Chapter 1210 - Wonderful Echo

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1210: Wonderful Echo

“I represent the law of this city, the number one at the very top of the Supreme Court”

“Clown, I don’t care who the one behind you might be, but I can guarantee that you will regret this”

After stating this, the middle-aged man’s figure slowly faded away.

He disappeared from the corpse.

The Clown seemed like he still hadn’t fully regained his senses as he hummed a tune while walking towards a secluded place in the bank.

There was a city map here.

“Ding ding ding, found you”

The Clown dipped his finger into a pool of blood on the ground and likely traced a mark at a certain corner of the map.

It was the address of the city court’s Supreme Judge.

“A debt of blood must be paid by blood——- although it’s not my debt, I’m still the collector”

The Clown muttered to himself and checked the Watch of Crime at his wrist.

Time has moved forward by 7 minutes.

A line of grey text appeared in the void of space following that:

[From your performance, you’ve entered the eighth minute]

[You may choose to receive seven different supernatural abilities, each at the same level as the Mask of the Clown]

[You may also choose to exchange these seven minutes all at once to obtain a more powerful random ability]

[Please make your choice]

The Clown pondered.

In this world, the most powerful person is three times as strong as I am, but I only have 12 hours.

And I’m not Zhang Ying Hao.

Someone like Zhang Ying Hao can use every last bit of power and tool at his disposal to their extreme in order to kill a certain target.

That is the hitman’s style.

———while my style of fighting is usually more suitable for using means that others could not predict in order to resolve a problem.

With that in mind, the Clown made his decision.

“I choose to exchange seven minutes all at once to obtain a more powerful random ability”

He silently informed the Watch of Crime in his mind.

Following his choice, new lines of grey text appeared:

[In consideration of your unique characteristics, the Watch of Crime has bestowed upon you the second supernatural ability:]

[A Wonderful Echo of Stylistic Art]


The bell tower in front of the Supreme Court.

The Clown stood motionlessly.

Behind him, several beautiful women were gradually having their meal as they sat.

“You don’t have to follow me” the Clown said without turning around.

One of them replied: “It can’t be helped, we’ve been swept into a battle between VIPs, there’s no way we would be able to escape”

Another woman followed up: “I’m just a normal bank teller, so I should have already died earlier. Never did I think I’d become the witness of a VIP’s crime——- even if I stay away from you, I’ll eventually be silenced either way”

The Clown didn’t reply.

He simply stared closely at the large structure under the shroud of night.

The women exchanged glances.

One particularly beautiful woman fearfully said: “Sir, why don’t you take us with you and escape? With your strength, you’d surely be able to leave the range of the Supreme Court’s influence and begin anew”


The Clown repeated that word.

He regained his senses, cleared his throat, then said: “Which one of you knows what the Supreme Court actually does?”

“You don’t even know that?” one of the women exclaimed in shock.

“May I have the honor of hearing your explanation then?” the Clown grandly gestured.

For some reason, the woman felt certain unprecedented emotion from seeing the Clown’s over-the-top performance.

She took a deep breath, then explained: “The Supreme Court, the Council, and the Army are the three most powerful forces in this city. They rule above the citizens and hold the right to kill within this era where Apocalypses descend one after another. They are always competing against one another without any regard for the survival of us normal people”

The Clown put up one hand like a concert director.

“I can see that each of you have a supernatural ability, why didn’t you join one of these three forces?”

The women smiled bitterly.

“My ability is simply rapid calculation speed; my combat prowess isn’t on par with their requirements”

“My ability is a flexible boneless body, but I’m afraid of blood, so I’m not suitable to join them as a soldier”.


The women each stated their ability, then quickly returned to the original topic.

“Sir, you’ve offended a VIP from the Supreme Court, please bring us with you and flee”

“Please don’t worry, we’ll listen to everything you say”

“We just want to live”

The Clown listened and silently stared at the women’s expressions.

He could see the instinct to survive reflected in their eyes.

