Chapter 1074 - Reneedol

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1074: Reneedol

Four stone statues

They were extremely life-like.

The statue of the Earth Creator’s head seemed almost like it was actually mist, but on closer inspection, one would see that it was actually stone.

Other than the Earth Creator, there were also three other stone statues.

A monster with three heads hovering above lava;

A graceful soaring hawk with countless blades hovering around his body;

A jet-black giant who donned a deep blue crown of ice on his head;

It seemed like they were the other three Gods.

This was the first time that Gu Qing Shan had seen all four Pillar Gods of the void, so he was a bit in awe.

Sparks of starlight abruptly appeared on his body.

——–it was the pledge to the four Pillar Gods earlier!

Sensing this starlight, all four statues began to move.

The giant spoke up first: 「 All things and all living beings, regardless of who or what they are, must dispel the majority of their own power before entering the passage. This is to avoid power fluctuations being too great causing any undesirable consequences 」

The giant abruptly shouted: 「 Power of the soul, deprived! 」

The three-headed monster shouted: 「 Power of the body, deprived! 」

The Earth Creator shouted: 「 Power of the supernatural, deprived! 」

The snow-white hawk shouted: 「 Power of the mystic, deprived! 」

A small cluster of stars emanated endless light that enveloped Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan found himself becoming unprecedentedly weak.

Realizing what was going on, he quickly stowed the sleeping Heaven sword into his Inventory Bag.

A split second later, his spirit energy was completely gone.

He slowly lost his inhuman body strength.

His inner sight faded away.

He couldn’t help but glanced at the War God UI, only to see his Soul Points value being displayed as [0/600].

Not even Soul Points remained!

The giant then continued with its thunderous booming voice: 「 The secret passage is filled with danger, for the safety of living beings, we have bestowed mercy, allowing you to keep a single ability 」

Gu Qing Shan sensed a mystical technique imbued into his body.

This technique used telepathy to inform that he was allowed to keep one ability.

And the ‘ability’ mentioned here wasn’t any of the basic forms of power that the four Pillar Gods sealed away earlier, but rather a technique or spell that Gu Qing Shan was capable of performing.

Gu Qing Shan quickly pondered this.

——-under the circumstance where I’ve lost all power and need to enter an area with unknown dangers, which ability should I keep?

Even if I lost all of my powers.

I still have my sword.

Although powerful sword techniques that required spirit energy to perform couldn’t be used, with my experience and skill, there should be no issues fighting with a sword.

Under such a situation, what would I need?

——the Lightning Thaumaturgy, [Dreamjolt]!

This was a powerful subduing technique that can decide or turn the tide of a battle to the death!

Gu Qing Shan focused his mind.

Right away, arcs of light blue electricity appeared along his arm.

It was quite strange, while he was using [Dreamjolt], his spirit energy would be completely unhindered by anything.

But as soon as he attempted to use spirit energy for anything else, his spirit energy would immediately vanish.

He had truly been restricted to a single ability.

Gu Qing Shan sighed but felt no dejection.

After all, any amount of people who entered this place before he did would have lost all of their powers as well.

And a sword cultivator was one of the strongest Professions when it came to killing in close combat; under a situation where everyone had lost their power, a sword cultivator could still put up a considerable fight without using any spirit energy.

—–not to mention, I still have [Dreamjolt].

After the four statues deprived Gu Qing Shan’s power, they gradually became dim and returned to their motionless state.

Darkness slowly filled the area again.

All of a sudden, a whisper resounded from the giant’s statue:

「 I recognize it 」

He slowly moved and crouched down, staring seriously at Gu Qing Shan.

The snow-white hawk silently swooped down, his body shrunk before landing on Gu Qing Shan’s shoulder, also whispering: 「 I have also recognized it 」

The three-headed monster also flew out from the magma and hovered in front of Gu Qing Shan.

The three heads observed him at the same time before speaking in unison: 「 Indeed, I can also sense it 」

Gu Qing Shan was confused and asked: “What are you talking about?”

The Earth Creator turned into a cluster of grey mist and drifted around Gu Qing Shan’s body: 「 The Coin of the Earth—— you carry with you the Coin of the Earth, which means you are the Earth God! 」

The giant followed up: 「 There are no mistakes. As we did not recognize his identity earlier, it must mean that an old comrade of ours had given him a hand, becoming the protector of his secret 」

Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

He didn’t think that just the statues of the four Pillar Gods would be able to notice the Coin of the Earth in his possession and recognize his real identity.

He clearly recognized the attitude of the four statues changing.

They seriously observed Gu Qing Shan and discussed something among themselves.

「 We have predicted such a situation before 」

「 Indeed, in the case that something of such nature occurred, we have made the preparations 」

「 The reserve spells have not been used 」

「 As the successor of a Pillar God, he has the right to know everything 」

The giant with a crown abruptly declared: 「 Wind God, you perform the spell, I will tell him of the infinite worlds’ past 」

「 Hm 」

The snow-white hawk replied, abruptly took flight, and lightly pecked Gu Qing Shan’s forehead.

Gu Qing Shan felt his mind shivering in shock.

The world silently went away from him.

He found that the four statues, as well as the passage and the seawater below rapidly flowing away like grains of sand, while he remained within a scene of primal chaos.

Within the howling sound of wind the giant’s hearty voice resounded: 「 The Pearl of Infinite Worlds, Master of the Star River, Blessed One of the Inner Plane, Grand Empress of the Pantheon, Reneedol 」

A world abruptly unfurrowed itself in front of Gu Qing Shan’s vision.

Gu Qing Shan now found himself standing in the middle of an extremely gorgeous and luxurious palace.

