Chapter 948 - Divine Grace

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 948: Divine Grace

Translator: La0o9

The Cardinal stared closely at the Orb of Lies in his hands.

The Orb of Lies is operating normally without any issue.

…this matter is too great.

“Seal the exits”

The Cardinal hesitated for a single second before giving his order.

The knights of the Church swiftly appeared from hidden corners of the convent and perfectly blocked every exit.

The atmosphere immediately changed.

A sense of dread filled the hall of the convent.

The VIPs who were invited here as witnesses all felt a bit uneasy as they saw this happen.

“Cardinal, sir, what is this supposed to mean?”

A viscount barely managed to force a smile as he tried asking.

The Cardinal gently answered: “Please be a bit patient because this matter cannot be revealed no matter what. I must go and report to the Church’s HQ right away”

After saying so, he ordered the knights: “Anyone who tries to leave this place is to be killed without remorse”

“Understood!” the knights replied in unison.

The Cardinal brought two of his servants and quickly left the scene.

Gu Qing Shan looked at his mother.

His mother was being surrounded by the knights together with the rest of the VIPs, her face was full of fear and worry.

Their eyes met.

“Don’t worry” Gu Qing Shan consoled her.

He waved his hand to let out a mass of white light that gently fell onto her body.

A sense of warmth filled his mother’s body, removing worries from her heart and allowed her to enter a calm state, even her complexion that had gotten worse over the last few days due to sorrow and worry had somewhat improved.


“That is [Divine Comfort]!”

“Oh my god, that really is [Divine Comfort]!”

The people were all shocked.

[Divine Comfort] was a Divine magic that only advanced clergymen could perform.

And yet a 4-year-old child had just performed it in front of everyone, it was completely unimaginable.

From the crowd, an old man stepped forward, knelt in front of Gu Qing Shan, and began to recite a passage from the bible.

He was using his actions to express his attitude.

Facing his first believer, Gu Qing Shan appeared completely calm and collected.

“Why do you kneel in front of me?” he asked.

“God above, I have been stricken with a great disease, from which I can tell that I do not have much time left to live. I only hope that after my death, I would be accepted into Heaven” the old man prostrated with his head touching the ground and trembled as he spoke.

Gu Qing Shan nodded and said nothing.

He gained a believer by performing a simple spell.

——in truth, what he used just now was a common healing light technique that cultivators always used.

This technique worked by gathering the pure spirit energy that lingered in the world to form a mass of light that nurtured a cultivator’s body.

The reason why such a thing was misunderstood as [Divine Comfort] was that after Gu Qing Shan formed the covenant with the will of the world, [War God Quest] had granted him a constant passive——– [Conversion ].

Every cultivator-type spell or technique he used would be automatically converted into a magic equivalent that fit the common sense and Laws of this world.

So the healing light technique was converted to [Divine Comfort] of the same level.

At this point , almost a dozen different spatial fluctuations appeared around the convent.

Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

So many teleportations in a row, it seems like all the VIPs of the Church had arrived.

A few moments later, a group of people from the Church entered the hall of the convent.

As they saw them, everyone knelt down.

The hall was immediately filled with sounds of prayers.

They couldn’t be blamed for reacting this way, because this was such a shocking sight.

The people who just came in represented the greatest power of the church, as well as living representatives of God on mortal land.

They were 12 Divine Knights.

5 Cardinals.

The Grand Cardinal of the Church.

As well as the man who donned a pure white priest robe——

His Excellency of the Divine Church, the Pope!

He had personally appeared!

“Your Excellency, it was that child” the county Cardinal who left earlier spoke up.

The VIPs of the Church followed where he was pointing.

Only to see an old man prostrating on the ground, praying devoutly to a 4-year-old child.

While the child’s expression was perfectly calm, his eyes slightly drooping as if to listen to the old man’s prayers.

Such a scene was quite shocking to see.

A priest who was responsible for watching over the scene came forward and reported what had happened to the Cardinal of Yorkshire after he left.

“He performed [Divine Comfort]?”

“Yes, he did perform such a thing, everyone here saw it with their own eyes”

The Cardinal of Yorkshire turned towards the other people of the Church with a wondering expression.

The Pope nodded to express his understanding.

He gestured to someone behind him.

The Grand Cardinal then took out a golden orb and presented it to the Pope.

This was the highest-grade Orb of Lies within the Church, something that had never failed before.

“[Blessing of Truth]” the Pope ordered.


The 5 Cardinals came forward and performed [Blessing of Truth] on the golden orb at once.

After some thought, the Pope continued to order: “Not enough, we need the [Vow of Punishing Lies] as well”

Hearing that, the 5 Cardinals stepped back.

The 12 Divine Knights came forward, drew their knight swords, and pointed them at the golden orb, reinforcing it with the [Vow of Punishing Lies].

They quickly finished their vows, sheathed their swords, and stepped back.

The Pope looked at the golden orb in his hand, then began to chant a long series of incantations.

Following his chant, his skin seemed to become more wrinkled, his body itself growing visibly older.

