Chapter 1526 - The fated girl

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1526: The fated girl

The underground river.

The one-minute countdown was over.

Gu Qing Shan was standing in mid-air with countless black tentacles attached to his back, continuously boosting his strength.

——and then boost it some more.

This boost was continuous and tireless!

This boost of strength had surpassed Gu Qing Shan’s original strength so much that he had already passed several realms that he couldn’t even imagine in the past and yet it only continued to climb.

In the end, he even felt a sort of primal fear towards his insane increase in strength.

“It’s still going up… what kind of strength would I reach in the end?”

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but sighed.

Lines of glowing text quickly appeared on the War God UI:

[Time’s up]

[You’ve obtained power bestowal from ??????, increasing your strength to an unspeakable level]

[This power will be fully imbued into your four consecutive ‘Ethereal’ strikes]

[You may now begin]

Reading these notifications, a hint of hesitation appeared in Gu Qing Shan’s heart, causing him to subconsciously harbor a certain thought.

With this power… and the strength of [Null Tribulation], what wouldn’t I be able to destroy in this reality?

At that moment, the entire underground river was completely silent, but the Samsara debris above his head continued to push down, giving off an increasingly loud and resounding creaking noise.

He lowered his posture in mid-air and shifted into a stance.

——–I need to instantly unleash all four strikes at the same time and use this abrupt burst of force to change the situation, otherwise, the three previous strikes might cause all of this debris to collapse.

Gu Qing Shan prepared himself——

And then a sudden thought flashed through his mind.

He paused briefly and called out: “Adorable, where are you?”


A noise replied to him.

Gu Qing Shan asked: “Can you borrow the [Null Tribulation] that I’ll unleash?”

Adorable’s voice seemed a bit troubled.

Wu wu, xiu xiu xiu, xiu xiu xiu.

Gu Qing Shan nodded.

———this power had completely surpassed the energy limit of the jade gourd pendant Adorable, with its current capabilities, it would only be able to borrow the first strike at most.

The first strike of [Ethereal] was [Grand Mountain]

[Grand Mountain, thought-destroying fist, ignores distance when unleashed, the struck target would have their thoughts shattered and go blank]

[Unless they suffer injury, this state will continue for ten breaths’ worth of time. Only after ten breaths would the target suddenly snap out of this state like in a dream]

…No matter how much power was imbued into this strike, the effect wouldn’t change too much.

With that thought in mind, Gu Qing Shan asked Adorable about it.

Wu wu, xiu xiu xiu xiu.

Adorable slowly explained to him.

It said that there was an issue of resistance and defense at play here.

From power level alone, if an ant used [Grand Mountain] on an elephant, the elephant might snap out of this state in a single breath’s worth of time, not ten.

At Gu Qing Shan’s current level of strength, a [Grand Mountain] he used would force anyone into a blank state of mind that persisted for the full ten breaths.

Gu Qing Shan sighed; a bit disappointed.

If Adorable could borrow my final strike, I would essentially be carrying a killer weapon with me everywhere I go, there wouldn’t be a need to fear anyone.

Wu wu, xiu xiu xiu.

Adorable consoled him.

“Really? I’ve only just remembered that you were a piece of jade——– you mean that if I meticulously nurture you for a few years, you might be able to do it later on?” Gu Qing Shan asked.


Adorable affirmed.

“Alright, then when I unleash the strike, borrow [Grand Mountain] from me” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Adorable hid back into the void of space and silently waited.

Gu Qing Shan called out again: “Shannu”

“Gongzi, I’m here”

Shannu manifested her spirit form, then answered without waiting for him to ask: “Gongzi, it’s not possible. This is only temporary strength, so even if I use [Living’s Wisdom], I would only be able to take advantage of this power during this time period just like you do, but not afterwards”

Gu Qing Shan thought about it for a second, then said: “Then let’s unleash the entire set of [Ethereal] strikes together”

“Is gongzi worried that you would not be able to dispatch all of these Samsara debris?” Shannu asked.

“I am. With twice as much of this power, it would be more secured” Gu Qing Shan replied.


Shannu replied, then her presence gradually rose to match Gu Qing Shan.

At this point, it was as if two Gu Qing Shan had obtained power from Boss and was preparing to unleash [Ethereal] at full power.

This way, the Samsara threat would definitely be resolved!

Gu Qing Shan glanced at Shannu and felt like sighing in respect.

