Chapter 1454 - Another soul

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1454: Another soul

“You’re from the World Valley?”

Red Wraith repeated that.

He looked up at the gloomy featureless face above Reneedol’s head and spoke with a hoarse voice:

“Very well, so you people and Mara Heavenly King were on the same side”

As he spoke, Red Wraith drew his sword and prepared a stance.

Waves of killing intent could be clearly felt from his body.

The atmosphere became extremely tense.

Reneedol’s expression changed again and again.

Mara Heavenly King.

——this name once again.

Could it be true?

Does Red Wraith still believe that I’m an assassin who was sent after him?

Reneedol abruptly took a few steps back and said: “Wait a moment”

She abruptly disappeared.

Her presence was nowhere to be seen as if she had never actually stood there in the first place.

“Spatial technique… she now wields a kind of Spatial technique”

“Not only that, she no longer tried to copy my powers earlier…”

Gu Qing Shan silently pondered.

Although he didn’t know how she changed, he could guess her intentions.

At another location.

Within the forest.

Epta and Scarlet were still discussing their future plans.

Shroud, Rhode, and Atley were sitting together to study the rules of forming a covenant with the Laws of the World; Shroud was answering their questions.

At this point, Reneedol abruptly appeared.

“Ah? You’re back” Shroud greeted her.

Reneedol didn’t even take a look at him and instead rushed forward and put her hands on Atley and Rhode respectively.

“Reneedol, what are you—-” Atley stuttered.

“Hah?” Rhode didn’t say quite as much, only uttering this single questioning word.

——he seemed to feel a bit repulsed by Reneedol’s hand and wanted to move away, but still managed to stop himself.

A second later.

Reneedol looked at the two of them, slowly relaxing her brows.

“Both of them are fine…” she muttered.

At this point, Epta and Scarlet also went close and asked confusedly: “Reneedol, what’s the matter? Did something happen?”

Reneedol smiled and leisurely replied: “It’s nothing, I’m just trying out a new technique, no need for everyone to feel surprised”

Her figure flashed and disappeared from their temporary camp.

Everyone exchanged glances.

“She’s strange” Rhode couldn’t help but comment.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

A few moments later.

Reneedol reappeared in front of Red Wraith.

“I’m sorry for making you wait” Reneedol bowed and said.

Red Wraith lightly brandished his sword: “If you’re Mara Heavenly King’s men, then no need for chatter, one of us will die here”

Reneedol smiled and replied:

“You are quite decently powerful, but we don’t have to resort to useless mutual probing, because I’m not an assassin sent by Mara Heavenly King to kill you”

The terrifying gloomy face above her head disappeared.


Red Wraith uttered a single word, seemingly surprised.

Reneedol continued: “You are able to see my Fate ability and seem to have an exceptional Fate ability of your own, your swordsmanship is exceptional, a man of numerous talents, but you are only the 7th strongest swordsman in the world——– Red Wraith”

“You know me quite well” Red Wraith stared closely at her; his sword still ready to strike at any moment.

Reneedol displayed an indiscernible smile as if various different emotions were combined within it.

Red Wraith casually unleashed one strike.

The pale blue sword phantom drew a long arc through the air as it flew towards Reneedol.

Reneedol stood still.


The sword phantom howled as it went through her body and rapidly continued to fly further until it disappeared into the wilderness.

Reneedol was unharmed.

“Law of Space? You wield both the Law of Space and the Law of Fate” Red Wraith commented.

Reneedol replied: “That’s right. I’m not that moron, nor do I like unnecessary strife, I’m merely here to meet you and confirm a certain matter”

“A certain matter?” Red Wraith asked with a doubtful tone.

“You won’t understand…” Reneedol’s killing intent faded completely and spoke with a calm commentating tone: “I should be acting angry towards you right now, but the real me doesn’t like to lie, so I’ll tell you the truth——– whenever I see you, I wouldn’t be able to help myself recall a certain thing you did, which brings me indescribable joy”

Red Wraith stood still for a while, then finally asked: “What exactly are you talking about?”

Reneedol just chuckled and replied: “You won’t understand. In short, you’re only the 7th strongest swordsman, so you aren’t a candidate in my eyes. I’m also not that moron, so I don’t hold any grudges against you, and we’ll be going our separate ways from now on, never to meet again”

She paused, then continued: “Right now, I wish to see the Law Behemoths of this world as well as seeing the truth about this world more than anything else”

“And so, farewell”

After saying that, she directly vanished.

The only person left in the wilderness was Red Wraith.

What was supposed to be an intense battle had suddenly ceased after Reneedol confirmed something.

Red Wraith continued to stand still.

——–Reneedol thought that he didn’t know anything, but he actually understood it all.

He was contemplating all of the other party’s gestures, words, and actions so far in order to make a conjecture of the entire situation.

From her words, she recognized the original soul inside Reneedol’s body; and from her attitude towards Red Wraith, she looked at the previous soul in disdain.

In other words…

Another soul had now entered Reneedol’s body and inherited her memories.

They knew each other but had different abilities.

The previous Reneedol could copy other people’s abilities, while this one was a spatial technique expert.

Their only thing in common was the fact that they could both use that Fate ability.


Gu Qing Shan’s gaze became profound.

To send a new soul into a dead body, then reset the entire world to repeat the same process.

What kind of person would be able to achieve such a thing?

Gu Qing Shan looked at the darkness of the night, feeling like there was endless thick fog in front of him, obscuring the truth from his eyes.

He sighed.

I originally thought that the 900 million World Layers was already dizzying to look at, but now I truly know that there isn’t a single place that I wouldn’t find confusing.

But this can’t be helped, I have to make this entire matter clear.

Boss is my comrade; I definitely can’t let anything happen to him in history.

Furthermore, Reneedol had taken over the Wraith realm, then took the Samsara Delimitation Divine Sword from the Tomb of Myriad Beasts.

——-does she want to participate in the Samsara Clash for Supremacy?

How ridiculous…

Gu Qing Shan’s heart suddenly jumped.

A voice resounded in his memory:

“The Era of the Samsara Clash for Supremacy is about to arrive”

This was something that the ferrywoman of the Forgetting River had confirmed with her own words.

Reneedol, as well as the organization behind her—— or an unknown entity behind her, had already grasped the Wraith realm in their hands.

Are they trying to participate in the Clash, or to destroy the Samsara?

Gu Qing Shan suddenly stopped thinking about this and put his sword away, then reached forward.

He opened his palm.

Nothing happened.

There were no black flames.

A line of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[Attention, the System had silently retained your memory during the reconstitution of the three Great Laws of Reality, but your bodily state had still reverted to how it was when you first entered this period of time]

Gu Qing Shan sighed in relief and said: “Thank you”

[No need, it was hard work to retain your memories, I’ve already taken 2 million] the War God UI replied.

Gu Qing Shan: “…”

However, he didn’t care about being petty with Soul Points right now.

Because he just thought of something———

At this point, I still haven’t formed a covenant with the Overlord of Death, then I can simply do it again.

In other words——-

I have another chance to meet the giant corpse.

The giant corpse had told me that this was an uncertain period of history, meaning it should know more than what it had previously said.

Reneedol’s matter was too mysterious, I need to ask it again.