The Devilish Immortal
  • Autor
    Liang Bu Fan
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The Devilish Immortal


Lyu Liang was an ordinary young man who was supposed to live a mortal life with his father in a small village. However, a wonderful opportunity led him into the Virtual Land where he learned about his unusual origin and started his dual cultivation journey—to be a Devilish Immortal. There were six races in this world: immortals, humans, devils, demons, ghosts, and spirits. Lyu Liang had access to any of those realms. Whether he would be a great Devilish Immortal was not up to his race,... Leia mais >>

Últimos Capítulos Lançados

  1. Chapter 370 - An Authorized Patrol

    1 year atrás
  2. Chapter 369 - Test

    1 year atrás
  3. Chapter 368 - The Strongest Defense

    1 year atrás
  4. Chapter 367 - Qiangu's Persistence

    1 year atrás
  5. Chapter 366 - Friendship

    1 year atrás

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