Chapter 376: My Angel

Pet King

Chapter 376: My Angel

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Snowy did not encounter Uncle Jin and Good-for-Nothing in the villa area, probably because they thought it was going to snow and stayed home. Ever since taking off the Elizabeth collar, Good-for-Nothing had become energetic and naughty again, but it still it wasn’t able to defeat her cat Snow ball.

Getting in a taxi and heading to the Amazing Fate Pet Shop, she logged on her Weibo, confirming to the audience that her program would be broadcasted as planned.

The audience was very interested in this live broadcast. The previous locations that Snowy chose for her programs were mostly indoor areas. Even though she had been to the Hidden Fog Mountain, her ultimate destination was a teahouse there. This time, the broadcast will be shot in the outdoor dog market and unlike those expensive shops, ordinary people could relate to the experience in dog market. Besides, with a professional in the pet industry accompanying Snowy, the audience could learn something about the industry from the expert.

Even before the start of the live broadcast, plenty of audience members had been waiting on Snowy’s channel to discuss the live broadcast with enthusiasm.

In the living room of their villa, Shi Rong was eating the freshly-baked egg tarts while waiting for the live broadcast on a tablet PC. Jiang Tianda, though pretending to be angry, shut himself in his study, quietly waiting for the show on his phone.

The taxi arrived at the Amazing Fate Pet Shop soon. Snowy paid the fare and got out. Seeing that Deng Jie was walking from the bus station, she stood there to wait for her.

"Sister Deng," she waved her hand.

Deng Jie was wearing a gray and pink long down jacket with a mask on her face, carrying a handbag that had no brand. She also saw Snowy, taking off the mask while speeding up.

"I'm sorry, am I late?" she said apologetically. "It’s a cloudy Sunday, so I overslept."

"No, I also just arrived," said Snowy.

Deng Jie glanced at Snowy’s clothes, and said with concern, "Snowy, the dog market is dirty, messy and crowded. You’d better not wear such nice, new clothes… you see, I deliberately dressed in old clothes today..."

"It doesn’t matter." Snowy didn’t care. "I can wash them if they are dirty. Let’s go inside to meet the Store Manage. I’m not sure whether he’s ready or not."

"... All right." Deng Jie did not say anything about her clothes anymore.

"Hello! Mr. Store Manager, here I come!"

Snowy hopped through the door first, and Deng Jie then followed her into the pet shop. They saw that Zhang Zian was squatting on the ground with Richard standing on his shoulder. Both he and Richard seemed to be gazing blankly with strange expressions, as if they were dealing with constipation…

In front of Zhang Zian was squatting a very perky German Shepherd. Hearing that someone had entered the door, it turned around and looked at the entrance.

Mouth half-open, Zhang Zian stared at Snowy half-heartedly for a while before he recognized her, "Oh, Snowy, what are you doing today?"

"What? Mr. Store Manager, are you alright? Didn’t you agree to go to the dog market with me today? We spoke on the phone moments ago!" Snowy said, worrying about him.

"Oh, yes, I remember now." Zhang Zian came to his senses.

He and Richard were wrong. Famous actually did it! Famous had broken through the invisible obstacles set by the game and went out from the pet shop. It repeated coming in and going out several times—it seemed that as long as Famous succeeded once, the confinement on it wouldn’t work anymore, and Famous didn’t need to go out via teleportation.

In the Yuanhua Building, when they encountered Snowy Lionet, Galaxy once broke through the confinement. He thought Galaxy was the only elfin that had ability of quantum superposition state— since when did such a power became so universal?

Not only Zhang Zian, but Old Time Tea, Fina and Snowy Lionet were all surprised, especially Richard, who felt inferior in front of the newly arrived guy and was really dejected.

"Mr. Store Manager, every time I come to your store, I see some new pets. Is this dog recently arrived? It seems fierce, does it bite? "After entering the shop, because she was afraid of Famous, Snowy didn’t dare to go any further inside.

Famous's body was about the same size as Good-for-Nothing, but from Good-for-Nothing’s dorky look, it was a harmless animal; Famous was like a dog that had served the army or police commonly seen in movies, and would lunge over people and bite them once it received commands from their owners.

"You said this dog… It’s fine, it doesn’t bite, you don’t have to be afraid." Zhang Zian comforted her, "It’s called Famous, and its nickname is... Angel."

"What? Angel?"

Snowy was full of questions. How come a dog had both a name and a nickname, and the nickname was Angel?

"Yes, and Angel will go with us to the dog market," said Zhang Zian.

Snowy clapped her hands ad if she had understood, "No wonder you dared to assure my dad of my safety! This dog will help fend off trouble…"

Zhang Zian still wasn’t fully recovered from the shock caused by Famous. He greeted Deng Jie, "Greetings, Sister Deng."

