Shift! The Side-Character Heroine
  • Автор
    Drunk for Her醉卧笑伊人
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Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Школьная жизньЛомоть жизниКомедияРомантикаПриключения

An introverted girl has had enough of the isolation inadvertently formed by her self-imposed isolation. Things changed when she discovers that she has the ability to transverse across the fabric of our universe into the dimensions of multiple storylines. Not only do these storylines leave her with invaluable lessons – they also impart a portion of their power – if she is deserving of it. The time has come for Zhao Youyue to change her fate. She will be a Side-Character, or perhaps…something m... Читать далее >>

Последние релизы глав

  1. Chapter 773 (END) - The Eternal Heroine (Grand Finale)

    1 год назад
  2. Chapter 772 - Website Gone Viral!

    1 год назад
  3. Chapter 771 - Doubt

    1 год назад
  4. Chapter 770 - My Five-Star Rated Book

    1 год назад
  5. Chapter 769 - Addiction

    1 год назад

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