Major General’s Smart and Gorgeous Wife
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Major General’s Smart and Gorgeous Wife

Экшн (Экшен)СверхъестественноеКомедияРомантикаДрамаДзёсэй (Josei)

With a marriage contract forcefully done, he married her, and all she could do was comply, and resent him deeply for that and for all the following misunderstandings they faced.
However, it was already too late when she understood she actually loved him.

Fortunately, after a life of misfortunes, she was reborn to the very beginning, the day he told her they were married, and she was determined to cherish him in her second life!

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Последние релизы глав

  1. Chapter 288 - Ch. 288

    10 месяцев, 1 неделю назад
  2. Chapter 287 - Ch. 287

    10 месяцев, 1 неделю назад
  3. Chapter 286 - MGSGW Ch. 286

    10 месяцев, 1 неделю назад
  4. Chapter 285 - Ch. 285

    10 месяцев, 1 неделю назад
  5. Chapter 284 - Ch. 284

    10 месяцев, 1 неделю назад

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