Chapter 946 - Covenant And Quest With The Remnant Will of The World

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 946: Covenant And Quest With The Remnant Will of The World

Translator: La0o9

Led by the gathered glow of the star, Gu Qing Shan was constantly heading downwards into the humongous vortex.

He was approaching the vortex closer and closer, but he wasn’t slowing down.

The broken vortex was directly in front of his eyes.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help muttering to himself.

I’m not going to just fly in, am I?

There were countless fragments of broken worlds inside the vortex, besides a previous Bramble Bird sovereign as well as the current Bramble Bird sovereign, Laura herself, no one had dared to enter it.

All of a sudden, at the very last possible moment, the guiding force acting on Gu Qing Shan’s body abruptly stopped.

Perhaps sensing something, the guiding force made it so that he was floating right above the vortex.

He was literally one step away from stepping inside the vortex.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t dare move a single muscle and just silently stood there.

“Great, I’m here. Now what?”

He muttered.

He then suddenly sensed something and looked up not too far away.

A jet-black piece of rock that was about 5-people tall was silently heading towards him.

Another cluster of light erupted from between Gu Qing Shan’s eyebrows and came into contact with the rock.


An intense, loud, and sharp cry sounded from the rock.

Gu Qing Shan then felt an intense suction force.

His body swiftly moved straight into the rock.


Howling wind by his ear.

Gu Qing Shan felt himself standing inside a zone of blurriness.

All of a sudden, lines of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[Detected the remnant will of this World Origin]

[The UI can now arrange a War God Quest in accordance with that will and your goals]

[The Quest will exist in the form of a covenant between you and the will of the world to create a bridge between you]

[Would you like to issue the corresponding Quest now?]

Gu Qing Shan skimmed through and answered right away: “Issue it”

New lines of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[Quest description: Before the Bygone Era, an Apocalypse had swept through and destroyed this newborn powerful parallel world with infinite potential, erasing all traces of it to leave only the final bit of World Origin remaining]

[The will of that world is extremely unwilling to accept this. Thus, it had been pushing the corpse of its world to move around aimlessly within the abyss of broken worlds]

[And now, you’ve come to it]

[Quest objective: Pass the trial of the remnant will of this parallel world, bringing it the last bit of hope (as you accept this Quest, its trial will immediately begin)]

[Quest reward: You will obtain the final bit of World Origin of this parallel world, using it to strengthen your newly created World Technique]

[Special note: In accordance with the situation of each War God Quest, the System will arrange various means of utilizing Soul Points to support your efforts]

[During this War God Quest, you’ve obtained the Soul Points utilization method: Conversion]

[Conversion: Constant magical technique. Whenever you utilize your power, it would automatically convert it into a technique that fits the Laws and common sense of the parallel world]

[Will you accept this War God Quest?]

Gu Qing Shan replied: “Accept”

[Quest accepted]

[Your covenant with the remnant will of the parallel world has been formed]

[The trail shall now begin]

With the final line of glowing text, the endless darkness in front of Gu Qing Shan’s eyes was overwhelmed by the infinite lights.

The entire world was lit up.

He noticed that…

He had turned into a baby!

Wait a minute.

Why am I a baby now, what can I actually do with this?

Gu Qing Shan called out in his mind: “System!”

[I’m here] the War God UI replied.

“Why did I turn into a baby?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

[Because you have formed a covenant with the parallel world, and is currently undergoing its trial]

“But you didn’t say that I’d turn into a baby!”

[This couldn’t be helped, only after you’ve agreed could I have known what kind of trial it was] the War God UI replied.

Gu Qing Shan was a bit flustered: “A baby is too weak! I literally have no way to deal with any situation. I can’t even summon my swords like this! Can I pull out now?”

[You cannot. This world’s will was already full of unwillingness to accept its end. After forming the covenant, you have become its last hope, if you change your mind now, it will destroy itself together with you]

The War God UI replied in a fully serious manner.

