Beastmaster of the Ages
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  • Альтернативные названия
    The Everlasting Supreme Immortal 万古第一神
  • Источник
  • Статус

Beastmaster of the Ages

Экшн (Экшен)ФэнтезиКомедияСюаньхуаньПриключения

Even in his dreams, Li Tianming can’t stop himself from laughing! Why? Because, his family pets are all the Primordial Chaos Beasts of myth!

That teeny weeny little chick over there is actually the Aeternal Infernal Phoenix that eats suns! His black cat is the Genesis Chaos Thunderfiend that refines worlds with its lightning. The c*ckroach, well, it’s the Myriad Worlds Deathless Beast that possesses trillions of undying clones…

Followed by his menagerie of pets, Li ... Читать далее >>

Последние релизы глав

  1. Chapter 2545 - Multiorder Sword Art

    8 месяцев, 3 недели назад
  2. Chapter 2544 - Master’s Wife

    8 месяцев, 3 недели назад
  3. Chapter 2543 - The Sword Art of the Gladean Ruins

    8 месяцев, 3 недели назад
  4. Chapter 2542 - Separated by Life and Death

    8 месяцев, 3 недели назад
  5. Chapter 2541 - Fated To Be Executed

    8 месяцев, 3 недели назад

Beastmaster of the Ages Список глав


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