Chapter 1140 - No matter

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1140: No matter

The sea of skeletons had already been blown to ashes.

Gu Qing Shan quickly made his way forward.

The bloody mist around his body was scattered into the wind as he moved forward, leaving a trail of red on the ground covered in broken bones.



Continuous slashes.

Any monster that tried to leap forward would be surrounded by sword phantoms that surpassed it by over a dozen times and was killed on the spot.

Only truly powerful monsters could be able to prevent Gu Qing Shan’s advance by just a bit.

———he would then stop, utilize the [True Crimson Demon Spear], and let the Divine Mountain of Sumeru convert their power into its own.

Without realizing it, he had already returned to the frontline that humanity lost.

Countless humanoid monsters were resting here.

They had human faces, but their bodies were either beastly or insectoid.

While the commanders were the complete opposite, they had demonic heads and faces, while their bodies were humanoid and even had armor equipped.

「 Who’s there!? 」a patrolling monster shouted.

No answer.

Gu Qing Shan tossed the [True Crimson Demon Spear] into the air wielding two swords in his hands.


A battle cry mixed with screams filled with pain resounded from his throat

Like a meteor, he directly crashed in the middle of the enemy’s encampment.


Sword qi ravaged the land, turning everything on their heads.

The two swords danced and performed seven strikes in a flash.

The void of space trembled, manifesting a lightning dragon clad in electricity.

Behind this lightning dragon were nine other lightning dragons, who all soared through the sky.

Heavenly Dragon soars!


Gu Qing Shan focused the vitality in his body and uttered those words.

The ten lightning dragons descended upon this call!

Numerous arcs of lightning ravaged the horde of demonic beasts.

Innumerable desperate cries and screams resounded one after another.

Gu Qing Shan put his swords away and raised his hand.

The red-glowing [True Crimson Demon Spear] fell straight into his hand.

He rushed towards the giant demonic beasts that were still under the effects of [Dreamjolt].

A thin line of crimson jetted across the battlefield like an arc of lightning.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Wherever the demon spear passed, the giant demonic beasts that were originally meant to be used for siege battles exploded into dust and vanished into the wind.

He was unbeatable!

Within a silent cave at an extreme distance from the frontlines, several of the most powerful demonic beasts were observing this.

A demonic beast commander crushed the skull in his hand and shouted in anger: 「 The power in his body is consuming our army, this can’t go on, I’m heading to the frontlines! 」

『 Hah! 』a mocking female voice spoke up: 『 That is the mythical power of the dragon race, and two of them at that. You going by yourself will do no good except throwing your life away 』

The demonic beast from before replied: 「 Then what do you suggest we do now!? 」

『 Ukekekeke, such power is such a waste to destroy… let me! 』

A woman with a beautiful body muttered.

She stood on top of countless skulls, dancing bare-footed while displaying her graceful body.

『 I will use the Thousand Demon Dance to lead him into my realm, then destroy his mind, from then on he will be ours to command 』

The woman danced while chanting an incantation.

The demonic beast commander from earlier sighed in relief and nodded: 「 Very well, your dance had never been resisted before, it would be for the best 」

All of a sudden, she stopped dancing.

She seemed to have seen something. Her eyes reflect the scene of Gu Qing Shan officially performing the Dance of Offering for the first time.

『 Ah… this dance is…』

She immediately knelt to the ground begging: 『 Forgive me! Forgive me! I will never do it again! 』

Before she even finished her words, her body had already turned into a skeleton, then collapsed and died.

This occurrence was too eerie, causing the other demonic beasts to freeze up without having an ounce of understanding of the situation.

If he can kill such a powerful demonic beast from such a faraway distance, then there seemed no meaning in continuing this war.

A voice suddenly resounded from above:

「 It is fine, that cultivator just happens to have an ability that counters the Dancer, he cannot actually eliminate us directly 」

The demonic beasts waited for a while.

Sure enough, that cultivator didn’t notice a single thing and simply continued his massacre at the front line.

Someone sighed in relief.

「 Release the creature that we sealed—— no matter how strong he is, he won’t be stronger than that thing 」

「 Indeed, that should be how it is 」

The 7-8 demonic beast commanders quickly replied, then chanted an incantation at the same time.

The frontline.

A small black dot suddenly appeared in the sky.

When the demonic beast commanders noticed this, they stopped chanting and prepared to watch a nice show.

The black dot quickly descended from above, crashing into the ground with a resounding sound of impact.

——it was a heavy coffin made of immortal jade!

Faint chanting resounded from within the coffin, almost as if retelling the history of numerous years ago.

The chanting slowly faded, replaced by the sound of knocking from inside the coffin.

Who was inside this coffin?

Why were they knocking on it?

Suddenly, a resounding roar echoed from not too far away.

Gu Qing Shan stared at the coffin as his body was constantly trembling.

He was close to not being able to suppress the corrosive power of the dragons.

The overflowing power caused him to feel nothing but extreme pain, unable to ponder anything else.

The knocking sound kept echoing from inside the coffin as if some sort of unknown entity was trying to probe the situation outside.

It then released its inner sight and locked onto Gu Qing Shan without any reserve.

「 Foood—-」

A strange voice emerged from inside the coffin.

Before it could finish its words, Gu Qing Shan wielded the Earth sword and rushed towards the immortal jade coffin.

[Sanctuary], 1001 times the weight!

[Earth’s Choice]—— 2 million Soul Points!

The light of a sword phantom violently struck the coffin.

The entire immortal jade coffin was sent flying, shattered into countless fragments together with the entity inside, who was killed by a single strike from Gu Qing Shan without even being able to show themselves!


