Chapter 877 - Crisis

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 877: Crisis

TN: since this novel doesn’t only deal with a single “world”, the term “parallel world” doesn’t quite explain it well enough, please think of every instance of “parallel world” from this chapter onwards to have the same meaning as “parallel reality” or “parallel universe” instead. The term itself will be kept as “parallel world” in order to keep the paragraphs from overcrowding with big words.


The war came to a stop at its most desperate point.

The Desolate race was killed to extinction.

At the same time, the Heaven sword’s forging process was coming to an end.

Besides the Immortal King, every other great cultivator had already entered the frontlines.

They flew out, only to watch the Indestructible Giant, his numerous Soul Artifacts, and the Immortal King’s badge.

From the others, they understood that this monster was actually a human cultivator.

He had transformed into an unimaginably powerful monster.

He carried the real Immortal King’s badge.

He killed the entire Desolate race!

And so, he was on their side.

But how come no one had ever seen him before?

While the cultivators were silently thinking about this, Gu Qing Shan who kept his transformation crouched down and quickly asked the other great cultivators:

“I’m afraid you won’t be able to stay in the Primordial Heaven Realm for too long, have you prepared a destination yet?”

“Why do you want to know?” one of the great cultivators asked.

“Because you wouldn’t be able to survive what comes next”

The Indestructible Giant looked up at the sky.

The two terrifying entities above the cloud had already halted their battle.

The great cultivators followed his gaze and felt their bodies becoming tense as they did so.

All of them had powerful spirit senses that allowed them to sense how frightening the two entities above the cloud actually were.

Even this giant in front of them wasn’t necessarily their match.

This was the true crisis that awaited them.

One of the great cultivators answered him: “We did prepare a retreat plan, our plan was to descend to a lower realm, but because of how tightly the Desolate race had pushed us into a corner, if we left in front of them, they would definitely be able to follow”

A lower realm!

Gu Qing Shan understood after just a bit of thought.

He was talking about a fragment of the broken Samsara.

The place where Xie Dao Ling ended up in was also such a fragment, which came into contact with his homeworld a couple ten thousand years in the future and brought the attention of the [Demon King Order].

“Have you chosen a lower realm to descend to?” Gu Qing Shan hurriedly asked.

When a cultivator reached Void Wanderer realm, they would be able to survive for several ten thousand years without trouble, but in the cultivation world of the future, these powerful cultivators did not exist, nor was their inheritance ever left behind.

Gu Qing Shan had to guarantee that these people would not come to the Samsara fragment where Xie Dao Ling would later awaken.

Otherwise, history itself would collapse and he would be erased by the Laws of Time and Fate.

“We chose the biggest fragment of the Samsara. We once managed to sneak into the Divine King’s Palace and obtained the method of traveling to that fragment, but we can only do so from the Sky Beyond Heaven”

Gu Qing Shan calmed down.

At this point in time, the remaining Divinities in the Sky Beyond Heaven have already escaped.

Otherwise, they would be doomed to perish.

Which means, what I need to do is very simple.

He looked around the entire battlefield, raised the Immortal King’s badge, and ordered: “All troops, retreat to the lower realm”

“Remember well, you are forbidden to reveal yourselves for the next couple of ten thousand years. Otherwise, if we are found out, humanity would surely fall to extinction!”

“Understood!” all the cultivators loudly responded.

Under the leadership of the great cultivators, the army of human cultivators quickly reorganized and was about to retreat towards the Sky Beyond Heaven.

At this time, a sharp, high-pitched female voice came from above the cloud: 『 Running away? 』

Followed by a male voice: 「 Your souls shall stay right here and become my food! 」

This declaration alone caused quite a few cultivators to fall unconscious.

The human cultivators personally felt just how terrifying the entity was.

No wonder the giant forbade us to reveal ourselves for the next couple of ten thousand years!

The cultivators sped up their retreat.

“We’re leaving, you—–” before he retreated, a great cultivator hesitantly looked at Gu Qing Shan.

“I will be the last to leave”

The Indestructible Giant replied.

He slightly bent his knees and abruptly leapt to the air.

The figure of the giant turned into a blurred image as he dashed through the wind and shot towards the clouds above like a cannonball.

Immediately after, the thick layers of clouds were scattered by the intense wind.

At this point, both the male and female voices were chanting in a tone of vicissitudes: 『「 Living beings, sacrifice your souls to me, your souls are—— 』」

The entity abruptly let out a unified screech and stopped its soul-absorption technique.

It turned out that the Indestructible Giant had appeared right next to it, slashed it with his sword, and struck it down from above.


The ground shook from the impact.

The human cultivators all cheered.