The Clown cleared his throat and asked:

“Is the enemy powerful?”

The women all nodded.

The Clown clapped his hands happily: “That’s perfect. I have a senior who once taught me how to deal with this exact situation”

“How would you deal with it?” one of the women tried asking.

The Clown replied: “Against a more powerful enemy, you only need to not give him the chance to act”

The Clown pulled a conductor baton out of nowhere, lightly tapped it on the rocky surface of the bell tower, and continued monologuing:

“This situation reminds me of something I heard in the past. Excuse me for paying my past a short visit—-”

“There are too many in this world who do not wear a mask, yet conceal themselves in other ways, but I wear my mask in order to expand my soul and become my real self”

“In this city of crimes, I shall utter a voice of my own”

“That is——”

The Clown pointed at the Supreme Court building with his baton.


Black fog and intense flames erupted.

A resounding sound of numerous explosions.

The ground was continuously shaken by the impact.

The wind sharply howled.

“All crimes in this world should be eradicated, as dictated by the law of karma, as well as my own contributing echo”

“——A Wonderful Echo of Stylistic Art!”


The Clown laughed maniacally.

The watch on his wrist was moving at a rapid pace.

The grand and towering Supreme Court quickly collapsed, reduced to rubble.

A figure flew out of the ruined structure, trying to escape, only to be caught by the Clown from afar and brought back to the bell tower.


The figure was thrown down from the air, desperately struggling to stand as he fell.

The Clown landed, grabbed the other party’s face and whispered: “Mister Supreme Judge, from this moment onward, I declare you relieved of all of your duties, take a trip to Huang Quan and have some time off”

The man on the ground was bleeding all over, having lost an arm from the explosion, he breathed heavily: “Re…release me, I am——-”

“He’s one of my men”

A solemn male voice resounded in the sky.

The Clown looked up.

Only to see an old man with a grey beard wearing a proper business suit as well as a solemn expression while he stood hovering in the sky.

“Now who the hell are you?” the Clown asked without changing his expression.

—–three times.

This old man is three times as strong as I am.

The Clown was quickly considering the trend of the battle.

The old man looked down on him and casually answered: “I am the manager of this place, the great Awaiting’s servant, and the one you’re trying to kill is my son”

The Clown stood up and clapped his hand.

A khopesh manifested from the void of space, propping right below the Supreme Judge’s neck.

“Feel free to elaborate” the Clown replied.

The old man flashed a mocking smile and said: “You still don’t get it? Your trial is being conducted on my turf. Have you thought carefully about what would happen if you touched my son?”

“Release my son, then settle down and do whatever it is you’re supposed to do”

“Keep well in mind, this isn’t the place for you to act as you pleased”

The Clown stood motionlessly.

The old man scowled and was about to say something else.

The Clown suddenly jumped, stepped to the Supreme Judge’s left side, and shouted: “Excuse me, the one you’re trying to kill is my mount—– ah wait, you’re still trying to kill him? Alright, he’s actually my disciple—— ah wait, you still insist on killing him? I’ll tell the truth, he’s actually my adopted son”

After spouting those lines, he then jumped to the Supreme Judge’s right side, displaying a shocked and wary expression while fearfully saying: “Ah, so he wasn’t an enemy, this is merely a misunderstanding, you can take him away”



After that little act, the Clown once again sat down in front of the Supreme Judge and held the khopesh tightly.

“Lookie lookie”

The Clown chuckled.

The khopesh swung upwards.

The Supreme Judge’s head was directly cut off and held in his hand.

“Bahahaha, did you really think I’d actually let your son go?”

The Clown laughter resounded.

“That ending is too boring, so I’ve given you a much darker ending instead”

The Clown held up the head as if showing it off, then laughed hysterically as if he couldn’t hold himself back

“Ahahaha, wasn’t it exciting? Wasn’t that riveting!?”

Following this declaration, the second hand and minute hand on his Watch of Crime started spinning wildly.