Reign of the Hunters
  • Автор
    Season Of Fireworks那时烟花
  • Альтернативные названия
    Liè zhě tiān xià 猎者天下
  • Источник
  • Статус

Reign of the Hunters

Экшн (Экшен)Ломоть жизниСверхъестественноеФэнтезиРомантикаБоевые искусстваПриключения

The happiest thing in the world is to be able to amend what you have done wrong. She who acted willfully because of a game, was reincarnated into a time when she still had her parents’ love.

For the sake of her family, she began her life as a pro gamer.

But this time, she was no longer the Human Sorceress that she was familiar with. She was an Elven Huntress. Could she still acquire the power to be the Right Hand of God?

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Последние релизы глав

  1. Chapter 457

    1 год назад
  2. Chapter 456

    1 год назад
  3. Chapter 455

    1 год назад
  4. Chapter 454

    1 год назад
  5. Chapter 453

    1 год назад

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