Spare Me, Great Lord!
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    The Speaking Pork Trotter会说话的肘子
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Spare Me, Great Lord!

Школьная жизньЭкшн (Экшен)Ломоть жизниСверхъестественноеФэнтезиКомедияБоевые искусстваПриключения

This is the story of an orphan, Lu Shu. He is not any regular orphan, but a metahuman experiencing the changes in himself, his country and the world during the dawn of the magical era. Watch as Lu Shu embarks on a journey to hone his peculiar abilities together with his sister, the adorable and charismatic Lu Xiaoyu. Along the way, they’ll encounter supernatural events, obstacles and even the most powerful people in their country. How will Lu Shu make the best of his abilities and oust ... Читать далее >>

Последние релизы глав

  1. Chapter 1332 - Long Time No See

    1 год, 1 месяц назад
  2. Chapter 1331 - Father of the Emperor

    1 год, 1 месяц назад
  3. Chapter 1330 - Li Heitan’s Marriage

    1 год, 1 месяц назад
  4. Chapter 1329 - Good Spring Days, But Dreams Are Better

    1 год, 1 месяц назад
  5. Chapter 1328 - Daylight Starlight

    1 год, 1 месяц назад

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