Ancient Strengthening Technique
  • Автор
    I Am Superfluous我是多余人
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    Portraits of Beauty 上古强身术; 美女图
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Ancient Strengthening Technique

Экшн (Экшен)Для взрослыхГаремФэнтезиКомедияЭттиРомантикаБоевые искусстваСюаньхуаньДрамаПриключения

A man named Qing Shui, who transcended dimensions and arrived in the Kyushu continent. Storms of blood and wind, resulting in corpses and bones strewn about are extremely common here. The young warrior Qing Shui forged ahead in his path to cultivate, using 10 years to train himself, only to seek vengeance for the one who had forsaken his mother!

Note from Author: I am superfluous To put it simply, this is a story about the rising up in ranks, and getting hot chicks along his journ... Читать далее >>


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