But the Indestructible Giant wasn’t at all glad and simply shouted at them: “Leave now! There are a many more of these monsters, humanity’s current strength cannot possibly win, so hide——”


He was then struck by another black figure and fell to the ground like a shooting star.

Half-way through, he vanished. Instead, a Demon Dragon who was similar in size to him appeared.

The body of this Demon Dragon had shrunken a lot more compared to before, but he was now exuding solid grey mist from his body, and his strength seemed to have grown considerably!

The Abyssal Demon Dragon.

He stopped in mid-air and spoke in Desolate Tongue: 「 A spatial technique? Laughable Savage creature, you dare to join the fight for the Heaven sword with your meager strength? 」

The Indestructible Giant didn’t say a single word, held his sword tightly with both hands, and struck at the Demon Dragon from above.

At this point, the Soul Shrieker had climbed back out from the ground.

It wasn’t damaged at all.


While fighting the Abyssal Demon Dragon, the Indestructible Giant still dedicated some attention to the human cultivators below and roared furiously.

The humans below no longer hesitated and swiftly took off towards the Sky Beyond Heaven as fast as they could.

This time, both the Soul Shrieker and the Abyssal Demon Dragon didn’t have the time to chase after these human cultivators.

Due to a Thaumaturgy that the Indestructible Giant unleashed.


Countless black sword images bloomed like a blossoming flower, all of them were infused with the power of Lightning, ensuring that both Abyssal monsters couldn’t move for a brief moment.

Secret Art, [Drawn Shadow]!

Before the blooming sword images disappeared, Gu Qing Shan had the giant sword in his hand scatter into hundreds of flying swords.

These flying swords surrounded the two Abyssal monsters and swiftly danced around them.

As the sword-infused wind picked up, arcs of lightning connected with one another to form a long winding strand of thread.

[Taiyi Dreamjolt Sword Array]!

This was a grand sword array infused with the power of his Lightning Thaumaturgy.

No matter how powerful these two Abyssal Monsters were, they had no choice but to avoid the scattered flying swords in the sky as much as possible to avoid being struck by Lightning and enter the irritating state of blankness from before.

On the other side, thanks to Gu Qing Shan’s efforts in containing the two entities, the human cultivators swiftly retreated.

At a glance, the only one left in the entire battlefield was the Immortal King who was still focused on inscribing runes after rune onto the Heaven sword to try and complete the forging process.

Strange-looking weapon components gradually manifested around him, he waited for the moment that the Heaven sword’s forging process was completed

The sword-infused wind was about to fade.

The Indestructible Giant abruptly shouted: “Stop!”

His figure flashed as he used [Ground Shrink] to take distance from the fight.

The Soul Shrieker’s half-man, half-woman face both displayed a mocking expression: 「『 You caused me to lose so much food, it is too late for you to beg for forgiveness 」』

There were no longer any humans on the ground.

The Indestructible Giant tried asking: “What do you say we join forces and kill the Demon Dragon?”

The Soul Shrieker was a bit surprised, then laughed:

「『 Of course not, do you really think I’m a fool? 」』

The Indestructible Giant said: “I don’t see why you still have to help him”

『「 Then how about this 』」the Soul Shrieker sarcastically mocked him, 『「 I’ll ignore the battle between you two, you can go ahead and kill him, what do you say? 』」

It then took two steps backward, as if to signal that it had no intention of interfering with the battle between the Indestructible Giant and the Abyssal Demon Dragon.

Gu Qing Shan sighed.

I definitely can’t beat the Abyssal Demon Dragon alone, so I originally wanted to borrow the Soul Shrieker’s power.

Who could’ve thought, the other party was smart enough to escape this ruse right away.

Compared to the Abyssal monsters, the Indestructible Giant was still a bit too weak to win against either of these monsters on his own.

The Abyssal Demon Dragon suddenly spoke up: 「 I have a suggestion 」

『「 Go ahead 』」the Soul Shrieker replied.

「 The Heaven sword can only belong to either of us. This apparently weak little thing seems like he has nothing but schemes, and I don’t want to run into any unexpected failure, so what do you say we kill him together, then continue to compete for the right to obtain the Heaven sword? 」the Abyssal Demon Dragon slowly explained.

The Soul Shrieker thought briefly and agreed: 『「 A good idea 」』

They both turned towards the Indestructible Giant.

The Indestructible Giant gathered all his swords in front of him, scoffed, then…

Turned and ran away!

The Indestructible Giant ran away so fast that neither of the Abyssal monsters managed to stop him in time.

He used [Ground Shrink] several times in a low, flashed across the sky a few times, and disappeared from sight.

The Soul Shrieker froze.

The Abyssal Demon Dragon froze.

「 He ran…」the Demon Dragon muttered in confusion.