Chapter 1101 - Make Her Laugh!

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1101: Make Her Laugh!

「 The weather is nice today? 」

The Giant looked up at the sky in surprise.

There was nothing above the sea of clouds.

Nothing but a pure stretch of white that expanded in all directions, making it impossible to fathom its end.

「 Once you’re used to seeing it, this kind of weather becomes boring 」the Giant turned his gaze back down at Gu Qing Shan: 「 Alright, time is money, so now it’s your turn to make the choice 」

Gu Qing Shan looked at the letter of entrustment in his hand with a troubled expression.

「 So? Afraid? 」the one-eyed Giant asked.

“Not really” Gu Qing Shan sighed, “I’m fine with fighting and combat, but this entrustment seemed to have existed for a very long time, so many people have tried it and failed; I’m not even an expert at this, so I’m not confident in being able to finish it”

「 It hasn’t been that long; this entrustment had only been issued for around 190 million years 」

While saying that, he grabbed the 7-colored spear between his two fingers and showed it to Gu Qing Shan.

The Giant continued: 「 The weapon is right here, it’s your choice whether or not you’ll accept the entrustment 」

Gu Qing Shan looked at the 7-colored spear.

「 Help… help… me…」

A voice faintly resounded.

—–it was the 7-colored spear itself.

Gu Qing Shan shook his head.

It’s the key to defeating the Soul Shrieker, how could I give up here?

“Alright, I’ll accept the entrustment, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to complete it” Gu Qing Shan said.

The Giant didn’t move, but a pen manifested in front of Gu Qing Shan.

「 Sign 」the Giant told him.

Gu Qing Shan then signed his name at the bottom of the letter of entrustment.

The Giant narrowed his eyes and watched until Gu Qing Shan finished signing, then explained to him in a dignified manner: 「 190 million years ago, the strongest Seraph of the Holy Heaven, the most beloved daughter of the Heavenly Father, the Mistress of all Sounds, the Sacred Chant Angel – Frost, once made her way into the Dusty World by herself 」

「 She and I are different—– I am merely hiding in the layer of clouds to avoid the Worlds Apocalypse, but she went in search for more power in order to retaliate against that Apocalypse 」

「 The layer of clouds isn’t a place where one can pass simply by being strong, but she miraculously made it through and smoothly reached the Dusty World 」

「 And then…」

「 She was cursed 」

「 Indeed, she had obtained unparalleled power unlike ever before, but once she returned to the Holy Heaven, her entire body was petrified by the curse, leaving only her head relatively intact 」

「 Even on her dying breaths, the Heavenly Father was helpless to resolve her curse, so he had no choice but to remove the period of time where she still had her final breaths from the River of Time, then made other arrangements 」

“A Temporal Oasis?” Gu Qing Shan cut in and asked.

The Giant glanced at him in surprise, then continued: 「 Indeed, from that point on, the Sacred Chant Angel would forever exist in that moment of time. That Temporal Oasis would only disappear if and only if someone manages to dispel her curse 」

Gu Qing Shan checked the letter of entrustment again and asked: “So my job is… to make the Sacred Chant Angel laugh?”

「 Indeed. Although everyone was helpless with regards to forcefully removing the curse of the Dusty World, the Heavenly Father couldn’t bear to see his beloved daughter lose her life, so he took the great effort of asking a prophet to make a prophecy on how to dispel that curse 」

「 And the result of that prophecy was this: she needed to display her sincere laughter——- as long as she can truly laugh from the bottom of her heart, the curse would be dispelled 」

The giant then lowered his voice: 「 As everyone pondered the true meaning of this prophecy, they came up with the same conclusion. In the words of you humans, that is they would have to woo her 」

Gu Qing Shan fell into thought and muttered: “I’ve actually heard of a story about a certain sleeping beauty”

The Giant immediately poked Gu Qing Shan’s chest with his finger, warning him: 「 You can only flatter her, do not hold any ulterior motives—— if you dare to kiss her before dispelling her curse, I guarantee that you won’t be able to face the consequences even in your death, while I will have no choice but to go to war against the Heavenly Father 」

“I’m not that kind of person, I’m just saying that this sounds similar” Gu Qing Shan explained.

The Giant continued: 「 Remember, only by fulfilling such a tough entrustment would I obtain some money from the Heavenly Father, after which you’ll get that colorful stick 」

「 So, be on your way, to that moment from 190 million years ago, you must accomplish it! 」

The Giant chanted an incantation.

Gu Qing Shan’s letter of entrustment burnt up in his hand.

The flame then enveloped him and took him away from the spot.

The Giant went silent briefly before muttering: 「 It felt like the power of Occultism… pitting the power of the Dusty World against the power of the Dusty World…」

「 I hope I didn’t make a mistake…」

At this point, the Giant felt goosebumps all over his back and was unable to help himself trembling.

At another location.

190 million years ago.

Gu Qing Shan found himself standing in front of a bridge floating in the sky.

The bridge was being locked by a metal gate, which disallowed all entry.

On the other side of the bridge was an enormous and dignified cathedral.

Several people were already standing outside the gate.

As soon as Gu Qing Shan appeared, these people turned to look at him but swiftly turned their gazes away.

Before they even said anything, a voice resounded in the sky.

“This group should be enough, close the Oasis”


Gu Qing Shan looked up.

Only to see a man clad in a pure-white cloak with his face hidden below the hood standing in the sky.

Millions of rays of light radiated from his back to form a pair of wings that exuded an untold sense of dignity.

The man had a stack of letters of entrustment in his hand, muttering a name as he read from one of them: “First-person, Holy Lord Mountain, the Holy Son, Sen”

The man called Sen stepped out from the group.

——-this was a young man with profound facial features and a handsome face.

“Lord Heavenly Father, please be assured, I have found a treasure that can save Frost” the man claimed.

