Chapter 854 - Desperate Realization

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 854: Desperate Realization

Gu Qing Shan silently stared at the Abyssal Fate Weaver.

Although this monster’s soul wasn’t here, Gu Qing Shan could still feel an unparalleled sense of pressure exuding from this body.

Despite having a human female face and upper body, this monster would certainly not have the same thought process that of a human.

It was a monster that fed on souls

Gu Qing Shan asked: “Can’t its body be destroyed?”

[It cannot. Many years ago, humanity used a great power to expel its soul from its body and forced it to enter a state of pseudo death, but they could not destroy its body] the round disk informed him.

[Furthermore, we cannot approach its body any closer, otherwise you would become corrupted from not being able to endure the Abyssal aura it gives off]

“Corrupted?” Gu Qing Shan asked doubtfully.

[Indeed, your body would become polluted by the Abyss] the round disk answered.

“What happens if I become polluted? Would I gain eternal life?” Gu Qing Shan smiled and asked.

[That is not the case, the results of a human becoming polluted by the Abyss is completely random, no one would be able to predict how you would change]

When Gu Qing Shan was about to say something else, a blood-red UI appeared in front of him from the void of space.

A line of blood-red text appeared in front of the UI.

[Worlds Apocalypse Online: Revolution, has officially launched]

[You have obtained a new ability – Demon Lord: Primary-level Summoned Weapon form]

[Considering your status as an Envoy of Condemnation, the summonable Demon Lord weapons have been converted into your secondary deck: The Demon Lord Weapons deck]

Two sets of Cards appeared on the blood-red UI.

The first was the Lapis deck: Condemnation (Fugitive) deck.

The second was a Black deck: Demon Lord weapons deck.

Before Gu Qing Shan could check the [Demon Lord weapons] Card deck, [Origin]—— no, [Revolution]’s voice sounded.

[Your Excellency, Envoy of Condemnation, why have you come to the Abyssal Jail? This place is exceedingly dangerous, I suggest that you leave right away!]

Gu Qing Shan chuckled bitterly and said: “You probably don’t understand the situation yet”

[What situation?] – [Revolution] asked.

“The sleeping Demon Dragon, the Soul Shrieker and the Abyssal Fate Weaver have stayed for a very long time within the Primordial Heaven Realm and Primordial Wraith Realm. And I doubt that they stayed here just to play around”

[Your Excellency, what do you mean?] – [Revolution] asked.

“The Soul Shrieker deceived humanity to force humanity to help it forge the Abyssal Weapons—– the twin swords Heaven and Earth”

“The sleeping Demon Dragon is seeking the embrace of the Abyss in order to escape from humanity’s control”

“Do you see these webs?” Gu Qing Shan sighed: “Even now, I have no idea where the Abyssal Fate Weaver went and what it’s trying to do”

“If I can’t overlook this situation as clearly as possible, I wouldn’t even know how I died when I do”

In the darkness, [Worlds Apocalypse Online: Revolution] remained silent.

It seemed to be contemplating something.

Gu Qing Shan shook his head and touched the [Demon Lord weapons] deck on the UI.

A line of blood-red text appeared.

[To draw a primary-level weapon Card, please spend 100,000 Soul Points]

Gu Qing Shan checked his Soul Points value.

——-because of the preparations he made from the previous two evolution Quests, [Origin] only needed 1 million Soul Points to evolve to [Revolution], so Gu Qing Shan still had over 8 million Soul Points to use as he pleased.

He spent 100,000 Soul Points without hesitation and drew a Demon Lord weapon Card from the void of space.

—–a jet black card was held in between his fingers right in front of his eyes.

This card depicted a fully-armored black skeleton soldier.

[Primary-level Demon Lord weapon: Black Bones Warrior]

[This weapon is created from a collection of the hardest bones from various mythical creatures. Although the offensive capabilities leave much to be desired, its defensive capabilities are among the highest grade within primary-level weapons. Suitable to be used as a defensive type weapon of war]

Gu Qing Shan tossed this Black Card out without hesitation.


