Reverend Insanity
  • Автор
    Gu Zhen Ren蛊真人
  • Альтернативные названия
    Cổ chân nhân Daoist Gu Gu Zhen Ren 蛊真人
  • Источник
    Qidian International
  • Статус

Reverend Insanity

Экшн (Экшен)Для взрослыхПсихологияФэнтезиСянься (Xianxia)Боевые искусстваПриключения

Humans are clever in tens of thousands of ways, Gu are the true refined essences of Heaven and Earth.

The Three Temples are unrighteous, the demon is reborn.

Former days are but an old dream, an identical name is made anew.

A story of a time traveler who keeps on being reborn.

A unique world that grows, cultivates, and uses Gu.

The Spring and Autumn Cicada, the Venomous Moonlight Gu, the Wine Insect, All-Encompassing Golden Light Insect, Slender Black Hair Gu, G... Читать далее >>


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