“I hope that is so, if it is, I shall reward your family well. Go head” the man in the sky declared.

The gate in front of the floating bridge suddenly opened.

The entire bridge was floating by itself in the sky, leading straight to the enormous cathedral, while the only thing below the bridge was a bottomless abyss.

The gate of the cathedral slowly opened.

The group looked in from the front gate only to see a stone statue being held in the middle of countless glittering lights at the center of the cathedral’s hall.

—–however, it wasn’t simply a statue, as the head was still one of flesh.

And it could be faintly recognized as a woman.

“I’m here to save you”

Saying so, the man stepped onto the bridge.

After taking 7-8 steps, the man’s armor and clothes all abruptly vanished.

Followed by his flesh.

Finally, when only his skeleton remained, he was still making his way forward.

Everyone couldn’t help exclaiming in shock.

The skeleton turned around to glare at everyone.

“Can you all keep quiet? I’m trying to cure sister Frost’s disease. If any of you bother her, I won’t even need to tell you the consequences”

The skeleton spoke in a self-justified tone.

A gust of wind blew past.

Coincidentally, it was right as the skeleton turned around and was about to make his way forward again.

As the wind blew past, the skeleton’s bones rattled and collapsed to the ground.

Everyone waited.

But the pile of bones no longer moved.

It turns out that he was already dead.

The Heavenly Father spoke from above:

“The length of the bridge is also the effective range of the Sacred Chant Angel’s curse after she was sealed in this place”

“You must first think of a way to cross the bridge and arrive in front of her before you can talk to her and try to get her to laugh”

After saying so, the Heavenly Father picked up the second letter of entrustment and muttered: “Flying Spirit race, Racial King, Teng Ye”

A masculine man stepped out from the group.

He coldly scoffed: “Not even a little bit of brain, what good is just having a treasure?”

Saying so, his figure flashed and instantly crossed the entire bridge.

As soon as he landed, the group watched as his body was stripped to the bone, then crumbled into dust.

Only the, did his next words sounded in the air:

“Look, haven’t I already arrived?”


Some people gritted their teeth simply disappearing from within the crowd.

The Heavenly Father remained still and curtly declared: “Moving too quickly would cause the power of the curse to overlap, then explosively exert itself”

He picked up the third letter of entrustment and muttered: “Samsara Asura, Hou Duo Luo”

The third person stepped out.

This Asura called Hou Duo Luo carried all sorts of weapons on his back.

His expression became stern as he stepped onto the floating bridge.


The Asura uttered a loud battle cry, drew his weapons, and began to exert himself.

Both his power and skills had reached a certain peak, causing numerous powerful forces to descend and attach themselves to him.

These forces contained an air of vicissitudes, occasionally uttering some sort of chant which resounded from an age long passed.

Under the protection of these forces, the Asura walked across the floating bridge.

He succeeded!

Everyone was surprised.

The Asura soon made his way into the cathedral and arrived in front of the Sacred Chant Angel.

He desperately continued to perform his techniques and spoke: “O’ Sacred Chant Angel, please laugh”

The Sacred Chant Angel glanced at him and coldly asked: “Why should I laugh?”

Her voice was cold, but it was still chiming and clear as if emerging from a dream, the kind that one would never forget.

The Asura flew around the air of the cathedral, still performing his techniques non-stop as he replied: “Only by smiling would you be able to dispel your curse!”

The Sacred Chant Angel answered him with disappointment: “You do not understand, I cannot laugh by myself”

The Asura was sweating profusely, now unleashing some of his strongest techniques, but they simply disappeared as they reached the walls of the cathedral.

Taking the gap between his techniques, he used several curse-dispelling techniques on the Sacred Chant Angel.

They were the strongest dispelling techniques he knew.

But they were useless.

At the end of his rope, the Asura could only shout: “One last attempt, I will tell you a joke!”

The Sacred Chant Angel replied: “Speak”

The Asura spoke: “One day, after I finished training, I told a joke to my wife on our bed, but my wife didn’t laugh and instead stared at me nervously, can you guess why?”

The Sacred Chant Angel coldly replied: “A man’s voice was laughing under the bed”

The Asura froze and asked in his unwillingness to accept defeat: “How did you know?”

The Sacred Chant Angel tearfully said: “I’ve heard every joke, every one-shot gag, every skit in the infinite worlds, but no matter how funny a joke is, I could only know it by heart without being able to laugh, do you understand this suffering?”

The Asura trembled in shock, completely defeated.

“How is that possible, I’ve even learnt 300 jokes specifically for this, damn it!”

The group: “…”

Dead silence.

Gu Qing Shan saw the Heavenly Father in the sky also losing his balance a bit.

The Sacred Chant Angel was supposed to be the wielder of all holy arias, praised by the Heavenly Father to be one capable of using her words and voice to triumph against all adversaries, a pure and perfect Archangel of great power.

But now, for the sake of dispelling her curse, she had become the grand encyclopedia of skits and gags.

And then there was Reneedol, after obtaining a treasure from the Dusty World, even though she became unbelievably strong, she betrayed and killed the myriad Gods of the Inner Plane.

——is the Dusty World truly that terrifying?

Gu Qing Shan fell into thought.

In the cathedral, as the Asura lost his rhythm, there was a gap in his technique.

At the very next moment, he performed another technique but didn’t see any forces descending from above to protect him.

“Oh no!”

The Asura shouted.

His body was instantly turned to bones, then into dust, vanishing without a trace.

Failure meant death.

The Heavenly Father sighed, shook his head, then randomly picked up the next letter of entrustment.

“Next is—– hm?”

The Heavenly Father appeared surprised and muttered:

“…From the layer of clouds, mercenary of the Giant of Beginning, Gu Qing Shan”