Лучшие Юри Романы

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister

Экшн (Экшен)ГаремКомедияЭттиЮри

How will the person who, in her previous world was known as the Goddess of Ice, deal with the world

Demon Sword Maiden

Demon Sword Maiden

Изменение полаЭкшн (Экшен)ГаремФэнтезиЭттиБоевые искусстваЮри

This story revolves around a boy who was sent to a dark, mysterious parallel world in the body of h

Epic Of Caterpillar

Epic Of Caterpillar

Экшн (Экшен)ГаремФэнтезиКомедияЮри

A young adult man dies from a fever and is reincarnated in a world of swords and magic dominated b

Vampire's Slice Of Life

Vampire's Slice Of Life

Ломоть жизниГаремФэнтезиРомантикаПриключенияЮри

Lith is born as the son of the strongest being in the world and after he realizes that, he gives up


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