Meng Immortal Qi.”

“Good.” Emperor Ao was overjoyed. “It seems that we have taken the right step.”

After Chu Xun figured this out, he became light-hearted.

Jing Hong also showed a smile. It was not long ago when she knew that Chu Xun was bound by the Firmament Chain, but she was not an ordinary woman that she didn’t show any worry on her face.

At this moment, even she could not help but let out a sigh of relief.

“Old Ao, you can rest assured that when I become a Supreme Emperor, the first thing I will do is to help you get rid of the Firmament Chain,” Chu Xun raised his head and said. His eyes were as sharp as swords as he looked into the sky.


Emperor Ao’s residence, the Purple Mansion, suddenly trembled.

Though it only trembled for a second, it still made Emperor Ao’s expression change.

“Boy, don’t say that again.”

Chu Xun also realized the seriousness of the matter and nodded solemnly.

He decided to use the Hong Meng Immortal Qi from that day onward to cultivate against God’s will in a secret way.

He believed that he would make a major breakthrough one day like a carp becoming a dragon.

He felt like he was stuck in a mire now, and the Hong Meng Scripture was the only thing that could help him out. He had no choice but to forge ahead.

He suddenly sympathized with Emperor Ao, who had been hiding in the Purple Mansion for tens of millions of years. As long as he went out, he would face a celestial calamity. Perhaps, he was not afraid of the celestial calamity; he just didn’t want to see people in misery. A celestial calamity would consist of tens of thousands of lightning. By then, it might destroy the country and turn the capital city into ruins.

Chu Xun realized that Emperor Ao suffered more than he did.

He shook his head and put the matter of the Firmament Chain behind him. He needed to focus on the trip to Nether Mountain first.

The three of them discussed the matter again. After making sure that there was nothing missing, Chu Xun left with Jing Hong.

The two of them returned to the Fire Dragon Palace. Chu Xun summoned the Silver Dragon Guards and asked number six to number ten of them to go to the Rock Sect.

As for himself, he left with Long Yi and Long Er to meet the top official.

The top official certainly knew about Chu Xun’s plan of visiting Nether Mountain.

They chatted for a short while before Chu Xun left alone.

After everything was arranged, Chu Xun set off for Nether Mountain.

Chu Xun didn’t take the same path with Jing Hong, but walked separately.

Jing Hong’s main task was to hide around Nether Mountain and come to his aid.

Chu Xun disguised himself as an ordinary young man.

Along the way, many human warriors were rushing toward Nether Mountain as well.

It was for the Demon-slaying Meeting.

The meeting was a once-in-a-hundred-year event, so it naturally attracted a lot of people.

Chu Xun arrived one day in advance.

Not far from Nether Mountain, there was an abandoned town, which had become lively these past few days.

Chu Xun appeared in the town. As he looked very ordinary, he didn’t attract anyone’s attention.

The town was hundreds of miles away from Nether Mountain, and two-thirds of the places between them were swamps full of poisonous fogs.

Chu Xun spread out his divine sense and searched for useful information from the conversations of the people around him.

Late at night, he decided to explore Nether Mountain.

No one would notice that an ordinary young man like him disappeared from the town.

Chu Xun walked into the dense forest alone and broke into the swamp area.

It was foggy at night. The whole forest was full of green biogas, breathing in which would cause people to hallucinate and even go crazy.

Besides, the swamp was full of all kinds of poisonous ants and snakes.

When Chu Xun was crossing a mire, it suddenly exploded. A huge poisonous crocodile more than ten meters long opened its bloody mouth and bit toward Chu Xun.

If Chu Xun were an ordinary person, he would be swallowed by the crocodile in one gulp.

Chu Xun raised his hand and released a purple light that crushed the poisonous crocodile into pieces.

He continued to move forward, but before he could go far, he heard a rustling sound behind him. He looked back, and what he saw made his hair stand on end, but it was not because of fear but disgust.

The poisonous crocodile that he had just killed was covered by a group of thumb-sized red ants, and in an instant, nothing of the crocodile was left but its skeleton.

Chu Xun didn’t want to make any more trouble, so he walked away.

However, before long, a tree trunk that he stepped on suddenly moved. The trunk turned out to be a dark red python. The thickest part of its body was as thick as a bucket, and it was very strange that its two fangs grew out of its mouth, which made it look very fierce.

Chu Xun was shocked. He had thought that it was a withered trunk.

The poisonous python wagged its tail and suddenly charged at Chu Xun.

Chu Xun’s figure flashed as he ran to a hundred meters away.

The python’s tail entangled an ancient tree, which was as thick as an adult’s waist, beside Chu Xun. With a crack, the tree was broken into several pieces.

This poisonous python’s twisting power was terrifying.

Seeing that Chu Xun dodged, it squirmed and spat out a mouthful of venom.

Chu Xun dodged again.

The venom hit a huge stone with a weight of 500 kilograms, and the stone was instantly corroded and riddled with holes.

Chu Xun raised his hand and threw out a purple blade.


A string of sparks rose. The scales of the poisonous python were as hard as steel, but Chu Xun still managed to cut off the python’s huge tail.

The python roared in pain and was mad. It crushed the surrounding ancient trees and boulders, and the noise was loud.

Chu Xun threw out a punch in the air, causing its head to explode.

But all of a sudden, he suddenly flashed to a hundred meters away and looked up.

There was a millstone-sized black spider hanging where he was standing just now. The spider silk was as thick as a child’s arm and was connected to the trunk above it.

These insects that had gained intelligence could not be underestimated. They even knew how to attack at the right time.

If it had been an ordinary person, they would have definitely fallen into the trap. After all, this huge spider had jumped down from above their heads.

The spider was very smart. Seeing that its first attack failed, it climbed up to the trunk by pulling its spider silk.

Chu Xun flicked his finger, and the Reincarnation Line shot out and cut off the spider silk.


The spider fell from mid-air and smashed into the ground, leaving a large pit there.

Two of its eight strong and barb legs got broken, and it fled with lame legs.

Chu Xun couldn’t help but smile. “This beast is really smart.”

Along the way, Chu Xun had killed countless poisonous insects and fierce beasts. Even the earthworm in the soil was as thick as the thigh of a human being. It jumped out of the soil suddenly and almost succeeded in its sneak attacks against Chu Xun.

Chu Xun came to the foot of the towering Nether Mountain and looked up at it. The mountain was like a lurking beast waiting for its prey to approach.

As his divine sense spread, Chu Xun found that there were guards on the road up the mountain.

However, this couldn’t stop him. The mountain was so large that there must be some small paths that others couldn’t find.

Chu Xun found a path that could barely be called a path because it was, in fact, a steep mountain wall with some protruding rocks. Chu Xun stepped on these rocks to climb up, which was like rock climbing.

Chu Xun could even climb up a flat and smooth wall, let alone a wall with protruding rocks that he could step on. By pressing his toes against the rock, he bounced up a dozen meters to another protruding rock.

In just a few seconds, he reached the top of the mountain.