The fully-armored black skeleton depicted on the Card manifested in front of Gu Qing Shan.

A pair of black flames are burning inside its eye sockets, its body was about the same size as the Abyssal Fate Weaver, which was around 3-5 meters tall, the skeleton was equipped with a shield in one hand and a battle axe in the other.

“Go, try and sever that thread” Gu Qing Shan ordered.

The Black Bones Warrior moved.

It moved up to the thick strand of white thread, raised its battle axe high and abruptly swung it down.

The edge of the axe was caught on the white thread.

Very faint movement began to ripple out from where the thread was struck.

——–then the entire thread began to vibrate.

This vibration continued to spread along the threads until it reached the Abyssal Fate Weaver’s foot.

The Abyssal Fate Weaver didn’t react.

Gu Qing Shan was a bit surprised: “Didn’t you say its body still had automatic hunting instincts?”

The round disk didn’t answer him.

A second later.

A sharp spike suddenly appeared out of thin air and pierced through the Black Bones Warrior’s body.

The Black Bones Warrior immediately became immobile.

Right after that, a pair of gigantic black hands appeared from the void of space, caught the Black Bones Warrior and squeezed tightly.

The over-3-meter tall Black Bones Warrior, its battle axe and shield were all crushed into a black bone block about the size of a dice.

The Abyssal Fate Weaver’s feminine face showed a faint expression.

She looked at where the Black Bones Warrior was and opened her delicate mouth slightly.

The block of bone flew directly into her mouth.

The Abyssal Fate Weaver started to chew.

The sound of brittle bones being crunched could be heard coming from inside.

In about a second, the Abyssal Fate Weaver had already finished chewing that block of bone and returned to silence.

Gu Qing Shan was stunned.

He looked at the Abyssal Fate Weaver, then at the spike and hands that appeared out of nowhere.

The spike and the hands slowly faded away into a faint silent mist that drifted about the web of threads.

The mist quickly filled the area around the thread, including around where Gu Qing Shan was standing.

Gu Qing Shan took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

“In other words, because I’m still too weak to be considered a food that the mist didn’t try to do anything to me?” he couldn’t help but ask.

The round disk replied: [That is the main reason, the other reason was that you did not touch its thread, otherwise, it wouldn’t have minded you rotting forever on them]

Gu Qing Shan felt a deep sense of helplessness and shook his head dejectedly: “While it was still dead, even a Demon Lord weapon was nothing but a snack it could finish in a single bite——- who would be able to win against such an Abyssal monster if its soul returned?”

When the difference in strength between two parties wasn’t too great, he had a certain level of certainty to win.

Even if the other party had a considerable difference in strength, Gu Qing Shan would still not give up on looking for a chance to triumph over them.

But against such terrifying Abyssal monsters, Gu Qing Shan wasn’t able to come up with anything that could change the situation in a meaningful way.

Just think about it, a mere avatar of the Soul Shrieker was already unbeatable in the 900 million World Layers, capable of destroying two great forces that were the Alliance and the Spire Keeper Association with ease.

Meanwhile, what Gu Qing Shan was currently facing was the main body of the Abyssal Fate Weaver.

Against absolute power, any type of scheme was as ridiculous as they were useless.

“Do I… really have to consider how to run away?”

Gu Qing Shan muttered.

At this point, the [Demon King Order] that had been staying silent up to this point suddenly spoke up.

[Your Excellency, Envoy of Condemnation, with your and my current strength, we cannot win against such a powerful opponent]

“I know that” Gu Qing Shan replied.

[That is why, we need the Demon Dragon’s body] the [Demon King Order] told him.

Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

The [Order]’s declaration actually carried a deeper meaning, but how could Gu Qing Shan not understand what it was saying?

The [Demon King Order] paused briefly, then continued: [Beside the Demon Dragon’s body, you would also need to help me evolve to the Demon King Ascension stage]

“[Demon King Ascension]? You mean to say that——- I need to help you evolve to your final form?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The [Demon King Order] didn’t answer but continued its words: [Your Excellency, you must understand it quite clearly now]

[You need to quickly become the Demon King]