—-[Living’s Wisdom] utilized power originating from the Grand Tie Wei Mountain surrounding the Samsara, and it was still capable of supplying as much power as Boss, how impressive.

Gu Qing Shan and Shannu stood side to side, both of them clenching their fists.


Gu Qing Shan called out.

Their aura became solidified as they immediately prepared to act at the same time.

Black cracks radiated from their bodies, ripping the void of space apart, causing them to be unable to close back up——–

Simply by standing there, they were causing space to crack.

Both of them threw a punch at the same time.

First strike, [Ethereal – Grand Mountain]!

Instantly, something unusual occurred———

Nothing could be seen within their vicinity, the entire underground river around them became void.

Gu Qing Shan and Shannu were both hidden by this void.

No one was able to observe them unleashing this attack.

Only a few lines of text quickly appeared in the void of space to slightly illuminate the void:

[A fist technique surpassing the Samsara is about to unleash immense fluctuations and draw unknown attention]

[Utilizing stored Soul Points to attempt obscurity of this fist technique’s fluctuations]

[Obscurity complete!]

[From this point onwards, no entity would be able to observe any information regarding this fist technique or any corresponding situations]

[This effect will persist until all the Samsara fragments had been destroyed]

The frozen world.

Boundless dark light was spat back out by the tubes and reformed into a figure.

A girl wearing dress armor.


Boss looked at her with a questioning expression and asked: “Are you Clotho, or Atropos?”

Reneedol opened her eyes and muttered: “Shroud, it’s me, I’m Atropos, the one who had always been by your side and shared all of your hardship”

Boss didn’t say anything and simply reached his hand forward with a smile.

Reneedol took his hand.

“Except, the one who had remained by my side and shared my hardship was never you” Boss declared.

Reneedol’s expression instantly changed.

She wanted to pull her hand back, but it was already too late.

Countless sharp black tubes appeared from the void of space, pierced through her hand and restrained her in place, ensuring that she couldn’t move at all.

Boss coldly continued:

“The Law of Fate gave birth to three Deities, today, I shall erase their existences and use one of the original two Wings of Fate to act as the final replacement”

Next to him, a transparent figure appeared following his declaration and gradually became solid.


It was another Reneedol!

However, this Reneedol appeared even more beautiful, purer, and exuded a natural sense of ethereal beauty.

A voice called out:

“What’s going on here?”

Boss glanced towards the void to see Gu Qing Shan coming out from a mass of white fog.

Having completed the four strikes, he returned to the frozen world.

A Sealing Token made of a solid piece of grey stone silently sat in his hand.

Boss looked at him, then at the Sealing Token and asked: “You’ve obtained the fifth Sealing Token?”

“Hm, I’ve sent all the Samsara debris flying and scattered them into the Space Vortex”

“Only the sixth Sealing Token remained now——- right, what did you say was the requirement for obtaining the sixth Sealing Token again?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“For history to be completely unaffected and maintain its original progress, for everything to proceed as they originally did in history” Boss replied.

He pointed at the transparent figure of Reneedol next to him and said: “And now, I’m completing this final step”

That Reneedol nodded and smiled at Gu Qing Shan.

“This is?” Gu Qing Shan clasped his fist and asked.

“She is the real Reneedol born through the Twin Tree of Fate” Boss answered.

“Why do you know her?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“I’ve always known her. Ever since I was young, I had already seen her. She was capable of bypassing the ones who took over her body to communicate with me, telling me everything about her situation. But it was only today that I finally had the chance to help her regain control over her body” Boss explained.

When it came to this matter, Boss didn’t care to tell any lies.

Which means that this was the truth.

Gu Qing Shan silently nodded.

…If this was the case, everything made sense.

Each time that Boss talked to Reneedol, he had either been acting, or had been talking to the real Reneedol.

The one who truly liked had never been any of the three Deities of Fate, it had always been the fated girl born from the Twin Tree of Fate, Reneedol.

“She… had done a lot for my sake. During many of my toughest moments, it was none other than her who had silently gone through them with me, but as I’ve had to deceive the two Deities of Fate, I’ve always pretended not to know”

Boss silently muttered.

The transparent Reneedol gently looked at him, softly shook her head, and told him something.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t hear what she said, but Boss listened to her very seriously.

Boss shook his head: “No need to sympathize with them. both Clotho and Atropos were envoys under the manipulation of an Apocalypse, I will not leave them be”

“The true fated girl, the only one I long for during this era, Reneedol”

“I will release the last of my power to help you reclaim your body!”