Chapter 1181 - Evaluation of [Chaos]

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1181: Evaluation of [Chaos]

Two islands.

Both of the teams had finished their resting period at the same time.

The Soul Shrieker’s side stood in front of the damaged Crossing Fish, trying to come up with a solution.

At the same time, Gu Qing Shan’s side was also doing the same.

“I recall that you’re able to turn into other creatures?” Zhang Ying Hao commented.

When he turned around, Gu Qing Shan was already nowhere to be seen.

Only a bird flew into the sky, circled around the island once again, then returned to the ground as Gu Qing Shan.

“Not possible, there’s an invisible restraining force around us. If I try to fly outside, I’ll be struck back; if I still insist on going through, I’ll probably be struck down” Gu Qing Shan replied.

He then tried using the technique to expel his soul and have Zhang Ying Hao put his body on the boat, attempting to have all three of them ride the same boat.

The results were the same as it was on the Soul Shrieker’s side.

Ye Fei Li couldn’t help shaking his head: “Is there really no way to leave the island apart from using this Crossing Fish boat like the notification suggested?”

Gu Qing Shan sighed, then asked: “Does anyone have something else in mind?”

Zhang Ying Hao drew a Card and said: “Let me try”

He tossed the Card forward.

The Card turned into mist, from which a blue lobster half the size of an adult appeared.

「 Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Little Ying Hao, give me a bottle of beer, without alcohol, I’m about to die! 」

The blue lobster shouted.

Zhang Ying Hao took out a bottle of beer and gave it to him.

The blue lobster skillfully popped open the cap with his claw, then gulped the entire thing down.

「 Bah—- 」

He burped up the CO2, then commented in a pleased manner: 「 Sure enough, beer is still the best—— alright, what did you need me for? 」

Zhang Ying Hao pointed at the sea and asked: “Take a look at this sea, do you think you can carry me across?”

The blue lobster stared carefully at the sea; his expression slowly turned solemn.

「 This sea looks like it’s hiding a lot more than it lets on, let me see what kind of power it possesses 」

The lobster nimbly made his way down the beach and tried reaching into the water with his big claw.


A resounding shattering noise.

「 Ay cha cha cha cha! 」

The blue lobster screamed in pain.

He grabbed his big claw and stumbled back.

“What happened!?” Zhang Ying Hao asked in a serious voice.

The blue lobster displayed his big claw and explained: 「 The water is filled with strange forces, not even my claw was able to handle it and cracked like this, so—— 」

He abruptly stopped.

He noticed that the three people were all staring at the white flesh peeking out from the cracks on his claw, silently swallowing their spit.

——–this lobster was even drinking beer just now.

If we cook him, he’ll probably taste especially good.

The three of them silently thought.

「 Hmph! Listen up, I’ll just say that living creatures can’t go into the water! 」

The blue lobster was able to sense a certain level of danger, so he left this comment and vanished from their visions.

“He… left” Ye Fei Li said regretfully.

Gu Qing Shan turned to the void of space and asked: “Is this water really that dangerous?”

The Chao Yin sword let out a short vibration.

“Alright, seems like we really can’t enter the water…” Gu Qing Shan pondered.

Zhang Ying Hao recalled something, then asked: “Oh yeah, weren’t you able to completely vanish somehow? Just like how you unknowingly appeared in the world of the Spire”

Gu Qing Shan sighed: “That ability can only be used at night, and I’m not sure if it’ll actually be useful”

——the [Orange Sovereign – Ghostly Shadows of Night] can only be used after night fell.

The three of them had no other ideas.

Time slowly passed.

In the blink of an eye, there were only 10 minutes left.

The Apocalypse was about to arrive.

Ye Fei Li suddenly stood up and walked closer to the boat.

He crouched down motionlessly, then appeared to be listening to something.

Gu Qing Shan and Zhang Ying Hao both stayed silent without saying a word.

———Ye Fei Li had an ability that enabled him to listen to all things.

After listening for a while, he returned and said: “The boat is angry”

“It’s angry? Why?” Zhang Ying Hao couldn’t help but ask.

“It thinks that we’re all ignoring it rather than trying to repair it” Ye Fei Li replied.

“Repair it…”

Gu Qing Shan froze, then recalled that there was a note on the notification:

[You may use the trees on the island to repair it, then use it to quickly escape the island]

Gu Qing Shan suddenly thought of something.

“Ying Hao, Fei Li, I have other solutions, but since this is an Apotheotic Combat where [Chaos] is trying to test us, these solutions are probably unsuitable”

“Then what now? Have you come up with something else?” Ye Fei Li asked.