"Thank you both for arranging this trip for my matter." Deng Jie smiled both apologetically and gratefully.

"It's all right, I've heard of the situations in the dog market already, so I can take this opportunity to see it for myself." Zhang Zian reminded her, "But please be aware that with my limited knowledge of the industry, I’m not sure whether you can get what you want from this trip. Please don’t set your expectations too high."

"Please don’t say that. I’m very grateful that you would come with me at all," said Deng Jie sincerely.

Snowy took out the cell phone and asked, "Mr. Store Manager, can I start the live broadcast now?"

"Yes," Zhang Zian agreed.

She started the live broadcast app and said happily to the camera, "Hello everyone! I am Snowy, welcome to my live broadcast! Our slogan is—Having fun in Binhai City!"

A lot of viewers had been waiting on her channel, and some audience members that were watching the live broadcasts of other anchors immediately switched to hers as soon as they received the notification that Snowy was on air.

Since it was a cloudy Sunday morning and could snow at any time, many audience members had stayed at home to watch Snowy’s program.

"Wow! Snowy is so cute today!"

"Snowy! Marry me!"

Because of Snowy’s natural, innocent, and unpretentious style in broadcasting, plus her cool attitude that she wouldn’t fawn on her audience for tips, not only was she popular among male audiences, but also plenty of female audiences had become her big fans.

"I really want to abduct Snowy and dress her as a doll!" There were similar perverted comments.

"It would be better if the camera could remove the Non-Player Character!"

Zhang Zian had already accessed the live broadcast app, and he immediately struck back.

[Hottie Store Manager]: "Damn you! You are an NPC!"

"Wow! It’s the perverted Store Manager!"

"Hey, pervert! I have a question: how do you feel becoming a protagonist today?"

[Hottie Store Manager]: "I am the f**king protagonist all the time!"

Snowy chuckled. Zhang Zian was like a buffoon — as soon as he was in her program, everyone would find him amusing and laughed.

At this moment, the automatic sensor door glided to the side, and a girl walked in.

Zhang Zian put down his cell phone and introduced her to Snowy. "This is my newly hired employee. Her name is Lu Yiyun, and her painting is amazing. Right, she is also a big fan of yours!"

Lu Yiyun cut her fringe a little shorter. She did not recognize Snowy from behind, and thought she was an ordinary customer. Just when she was trying to hide quietly behind the computer screen on the cashier, she was called out by Zhang Zian.

"Hey! Where are you going? Isn’t she your idol?"

"Woo..." Lu Yiyun froze there embarrassedly, and her face blushed as if she had a fever.

Snowy walked over and reached out to her, "Hello, I am Snowy, do you also watch my live broadcast?"

Lu Yiyun was staring at Snowy’s hand, hesitant to hold it.

"She’s waiting for you to shake hands. You can’t keep her raising her hand like this, can you?" Zhang Zian urged her.

"Hello, I… my name is Lu Yiyun, I am your fan... I’ve recorded every program of yours and I’ve watched them each several times..." She whispered to introduce herself. Wiping off the cold sweat on her palms on her clothes, she finally took the hand of Snowy.

"Wow, that's awesome! Thank you!" Snowy felt Lu Yiyun's hand was cold and asked with concern, "I'll call you Xiao Yun, okay? Are you cold?"

"No... no, I’m not cold..." Lu Yiyun quickly withdrew her hand and lowered her head.

She had wanted to meet Snowy for a long time. It would be better if she and Snowy could become friends. Together, they would go shopping, enjoy gourmet food, and try out clothes in clothing stores… but she knew that her personality was completely different than Snowy. Snowy was always so cheerful, happy, and sweet, and was loved by everyone. On the other hand, people deemed her a gloomy introverted person, so that even her parents didn’t like her. How could a person like herself became a friend of Snowy?

Snowy was her angel!

She was satisfied being able to meet Snowy in person and shake hands with her.

Struck by happy dizziness, Lu Yiyun felt like she was going to pass out. What a wise decision for her to work at this pet shop! She put her hand behind her, thinking that she might not wash it for a long time now.

Zhang Zian did not know that she had been through such complex psychological activities. He waited patiently till she and Snowy finished shaking hands, and asked them to come to the storage racks.

"You came at the perfect time. I’m going to insert a commercial here—these are the newly arrived imported cat food, selling to the members of this shop at prices lower than purchasing online from overseas websites."

Zhang Zian pointed at the rows of imported cat food on the shelves. The franchise certificates of the cat food companies were also hanging by the side. These were the favors from Tim and his Blue Climax.

"From now on, stop calling me an unemployed person, nor am I a self-employed guy, but I am the CEO of a Sino-US joint venture!" he said proudly to the camera.