And a woman of extreme beauty sat across him on the throne.

Countless stars existed behind her, constantly being born as well as destroyed.

Countless Deities was kneeling beneath her throne.

Gu Qing Shan looked around and abruptly saw Boss.

Boss was wearing a set of armor made from pure light, exuding the power of infinite Origin as he wielded a long spear and stood behind the woman.

Boss walked in front of the woman, respectfully bowed to her, then stood up and headed into the sky under everyone’s intentional gazes.

The giant’s thunderous voice continued: 「 The Abyssal King was the strongest of the Deities, the master of the Inner Plane, a friend of the void, temporal, and mysticism monsters. He vowed to protect Reneedol and helped her ascend the throne, while he headed into the Eternal Abyss and became responsible for ensuring that the Inner Plane would never undergo any corruption from the void 」

「 The Abyssal King fought by our side, going against hundreds and thousands of Apocalypses, allowing the Inner Plane and the void to enjoy its peace and prosperity 」

Countless battles of Deific proportions flashed by Gu Qing Shan’s eyes, enough to make him feel dizzy.

「 Such a life continued for 3000 years 」

The flashing scenes stopped.

Gu Qing Shan now found himself standing on the very verge of the Eternal Abyss.

Boss pointed below the Abyss, slowly informing the Grand Empress something.

He had the gentlest look in his eyes.

Gu Qing Shan saw the four Pillar Gods standing in the void, as well as numerous powerful monsters and even unknown entities.

He saw someone he was familiar with as well.

The manipulator of time, the Undying Sand, Fusi.

These unimaginably powerful entities were all earnestly listening to Boss’ explanation of something.

And then, these entities followed behind Boss to head below the Abyss.

——-it was the same route that Gu Qing Shan took.

The scene changed again.

Within a silent secret room, Boss held a cluster of stars in his hands as he presented it to the Grand Empress, Reneedol.

The giant’s voice resounded once more:

「 The Lord of Infinite Origin, Greatest Above the Star Crown discovered the secret of the Dusty World 」

「 He risked himself to traverse the secret passage, returning with an artifact from the Dusty World 」

「 With this artifact alone, Reneedol would become the most powerful entity within the infinite worlds 」

「 After that…」

「 She betrayed everyone 」


A thunderous boom.

The scene of the Inner Plane’s destruction unfolded in front of Gu Qing Shan’s eyes.

The stars fell like rain, the earth trembled without end.

At the moment of all creatures’ extinction, countless screams and cries resounded in his ears, lingering without end.

Even though he had already seen this once before, Gu Qing Shan was still unable to help himself feeling shocked.

The majority of the powerful Deities he saw before were now dead, their corpses drifting through the space vortex without a destination to end on.

Gu Qing Shan saw the fully armored Boss who just exerted himself to save seven Deities as well as their palaces from the Inner Plane. Just as he was about to do something else, he saw Reneedol appearing in front of him.

“Reneedol! Quickly, run!” Boss quickly came forward to take her hand.

Reneedol reached her hand forward.

A cluster of star flames appeared in her hand, manifesting into a blade that pierced through Boss’ body.

The flames of the stars expanded to engulf Boss’ body.

“Ah… Why… did…” Boss struggled to speak.

Reneedol didn’t say a single word, but simply pulled her blade back to stab Boss’ chest again.

Boss’ body was gradually swallowed by the star flames, slowly losing his vitality, but continued to stare at Reneedol without averting his gaze.

Reneedol lightly pushed his shoulder.

Boss fell into the Eternal Abyss and finally vanished.

Reneedol wielded her blade and reached her hand into the void to grab something else.

A mass of brightly burning flames was completely extinguished in her palm.

「 Noooooo——— 」

A desperate scream resounded from within the flames.

Reneedol remained motionless as she began to chant a mystical incantation that resounded across the entire void.

The giant’s voice continued resounding in Gu Qing Shan’s ears:

「 In front of everyone, she killed the Pillar God of Fire, then used the ten thousand souls of deceased Deities as a sacrifice to perform a curse 」

The scene moved towards the vast ocean beneath the Abyss.

Gigantic black figures appeared—– the same figures that Gu Qing Shan sensed earlier within the seawater as he broke through the wall below the passage.

However, these figures were tens of thousand times stronger than the figures that he sensed!

The black figures filled the entire ocean until they reached the wall, standing guard as they howled with resounding fury.

「 They are the Consuming Ghosts of Primal Chaos, unbeatable and unkillable monsters with the ability to return all things and all entities to nothingness. As they received the souls of ten thousand Deities, they formed a covenant with Reneedol, sealing the passage to the Dusty world for her with a duration of a hundred million years 」the giant continued narrating.

「 From this point onwards, no one else could reach the secret of the Dusty World 」

The scene ended here.

The scenery around him turned to sand and was swept away by the void.

「 Now, the sands of time have washed away the relics of the past, the hundred-million-year curse gradually undoing itself 」

「 But the powerful allies of the past have already perished or scattered within the infinite worlds’ Apocalypse 」

「 While those hidden in the shadow who covet the power of the Dusty World have regained activity, readying themselves to strike 」

The sand completely scattered away.

Gu Qing Shan found himself returned to the middle of the four statues.

The snow-white hawk’s voice resounded:

「 The ashes of time have buried the truth of the past, but could not change it 」

「 New Earth God, you must travel through the secret passage and reach the Dusty World in search of the reason why Reneedol betrayed the Gods 」

「 But before that, we hope that you will be able to do a certain thing 」

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but ask: “What is it?”

The four statues of the Pillar Gods silently stared at him.

And the giant uttered a single word: “Survive”