As it was talking to him, lines of glowing text also started to show up on the UI:

[The Apocalypse trial had officially begun]

[This is an illusion that had transcended the restriction of time]

[This illusion is depicting the entire process of this world’s run-in with the Apocalypse and eventual destruction. You must find the root of the calamity, remove it, and allow the world to continue]

[Your time limit is: 100 years]

[Note: You will be under the constant effect of Conversion]

[Special note: During the world’s collapse, countless great and excellent heroes have made their attempts at salvation, but have all failed]

[Come, use your actions to tell the World Origin what exactly is a real hero that can save the world]

[If you succeed, you will obtain the final power necessary to complete your World Technique]

[The trial has begun]

All the glowing text swiftly shrank and vanished.

At the same time.

The restricted Space and Time started to loosen as Gu Qing Shan discovered that he was now able to move.

Various tiny scratching sounds were resounding around him, causing the atmosphere to become tense.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t know what exactly was going on, so he could only watch the events unfold in silence.

Regardless of what happened, now that I’ve lost all my power, the only thing I can do is to collect information.

Not to mention, although the time limit of 100 years seems like a lot at first, I believe there might be some sort of hidden implication here.

I still don’t know what kind of trial I’ll have to face.

If so many people were unable to save this newborn powerful parallel world full of potential, then how should I go about doing that?

Gu Qing Shan was seriously contemplating this.

Suddenly, a surprised voice came into his ears: “What a cute little boy!”

Noisy voices came from all around him.

Gu Qing Shan felt himself being touched and washed by several pairs of hands using water of appropriate temperature.

The hands that were washing him were extremely flexible, soft, and skillful.

The faces of various people came close as they stared at him.

“Look, he’s so adorable”

“That’s right, such big round eyes”

“Saint Mother Maria above, I like him already”

“How strange, why isn’t he crying?”

Silence, all around.

Gu Qing Shan saw the various worried expressions on their faces.

This really is…

Gu Qing Shan silently whispered in his mind.

He had no choice but to open his mouth and cry.


It’s been so long since he last cried so he wasn’t used to it and even hiccupped once.

The people around him gasped in surprise.

The uneasy atmosphere quickly filled the room, creating an almost solid air of worry.

“Wah! Waah! Waaah!”

It was now that Gu Qing Shan finally grasped the technique and started to cry in a resounding and rhythmic manner.

“He’s crying so well!”

Someone exclaimed.

The women all smiled.

The atmosphere relaxed.

Gu Qing Shan also sighed in relief.

But it looks like I’ll need to redo everything from the very start.

Fortunately, all of my memories and knowledge still remained, plus the ability that [War God Quest] provided: [Conversion].

With this ability, what I do won’t be completely foreign to this world.

I’ll be able to regain my cultivation once again, look for the origin of the Apocalypse and crush it from its inception.

Only then would I be able to convince the remnant will of the world to become a part of my World Technique.

At this point, the female servants had finished cleaning him.

Although this was only an illusion, since it was created by World Origin, from a certain perspective, this was also reality.

Gu Qing Shan silently thought.

He used his immature hands to secretly form a hand seal.

This was the simplest Sensing Seal; it basically had no effect except to help the user recognize and perceive spirit energy.

He was able to sense spirit energy!

And this world’s spirit energy was still relatively plentiful.

Gu Qing Shan silently sighed in relief.

While he was thinking that, the servants had finished washing him from top to bottom, carefully dried him off, then dressed him up in a set of dry and comfortable baby clothes.

One of the female servants yawned.

Right, it should be time to rest now.

This means, after this, I’ll be put into a baby crib to rest.

Then, I’ll only need a single night to cultivate and reach Qi Training 1st stage.

I need to quickly become a cultivator again, otherwise, I won’t even have a bit of power to defend myself.

After these women sleep, it’ll be time for me to start cultivating.

And I’ll change the future of this world!

As Gu Qing Shan thought that, one of the servants gently picked him up and cradled him close to her chest.

They started talking:

“It’s quite late already”

“That’s right”

“Young master has been bathed”

“When it’s this late, young master is probably hungry now”

“I’ll take him to the baby room and breastfeed him”

“Hm, go ahead”

Gu Qing Shan froze in the female servant’s chest.

