All My Disciples Suck!
  • Автор
    Rotating Hot Pot回转火锅
  • Альтернативные названия
    All My Disciples Are Sand Sculptures! 我的弟子全是沙雕玩家
  • Источник
    Fantasy World Online
  • Статус

All My Disciples Suck!

Экшн (Экшен)КомедияСюаньхуаньПриключения

After four years, He Yiming finally became a Sect Master, activated the sect system, and received sign-in rewards!

The system summoned the souls of humans from Earth, reshaped their bodies, and made them disciples of the sect!

With that, the sect’s style of operation drastically changed!

Even though they couldn’t even kill the monsters in the novice village head, they just had to do a suicide attack to defeat it. That, and a whole lot of shenanigans as they innovate the w... Читать далее >>

Последние релизы глав

  1. Chapter 436:

    1 год, 1 месяц назад
  2. Chapter 435:

    1 год, 1 месяц назад
  3. Chapter 434:

    1 год, 1 месяц назад
  4. Chapter 433:

    1 год, 1 месяц назад
  5. Chapter 432:

    1 год, 1 месяц назад

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