The Grand Cardinal hurriedly told him: “Your Excellency , you don’t need to use your power…”

The Pope didn’t take note of his words and continued until he completed the incantation.

The golden orb started to give off a milky white divine light.

It was now that the Pope sighed with satisfaction:

“Cardinals, the current situation is one where we cannot afford any misjudgment, how could I not also put in the effort?”

12 Divine Knights, 5 Cardinals, as well as the Pope’s own power.

There hadn’t been anybody in this world who could bypass the lie detection magic that they performed in unison.

It was the only way for them to assure that there would be no falsehood in the results.

“But your body—-” a Divine Knight sorrowfully spoke up.

“Enough. If everything is true, the embodiment of God is right in front of us” the Pope told him.

Everyone went silent.

Under everyone’s staring eyes, the Pope held the golden orb as he walked in front of Gu Qing Shan.

“Child, are you the embodiment of God?”

The Pope cut straight to the chase.

“To be exact, I am not an embodiment. I am a Pillar God of billions of worlds” Gu Qing Shan replied calmly.

Everyone stared straight at the golden orb in the Pope’s hand.

Even now, the golden orb was giving off a faint milky white glow, gentle and silent.

Everything was normal.

The Pope gasped.

A bit behind him, the Cardinals and Divine Knights swiftly prostrated themselves.

They were no longer regretful that the Pope had used his lifespan to cast that spell.

“You—- My Lord, why have you only revealed yourself after descending for 4 years?” the Pope asked.

This was a great question, one that even Gu Qing Shan had to praise.

“Because I needed time to recover my power” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Everyone was a bit shocked.

The Pope’s expression didn’t change but he also didn’t ask anything else.

He slowly knelt down in front of Gu Qing Shan, closed his eyes, and spoke: “I wish to receive my Lord’s grace”

Gu Qing Shan silently smiled.

This old fox is quite an interesting person.

According to the teachings of this world’s bible , a divine grace is separated into many different kinds.

A normal clergyman is able to bestow normal people and mortals the most basic form of spiritual baptism.

A higher-ranking priest is able to use and bestow [Divine Comfort].

The Pope can bestow a magic called [Divine Protection]——- this was a spell that could last for 3 months, capable of shielding the receiver from any evil curses.

As for God, no one knows what kind of grace a God can bestow .

——-but from a normal perspective, a grace from God couldn’t be any worse from the Pope.

Otherwise, how would they be called a God?

Which means…

Even though the golden orb did not react and has proven that Gu Qing Shan was telling the truth, the Pope still chose to maintain a cautious attitude.

However, this wasn’t even worth being considered a test for Gu Qing Shan.

After all, in the Age of old, even the Divine race couldn’t see through his act.

Gu Qing Shan looked at the Pope and whispered: “Very well, you are my representative in the mortal realm, the head shepherd of my mortal believers, I shall bestow upon you my grace”

Without waiting for the Pope to react, he turned to the old man who had been kneeling at his feet.

“And you, as you were the first believer to pray in front of me after the revelation of my identity, I have decided that you shall receive the same divine grace as my representative”

The old man opened his eyes wide, glanced at the Pope , and shrunk back a bit warily.

The Pope gently spoke: “Come, this is the will of God, do not try to fight it”

As he spoke, the old man was being moved by an invisible force right next to him.

And so, the Pope and an old man were both kneeling in front of a 4-year-old boy.

But no one here found that to be ridiculous or laughable.

Everyone held their breath and waited for what happened next.

—– no one had ever witnessed a divine grace from God, so none of them knew what to expect.

Gu Qing Shan’s thoughts moved.

A sharp sword phantom appeared out of nowhere and slashed through both the Pope and the old man.

The Heaven sword!

[Chaotic Flow], activate!

In the eyes of these people, endless divine light surged forward from Gu Qing Shan’s body and overflowed. Under the sound of the endless divine gospel, the divine light draped over the Pope and the old man’s body.

A miracle had occurred.

The Pope and the old man’s silver hair began to turn black again.

The marks of vicissitudes and age vanished from their visage, their skin slowly turned smooth and full of life once more.

Their backs gradually straightened and their physique appeared a bit taller.

Their bodies returned to the state of when they were 20 years old!

Age regression!

No one in this world could resist against the rules of life and death.

Perhaps those particularly powerful Professionists were able to prolong their lives, but no one had ever been able to move in reverse and regain their youth!

“I am—— I——”

A voice full of vitality resounded.

This was the Pope’s voice.

He had noticed his change.

All of his old wounds and diseases had vanished, his vitality that was like a candle in the wind had been fully replenished, just like the prime of his life.

No, I’m at the prime of my life right now!

Even with the Pope’s mental fortitude, he couldn’t even utter a word at this unbelievable miracle.

Gu Qing Shan looked over him and calmly said: “It is not yet time for you to go to Heaven, I still need you to remain in this world and contribute your power to the Church”

The Pope finally regained his senses.

He prostrated down to Gu Qing Shan’s feet and said in a solemn voice: “God above, I am your most loyal servant, your will is my goal, thus I shall contribute all that I am to you”