The Second Coming of Gluttony
  • Autor
    Ro Yu-jin로유진
  • Nomes Alternativos
    SCOG The Second Coming of Avarice TSCOG 탐식의 재림
  • Origem
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The Second Coming of Gluttony


He was an addict, a loser, a despicable human being.

But, one fleeting dream that may not have been a dream at all reawakens his once-lost senses.

Possessing a very unique ability, he would use that, and the dream, to forge his path in the world now known as the Lost Paradise.


“The son of god Gula has returned.”

I was lost in the world of gambling.

I turned my back on my family and even betrayed my lover.

I wasted every day of my life.

It wa... Leia mais >>

Últimos Capítulos Lançados

  1. Afterword

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás
  2. Side Story 60. Epilogue 2

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás
  3. Side Story 59. Epilogue 1

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás
  4. Side Story 58. And That’s Where the Pantyhose Comes In 2

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás
  5. Side Story 57. And That’s Where the Pantyhose Comes In 1

    8 months, 3 weeks atrás

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