Dafeng's Night Squad
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  • Альтернативные названия
    大奉打更人 Great Feng's Nightwatchers The Nightwatchers of Feng
  • Источник
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Dafeng's Night Squad


Once a police academy graduate—Xu Qian, woke up and found himself in jail. He was to be banished to the borderlands in three days...

Stuck in this inhumane society, his initial goal was just to be a rich man and pass his days in relative safety.

Many years later, Xu Qian recalled the events of the past. His enemies and friends were dead, there was nothing of them left but bones.

The rolling Yangtze River flows east as the waves wash away the heroes.

Success or ... Читать далее >>

Последние релизы глав

  1. Chapter 891 - Chapter 891: Half of my life (1)

    1 год, 1 месяц назад
  2. Chapter 890 - Chapter 890: Opening of The Earth Book’s new function

    1 год, 1 месяц назад
  3. Chapter 889 - Chapter 889: Opening of The Earth Book’s new function 2

    1 год, 1 месяц назад
  4. Chapter 888 - Chapter 888: Opening of The Earth Book’s new function

    1 год, 1 месяц назад
  5. Chapter 887 - Chapter 887: Just like this? 2

    1 год, 1 месяц назад

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