“There’s no time left, [Chaos] told us to repair the boat, then we’re going to follow its rules and do just that, it’ll be the most assured solution”


“Let’s repair the boat”

With a single thought, Gu Qing Shan sent out several strands of sword qi that instantly chopped down the largest trees on the island.

He then used a telekinesis seal to transport all the trees next to the ship.

“Ying Hao, you’re a gun user, so you should be quite used to handling components. Dismantle the damaged portions of the boat and tell me their dimensions” Gu Qing Shan said.

“No problem”

Zhang Ying Hao leapt onto the small boat and began to dismantle the broken pieces of the wooden boat.

Gu Qing Shan then said: “Fei Li, when Ying Hao reports the dimensions, I want you to cut out each component from wood exactly how he measured them, then give them back to Ying Hao to put together—– with the three of us, this should be quite quick”

“Ah, alright” Ye Fei Li replied.

Zhang Ying Hao soon finished dismantling the first plank and reported: “First piece on the side of the boat, 4 meters long, 1.2 meters wide”

Ye Fei Li then summoned several red strings from his hand to cut out a piece of plank with those exact measurements in the same shape.

He tossed the new piece of plank to Zhang Ying Hao, who then quickly put it in place.

Gu Qing Shan received the broken piece of plank and stood still.

He silently waited until all broken pieces had been replaced.

“Alright, we’re done repairing, what’s next?” Zhang Ying Hao asked.

“Continue dismantling it” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“Continue dismantling it?” Zhang Ying Hao asked again.

“Yeah, this time, completely”


Zhang Ying Hao couldn’t quite understand what he intended to do, but still continued his work.

Each component of the boat was slowly dismantled.

While Ye Fei Li continued to make new components in accordance with the measurements Zhang Ying Hao provided, then gave it to him to replace the old ones.

Even the accessories on the boat were completely replaced.

——Zhang Ying Hao was already used to handling smaller components for guns, while Gu Qing Shan was an expert Mech designer, so the two of them took a few metal scraps that Zhang Ying Hao carried around, summoned fire to melt them and mold them to look as close to the wooden ship’s original accessories as possible.

Once all the accessories were done, Zhang Ying Hao put the new accessories on the small boat.

While Gu Qing Shan received all of the boat’s old components and accessories.

——-he began to reassemble the old boat.

With their skillful and swift cooperation, they soon replaced every single part of the boat at least once.

A completely new Crossing Fish now floated in front of them.

At the same time, Gu Qing Shan had also finished putting the old broken boat back together.

Two boats.

One old, one brand new.

Both were Crossing Fish.

“You know, if we were to see this from a philosophical perspective, we’d have quite a long debate on our hands” Zhang Ying Hao looked at the two boats and shrugged.

Gu Qing Shan replied: “But from a practical perspective, both of them work”

He then received new planks of wood from Ye Fei Li and replaced the damaged ones.

At this point, there was only 1 minute left.

Gu Qing Shan put his hands on each of the boats respectively.

Lines of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[A completely new Crossing Fish]

[This is a unique boat that can traverse the Sea of Deep Mysteries]

[The old Crossing Fish]

[This is a unique boat that can traverse the Sea of Deep Mysteries]

Gu Qing Shan nodded.

“Let’s go!”

The two boats sailed into the boundless ocean one after another.

As if being guided by some sort of outer force, the wooden boats moved forward in the same direction through the sea.

At this point, lines of grey text appeared on all of their [Chaos] UIs:

[Mortals walking on the path to Godhood, you must understand that the mission of Chaos is arduous and tough, which cannot be accomplished necessarily through strength alone]

[Because at the deep of Chaos, your strength is meager at best]

[Your evaluation shall now begin:]

[At the beginning of the Apotheotic Combat, you did not choose the simple method of deciding through strength, nor breaking the rules established by Chaos, instead, you were able to follow the obscure hints to successfully leave the Island of Apocalypse with all three of you]

[Remember well, the ability to think is a crucial part of all creations, only a Deity with a flexible mind can accept the mission of Chaos in a proper manner and reach the true secret of the Era of Chaos. Otherwise, even if you are the True Deity of Chaos, you would still perish within the countless years]

[Evaluation: Excellent]

[From now on, the speed of your Crossing Fish shall be 30% faster]

[You will reach your destination before your oppositions]

Reading through these notifications, the three of them all fell into thought.

The amount of information it contained was considerable.

All of a sudden, Ye Fei Li called out: “Look!”

The three of them turned towards the island.

Time was up.

The Apocalypse had arrived on the island.