Gu Qing Shan uttered another resounding roar into the sky from being unable to endure the pain.

The silent cave.

Every demonic beast turned speechless.


The sound of another skull being crushed resounded.

The voice from earlier declared: 「 If that’s the case, we shall ask Lord Demonic Phoenix to act 」

A demonic beast commander hurriedly shouted: 「 But once Lord Phoenix acts, we would need to sacrifice 10,000 subordinates to him 」

「 That is fine. As long as there are living beings, we can create more subordinates, but this cultivator must die! 」

「… Yes 」

A few dozen seconds later.

Gu Qing Shan had killed essentially every monster at the frontlines.

All of a sudden, he felt something and looked up.

A cloud of fire had covered the sky, giving off an eerie red glow.

A lazy voice questioned: 『 So it was just a small thing like you? 』

Gu Qing Shan clenched his teeth, ignoring the blood that had soaked his chin.

His entire body as well as soul hurt so much that he couldn’t even muster strength to answer.

——–no, there was no need for any small talk in the first place!

He suddenly scattered into black fog that enveloped the entire frontlines.

[Demon Dragon Transformation]!

In a brief moment, the black fog manifested into the form of the Demon Dragon, slowly rising from the demonic beast encampment at the frontlines.


A dragon-shaped monster made of nothing but black mist uttered a roar.

This black dragon directly leapt into the sky and entered the cloud of fire!

A surprised and fearful voice immediately resounded from inside the cloud of fire:

『 Bastard—— you—— 』

A long dragon roar drowned out that voice.

The demonic phoenix of flames, and the sleeping black dragon, these two incomparable monsters immediately entered close combat!

Strong wind spread in all directions as red flames rained down.

The sky was constantly flickering between light and darkness.

This battle felt almost like the approach of an Apocalypse.

In the far away cave of demonic beasts, someone spoke up: 「 Sir, they seem like they are evenly matched for now, should we—– 」

「 No need! 」

The voice that gave the order from before replied.

With a tone assured of victory, it spoke: 「 Perhaps you did not notice. Although that black dragon is getting stronger as he fights, the power is consuming him too rapidly, his mind is already inching towards collapse 」

「 Once he loses himself, he will become one of us! 」

The demonic beasts observed for a bit and all sighed in relief.

That was indeed the truth.

Fortunately, it was.

At another location.

The Ancient City of Immortals.

Other than Gu Qing Shan, the other cultivators who came to face their Tribulation had gathered here.

They stood in front of Xie Dao Ling, preparing to heed any orders from this great cultivator who was preparing to face the Sumeru Lord realm Tribulation.

But Xie Dao Ling didn’t say anything, she simply clasped her hands behind her back and silently observed the murals on the walls of the Ancient City of Immortals.

These murals depicted the various myths and legends from distant history.

While observing them, Xie Dao Ling appeared nostalgic.

“I… seem to have some impression…”

She muttered as her spirit energy slowly grew stronger.

Her {Mahesvara King} realm spirit energy fluctuation was gradually increasing.

The other cultivators were shocked.

Just looking at a mural improved her cultivation?

Who exactly is this mysterious sect master Xie?

While they were pondering this, Xie Dao Ling abruptly stopped.

From extremely far away.

A few gusts of wind carried the air from the distant frontlines.

Xie Dao Ling abruptly turned around.

“Sword qi…”

“And so chaotic… Oh no, this is Qing Shan!”

She stopped observing the murals and tossed a coin into the air from her sleeve.

Cling cling cling clang!

The coin fell onto the ground, drawing the Divination results.

Xie Dao Ling glanced through it and shouted: “Everyone prepare yourselves; we’re heading to the frontlines to save Gu Qing Shan!”

The cultivators were all hesitating.


If Xie Dao Ling continued to remain here and strengthen herself, this Sumeru Lord realm Tribulation should be no issue.

Why does she need to go to the frontlines?

Gu Qing Shan is a {Yama King} realm sword cultivator, he could easily escape even if he couldn’t win right?

One of them said: “Fellow Dao seeker Gu is a sword cultivator, so he would naturally be willing to stay in battle at the frontlines, perhaps it would be better to continue observing these murals and strengthen yourself”

“That’s right” another person followed up: “The stronger you are, the more hopeful this Tribulation will be”

“As for fellow Dao seeker Gu… forgive me for my words, but you can’t always protect him, he also needs to train his swordsmanship”

“Perhaps there was a deeper reason why the Divine Mountain of Sumeru sent him to the frontline observation tower”

Xie Dao Ling shook her head: “Deeper reason? I only know that he’s currently in a highly dangerous situation”

Her body slowly grew bigger, turning from a young girl into a mature great beauty.

Even more power exuded from her body.

She had become almost twice as powerful as before!

The cultivators observed her appearance and her power in shock, temporarily forgetting to talk.

Inexplicably, her power had already far surpassed the peak of {Mahesvara King} realm.

“If you won’t go, I’ll go there myself”

Xie Dao Ling suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.

She took to the sky, flying through the sea of clouds.

In front of her.

At the horizon, the presence of death was growing gradually thicker.

Endless darkness and flames erupted in between heaven and earth, as if it was a hellscape that could swallow up all living beings.

Sensing the presence within, Xie Dao Ling couldn’t help but scowl.

Intense killing intent exuded from her body, frightening all living beings around her.

She muttered: “Regardless if it’s the Divine Mountain of Sumeru, or those demonic beasts, anyone who touches my disciple will die at my hands”